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Green Lantern Corps #47 review (by FrEaKjOkErXXX)

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  • Green Lantern Corps #47 review (by FrEaKjOkErXXX)

    Green Lantern Corps #47

    Published April 28th, 2010
    Writer : Peter J. Tomasi
    Penciller : Patrick Gleason
    Inkers : Rebecca Buchman, Keith Champagne, & Tom Nguyen
    Cover : Patrick Gleason, Rebecca Buchman, Randy Mayor

    Review by FrEaKjOkErXXX

    Tomasi and Gleason leave the book with a big bang!

    Over the past couple years, Green Lantern Corp has been my favorite GL related book coming off the rack and all came from Tomasi and Gleason’s great work on the series. It saddens me that they have given us their final farewell and are now moving onto bigger (wouldn’t say better yet) projects. Even though I am sad, I can’t help but feel excitement for Tomasi’s Emerald Warriors and Gleason’s upcoming Brightest Day work and I hope that the two return to the Green Lantern Universe to deliver more interesting stories. Now onto the review…

    I can honestly say I haven’t experienced a finale (of sorts) to a comic run this much in a very, very long time. The issue starts with the main cast of characters that have graced the pages of this comic for the past three years lighting up the recently rebuilt Main Central Battery. The Lanterns then travel to Mogo where a new memorial for the fallen Green Lanterns is going up. Salaak lifts the moratorium on the power rings that he placed many months ago and the power rings head into space to find their new hosts. We next see Kyle and Natu talking over the buried remains for Kyle’s mural to the Corp as Natu tells Kyle he is important to the Corp and to her. Elsewhere, Kilowog resigns from being the drill instructor so he can focus on being a Lantern again. Salaak disagrees but comes around when Lantern Stel is picked by Kilowog to be the new drill instructor. Vath wakes up in the hospital ward to see a pair of Thanagarian legs where his own used to be. Isamot gave his legs to Vath so he could walk again. Isamot says that him and Natu found out that he could re-grow his legs. Vath doesn’t like it at first but settles down when Iolande shows up to cool the situation. Back at the Citadel, Kyle, Guy and Arisia barge into the Guardians temple were they confront them about their handling of the Blackest Night and the ridiculous third law that prevents them from sharing love with another member of the GLC. Arisia punches one of the Guardians for Sodam as Kyle explains that emotions won the battle against Nekron and to deny the Lanterns their emotions will only ignite another rift in the Corp. The trio leaves as Salaak basically announces that he won’t remain the Guardians whipping boy. The Guardians decide to lift the third law as Guy freaks out about Warriors Bar being destroyed. Everyone seems happy about the third law being erased as Guy and Kyle toast to a new day.

    This is was fantastic. Tomasi was on top of his game with this issue as all of the characters seemed spot on and each character was left on a satisfying yet still interesting path for future stories. Gleason did a great job as he sported some his strongest pencils yet. The inking seemed spot on as everything came together to form a satisfying ending to an amazing run and a good epilogue to a mediocre event (Blackest Night).
    Issue Highlights

    - The cover. An awesome tribute to the series first cover and an awesome cover in general.

    - The characters. NO Rainbow Lanterns. NO Black Lanterns. NO fututure threat. Just plain good old fashioned characters and their reactions to recent events. After months of endless danger, this read great.

    - Emerald Warriors teaser image. Still not completely sure what’s going to happen with this series but I’m more excited than ever.

    Like I said earlier, I will miss Tomasi and Gleason but what they have left behind them is an amazing series run full of great storylines. I hope that Tony Bedard and Ardian Syaf can capture the same magic that Tomasi and Gleason did and I look forward to seeing what they have in store for us and the characters.

  • #2
    Sounds great. Canīt wait to read it myself (stupid backwater european country)...

    Vath being clamed down by Iolande? Hmm, I still think those two might end up as a pair.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Orion Pax View Post
      Sounds great. Canīt wait to read it myself (stupid backwater european country)...

      Vath being clamed down by Iolande? Hmm, I still think those two might end up as a pair.
      bow chicka wah wah.


      • #4
        Good issue. Aside from the Guy/Kyle bromance it was great! im looking forward to EW and the next GLC


        • #5
          see this issue was one of the many reasons why I love Arisia :P about time some one did that to the damn stuck up Nomes


          • #6
            Salaak was the shit in the issue; best showing yet. Loved his little speech, I think after Arisia bopping one of the old farts, Salaak put it over the top.

            Good read!


            • #7
              I agree that Salaak rocked. I'm excited to see Kyle without Guy.
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              Formally known as TMarcumUSN (or "Marcus" freakin' Bruce Castle haha)

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