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Grand Theft Auto V (PS3 + X-Box 360)

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  • Grand Theft Auto V (PS3 + X-Box 360)

    Since this game is one of the most highly anticipated releases I can remember, and it seems quite a few of us will be getting it (already got it), I"m making it it's own thread for the time being.

    Here we can also re-up our gamer tags to add whoever on the forum we haven't added yet.

    Currently waiting for it to load while I drink a beer. Skipping the gym tomorrow morning for sure, might be up a while tonight. Very much looking forward to checking it out though

    PS3 users add me: maverick_429
    Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

    "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman

  • #2
    So far, its pretty fucking hilarious. Lamar especially.


    • #3

      This game is already awesome, and I just started.

      Edit: and now I'm high as fuck...I can't believe they let you smoke weed in this. Amazing.
      Last edited by Maverick_GL; 09-18-2013, 03:56 AM.
      Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

      "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


      • #4
        Originally posted by Maverick_GL View Post
        This game is already awesome, and I just started.

        Edit: and now I'm high as fuck...I can't believe they let you smoke weed in this. Amazing.
        I spent 15 minutes getting Franklin high on the couch watching the animated political satire - IMPOTENT RAGE.

        XBL Tag - Uptown2007

        GTA Online launches in two weeks, so hopefully we'll all be caught up enough in the game to know what we're doing
        Pictionary Master
        Last edited by JohnnyV; 09-18-2013, 05:17 PM.

        Follow The Nobodies Comic on Facebook or Twitter


        • #5
          It took damn near 30 minutes for the game to load, but was well worth it when the game started. I kind of didn't get the whole bank robbery scene, unless it was to familarize you with the controls.

          The dialogue in the game is hilarious, although there are too many "N" bombs for my liking. All Blacks don't talk like that, so it annoys me a bit.

          I only did a couple of missions because I picked up the game late last night. I'll try to get some more playing time in tonight. So far, his mom seems like Smokey's mom from Friday. LOL.

          Some of the controls seem to have a slow response time, particularly when you use the rear view feature to see who/what is behind you.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Sylent_Asassin View Post
            It took damn near 30 minutes for the game to load, but was well worth it when the game started. I kind of didn't get the whole bank robbery scene, unless it was to familarize you with the controls.
            I think it acts as a prologue for the rest of the game. [SMALL SPOILERS]The premise of the game is that the three characters you control are trying to pull of heists to make more money. And two of the characters you control in the prologue, Michael and Trevor, will show up again as you progress in the game. And you control Franklin first to see how he ends up connecting with the other two.

            It looks as though Michael was able fake his death and Trevor was able to escape the cops. My question is - how was Michael able to fake his death? He was gunned down and the cops had the area surrounded, so I'm interested to see where that goes. My guess is they were working for someone higher up and he gave them up for a plea deal and he's now in the witness protection program. But that's just my guess.

            Originally posted by Sylent_Asassin View Post

            I only did a couple of missions because I picked up the game late last night. I'll try to get some more playing time in tonight. So far, his mom seems like Smokey's mom from Friday. LOL.
            Haha, good catch, I thought the same thing. I also thought the beginning of the game with the psychiatrist was a hat tip to The Sopranos. In fact, Michael's entire story so far, besides the prologue , reminds me of The Sopranos.
            Pictionary Master
            Last edited by JohnnyV; 09-18-2013, 05:25 PM.

            Follow The Nobodies Comic on Facebook or Twitter


            • #7
              i don't play this series but my xbl tag is havik612


              • #8
                I actually rented it today on Ps3. How the hell there was still a copy out there to rent I don't know. Hopefully I like it so I don't have to delete all this info it is so painstakingly adding to my Ps3. lol

                Sig made by Zander Yurami


                • #9

                  Originally posted by Scarecrow View Post
                  How the hell there was still a copy out there to rent I don't know.
                  Because everyone else bought it. I didn't even know you could rent games anymore.
                  Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

                  "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


                  • #10
                    Redbox/Blockbuster. lol

                    Sig made by Zander Yurami


                    • #11
                      I will save my $$$$ for Watchdogs, Arkaham Origins & Assasin's Creed IV

                      PS: d3v1lb0y8
                      Bring on CHAOS, bring on MY HAPPINESS, bring on rage ..Rage ..RAGE!!!

                      facebook: d3v1lb0y888 ...twitter: d3v1lb0y_8 ..instagram: d3v1lb0y


                      • #12

                        This game is fucking crazy. For a GTA game it is hyper-realistic. It's hard enough trying to beat down a couple people without getting killed, and don't even think about going after the cops early on, they waste you like nothing.

                        And then there's the fact that barely 2 hours into it, I've got the option to switch between two different characters. This is the sort of game you better set aside half a day to to make any real progress in.

                        It's almost overwhelming considering how past GTA games played, including RDR. This game wants your, your soul, and it's basically worth handing over since it's so in depth. I don't even know...

                        Edit: "real" tits in the strip bra/bikini/whatever. Wasn't expecting that. Is anything held back here? I hope not.
                        Last edited by Maverick_GL; 09-20-2013, 06:19 AM.
                        Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

                        "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Maverick_GL View Post
                          This game is fucking crazy. For a GTA game it is hyper-realistic. It's hard enough trying to beat down a couple people without getting killed, and don't even think about going after the cops early on, they waste you like nothing.

                          And then there's the fact that barely 2 hours into it, I've got the option to switch between two different characters. This is the sort of game you better set aside half a day to to make any real progress in.

                          It's almost overwhelming considering how past GTA games played, including RDR. This game wants your, your soul, and it's basically worth handing over since it's so in depth. I don't even know...

                          Edit: "real" tits in the strip bra/bikini/whatever. Wasn't expecting that. Is anything held back here? I hope not.
                          So far, I concur that it's definitely overwhelming. Which I like. One thing they've done, which is a first in GTA if I'm not mistaken, is that the entire map is opened up to you at the very beginning. Fucking love it!

                          Spent a good couple of hours just exploring the area. Here's a story that shows the awesomeness of the game. So I took my jeep up this high cliff, just to see how far I could push it. I get to the top and start shooting wolves, and trying to hit birds. Hitting the birds will really help your aiming So I get done with that and drive my jeep down the other side of the mountain, towards the water. Unfortunately, I misread the cliff and it ended up being too sharp for me to navigate. So I go careening into the water. I look around and I'm surrounded by nothing but wilderness. No cars, people, or anything. I felt stranded. So I start swimming around, and GTAV's map is big enough to where if you get stuck int he middle of nowhere, it'll take awhile before you reach civilization again, if you have no wheels.

                          Luckily, there was a guy fishing off his yacht, not very far from where I was stranded. So I kicked his ass off the boat and go sailing, and the sailing mechanics and physics are fucking awesome. You have to catch the wind just right if you want to actually go anywhere, and I ended up losing 20-30 minutes just sailing around Los Santos.

                          So that was a good hour of my time, doing nothing more than getting lost in the wilderness and jacking a yacht and sailing it around. Had a blast.

                          Now if only TAZER would get off his high PC horse and get it for the 360, we could do this shit together.
                          Pictionary Master
                          Last edited by JohnnyV; 09-20-2013, 12:03 PM.

                          Follow The Nobodies Comic on Facebook or Twitter


                          • #14
                            And the A.I. is great too. Lamar almost got hit by a car, so he walked to the other side to get in, but then the car moved from in front of his door and he walked back over to the passenger side. Its just god stuff. You can see they spent all that budget money wisely.

                            I just started playing with my 3rd character but aside from his first scene I'm not really enjoying his missions.


                            • #15
                              Something else they added that I really like is Franklin's driving ability and how they integrated that concept when you're changing radio stations. Slowing time down so you don't go out of control at important times.

                              Follow The Nobodies Comic on Facebook or Twitter

