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  • #16
    Originally posted by myuserid View Post
    Maybe God sent that kid to your door because you were just the right person to help.

    Good job.
    You took the words right out of my... Uh... Keyboard, I guess.


    • #17
      Well, I get what Mav was saying. Statistically, the odds are against you getting hurt in these situations. Even in crime-ridden locations the statistics are still usually with you. But we tend to jump to the worst-case scenario. But why bother with that? You could be killed while ordering hash browns at the local McDonalds.

      I probably would've done the same as Doom. Actually, I tend to not think these things through, so I probably would've done something really dumb and let him in (which cops would probably advise against). The kid didn't show a weapon or anything (I assume Doom would've told us), so I don't think you took too much of a chance. We get to cautious in these situations and we miss the opportunities to help. Good for you for not doing that Doom. As far as deeper meaning, if you think it's a life-changing event, then start thinking about you want to change. I know a guy who works a crisis hotline. Your experiences might make you a perfect candidate for that and it removes the danger of face-to-face confrontation. It's not for everyone (I hate phones myself), but maybe there's something else for you.


      • #18
        As a great philosopher once said, "Things just happen, What The Hell?"


        • #19
          Originally posted by Tazer View Post

          so, U see the kid is shivering *yet* ya only tried to warm'im up AFTER the cops showed up??

          bad form there comrade.........SHAME ON YOU!!!
          *shakes finger

          If you had shaped your remark as a respectable question, I would have been happy to explain the sequence of events that only allowed me to give the jacket to him after the cops showed up. Instead, you pass judgement on me, not even being there. You chose ignorance over common respect and courtesy; therefore, I owe you nothing in explaining my actions.


          • #20
            He said it in a joking manner, as did I with my post.

            You did a good thing man, no need to take offense.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Robinson View Post
              He said it in a joking manner, as did I with my post.

              You did a good thing man, no need to take offense.
              I'm totally cool with you, which is why I joked back with you and used the smiley face, then explained what I was really looking for. No offense was taken regarding your joke. And I kinda laughed last night when I saw it.

              The jacket remark just bothers me because from the second I saw the kid at my doorstep, I wanted to get him a jacket as well as one for myself. I had nothing but sympathy and compassion for the kid, having been in the same exact spot 4 years earlier. Yup, I admit my fears during the whole thing, but as any Green Lantern would know, it's about overcoming your own fears that makes you who you are. I thought about it last night after going to bed.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Doom View Post
                If you had shaped your remark as a respectable question, I would have been happy to explain the sequence of events that only allowed me to give the jacket to him after the cops showed up. Instead, you pass judgement on me, not even being there. You chose ignorance over common respect and courtesy; therefore, I owe you nothing in explaining my actions.
                Originally posted by Robinson View Post
                He said it in a joking manner, as did I with my post.

                You did a good thing man, no need to take offense.
                Originally posted by Doom View Post
                I'm totally cool with you, which is why I joked back with you and used the smiley face, then explained what I was really looking for. No offense was taken regarding your joke. And I kinda laughed last night when I saw it.

                The jacket remark just bothers me because from the second I saw the kid at my doorstep, I wanted to get him a jacket as well as one for myself. I had nothing but sympathy and compassion for the kid, having been in the same exact spot 4 years earlier. Yup, I admit my fears during the whole thing, but as any Green Lantern would know, it's about overcoming your own fears that makes you who you are. I thought about it last night after going to bed.
                so basically, I *shouldve* added the smiley...........or would U have taken it wrong then still??

                btw- yes, Im *still* joking with U (in case I needed to spell it out this time)


                edit - adding a just in case

                Originally posted by Andrew NDB
                Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.


                • #23
                  Exactly how old was this kid? Young teenager?

                  I give you mad props for helping the kid out. I don't know if I could have done the same. I live in the 2nd worse city in the nation when it comes to crime, so I would have probably thought that it was some kind of scheme to rob me or worse.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Tazer View Post
                    so basically, I *shouldve* added the smiley...........or would U have taken it wrong then still??
                    btw- yes, Im *still* joking with U (in case I needed to spell it out this time)


                    edit - adding a just in case
                    From my point of view, that didn't sound or look like a joke, but then I have enough balls to admit that I am wrong. I'm looking at the comment again, and I just don't see where the humor is in it. So I take you on your word that you are joking, and the matter is settled.

                    When the kid first showed up, he was wearing nothing but a sweatshirt, jeans, and sneakers. I was in my pajamas and slippers like any old curmudgeon would be at that time of the night. I opened the door, asked him what's up, and from that moment on I was outside, door shut behind me, and on the cell phone with the police (which I just happened to have in my hand because I was texting someone), and I stayed right on the phone until they arrived at my doorstep. Rule #1 of people contemplating suicide: NEVER take your eyes off them. I *wanted* to get the kid a jacket because he was shaking and freezing and crying, but I couldn't leave him because I was acting as an intermediary getting information from him and giving it to the cops over the phone. And God forbid, he do something to himself right in front of me, I would have had to act quickly.
                    So, as soon as the cops showed up in my driveway, I hung up the phone, walked with the kid to meet the police, and they took him in a heated ambulance right away. I actually argued with one of the cops to give him the jacket; and they finally gave it to him.
                    The kid told me he had been on the streets for 3 hours, and let me tell you, it was goddamn cold last night. I don't know how he survived walking in that weather with just a sweatshirt. All I can say was I did the best I could at the time; in a situation like this, you just act and think later for his best interest.

                    Originally posted by sylent_asassin View Post
                    Exactly how old was this kid? Young teenager?

                    I give you mad props for helping the kid out. I don't know if I could have done the same. I live in the 2nd worse city in the nation when it comes to crime, so I would have probably thought that it was some kind of scheme to rob me or worse.
                    The kid was 16 years old. At first, I thought he was around my age because he could have easily passed for a 20 year old or later. I do totally understand where you are coming from, though. As I was on the phone with the cops, they had me asking him questions like "are you on drugs?", "do you have a weapon on you?", "what's his full name", and so on. I would ask the kid the question, then give it back to the cops. They kept him engaged until they could get to my house, which is out in the sticks of Massachusetts.

                    Biggest thing we have in our town is a Dunkin Donuts. Seriously. Until a few years ago, I never bothered locking my car in the driveway. There was utterly no reason for it because crime just didn't happen in our quaint little town. Times have changed for the worse, I think.

                    When I got up this morning, I had an appointment with my doctor, and I told him about what happened last night and how I thought about stopping by the police station in my town to check up on him, but my doctor said that would have been a violation of HIPAA, so I figured I will leave well enough alone. There's so much I want to say to the kid to steer him away from the edge; all the stuff they told me 4 years ago which did in fact work. I just want him to be well.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Doom View Post
                      ...Biggest thing we have in our town is a Dunkin Donuts. Seriously. Until a few years ago, I never bothered locking my car in the driveway. There was utterly no reason for it because crime just didn't happen in our quaint little town. Times have changed for the worse, I think...
                      Yeah, unfortunately that doesn't seem to matter. You could live in the new Mayberry and freak acts of violence happen. My family used to vacation in this quaint little town in Maine that had next to know crime but one day some guy there snapped, beheaded his mother and killed himself.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Doom View Post
                        The strangest thing just happened at my house.

                        I went out for a smoke, came back in and grabbed a movie to watch on the big screen in the livingroom, and I see this kid walking up to my front door. I was home by myself, so with all this shit going on in the world, people killing each other, I'm a little scared.
                        I open the door slightly and say "what's up buddy? what can I do for you?"

                        He says "please call an ambulance. I'm very suicidal and about to kill myself."

                        What the fuck do you do? I had my cell on me, in my pajamas, so I call 911 while standing outside with this kid. While the cops are trying to get their shit together, they ask me his name, where I live, yadda yadda, and my head is going a million miles an hour. All the fear thoughts are coming through, like "is this kid gonna jump me? does he have a friend around the back ready to break into the house? will you fucking police just get your ass over here NOW!" Meanwhile the kid is crying his face off and we are both shivering because it's like 2 degrees outside. I'm being totally honest: I was about to start telling him about my own experience with suicide, but I didn't. When you are in that state, the last thing you want to hear is someone else's problems.
                        The cops finally show up, and get the kid in an ambulance. From the minute I saw him, I knew he must be shivering and freezing, so I took a really nice jacket I had and walked up to the ambulance to give it to him. The cops came back in my house briefly, took my license # (really? REALLY! wtf) asked me if I knew him, and I didn't. He was a kid on the run from Plainville, a town 10 miles away from me. The only thing he said was that he was tired of being bullied.

                        Knowing myself and what I've been through, I'm looking for a deeper meaning to this. I know I did right and helped him as much as I could, but I feel as if God or whatever higher power exists is trying to tell me something. I just can't figure it out.

                        Of course, the topper to all this is that, an hour later, my dad and aunt show up, I tell them what happened, and my dad chastises me for helping the kid because "people are screwed up today. He could have blown your head off. Why the hell did you open the door?" Thanks, dad. Fucking thanks.
                        Sounds like one fucking crazy night.

                        What puzzles me is that he's suicidal, then he wants someone to call 911. WTF?
                        Originally posted by IonFan
                        (even if the ear sucking helped get me off faster)
                        Originally posted by Big Daddy Caesar
                        If I had things like the internet and a laptop as a kid, I never would have left my room as a teenager.
                        Originally posted by Quaker
                        I am the Geoff Johns of the GLCMB.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Deadpool View Post
                          Sounds like one fucking crazy night.

                          What puzzles me is that he's suicidal, then he wants someone to call 911. WTF?
                          I think I can explain that in some way- see, when I was at my absolute lowest, worst possible situation where I started heading for my dad's gun closet, something inside of me just said "this is wrong. don't do it." So I had that common sense thought fighting against the urge to blow my fucking brains out, and then something just clicked...somewhere inside of me, I just knew that suicide was not the answer and that I needed major major help. So, I called my dad sobbing on the phone that I just wanted it to end but that I know I shouldn't do anything rash, and he told me to hold up because he was on his way home. I told him to take me to the ER. That action in itself was the first step right there.

                          I think that is where this kid is at right now. He probably feels worthless, devoid of life, just an empty carcass that is unloved, but somewhere deep inside of him, he knows that is not true.

                          When I lived in FL last year, my brother in law said probably the greatest thing to me I ever heard regarding suicide- "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem."


                          • #28
                            Yeah, you have a point there. It's natural for the human body to have an urge to live no matter what, which probably causes some sort of "paradox" type thing where you want nothing more but to end it all, but you just can't bring yourself too.
                            Originally posted by IonFan
                            (even if the ear sucking helped get me off faster)
                            Originally posted by Big Daddy Caesar
                            If I had things like the internet and a laptop as a kid, I never would have left my room as a teenager.
                            Originally posted by Quaker
                            I am the Geoff Johns of the GLCMB.

