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The Wii U - Ultimate Console Thread

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  • #16
    And the one they want to be referring to just came out today.

    Follow The Nobodies Comic on Facebook or Twitter


    • #17
      Gee, I wonder if they might be fishing for reasons to tell the story they WANT to tell (WiiU's failure), rather than reporting what's actually happening.

      Not that I'm assuming they have anything against the WiiU in particular, just that news stories about somebody failing badly are more dramatic than ones about continued middling (not impressive, but not "DOOOM! The END is nigh!" level) sales.


      • #18
        Yeah, it definitely reeks of comment bait and page view fishing. Which is what most of the blogging world is about. Is the Wii U performing as well as Nintendo wanted it to in its first year? No. Do I particularly care? No. If Nintendo can keep coming out with games I want to play, that's all I care about. Along with any of the third parties brave enough to release exclusives. Like Wonderful 101, which I'm purchasing this weekend.

        As a pretty hardcore gamer since the late 80's, I've never understood the fanboyish nature as it pertains to consoles. It's a piece of electronic equipment, I could give two shits less about how it performs in comparison to its competition. If it can stay alive to provide gaming experiences I want to take in, that's all I care about. Being fanboys of actual games I understand, as they're pieces of art and arguing over them is like arguing over Batman vs. Superman. Not glossy paper vs. old standard paper.

        Follow The Nobodies Comic on Facebook or Twitter


        • #19
          I'll never understand why Nintendo doesn't fully capitalize off the success and popularity of Mario Kart; it seems there's only one MK game per console. As much as I critisize the kiddie games, if they developed and came out with a new MK game every other year (or even annually like the 2K sports games), I'd buy each one. It's one of the few games that never ceases to be fun. I bought the 3DS just for MK.


          • #20
            I don't know how such stuff works on the WiiU (or if it even can) but if the game was on the PC, I'd think they would, even if they didn't make a whole new game, keep making money off it by offering new tracks and/or racers as DLC.

            Not that I'm a fan of that model. I prefer to get the whole game when I buy a game, not have to deal with buying and downloading add-ons, but evidence suggests that plenty of people that AREN'T wierdos like me have no problem with that model.


            • #21
              I need a Wii U. One of you people needs to buy me one.
              The last fan of 1990s comics
              Read my Green Lantern blog The Indigo Tribe


              • #22
                Originally posted by Sylent_Asassin View Post
                I'll never understand why Nintendo doesn't fully capitalize off the success and popularity of Mario Kart; it seems there's only one MK game per console. As much as I critisize the kiddie games, if they developed and came out with a new MK game every other year (or even annually like the 2K sports games), I'd buy each one. It's one of the few games that never ceases to be fun. I bought the 3DS just for MK.
                Well, it's definitely coming...

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