Originally posted by Iggy
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Star Fox Adventures has an 80.23% review ranking. SFA sold over 200,000 copies in Japan following its release, and was the fastest-selling GameCube game at the time That's despite it being a drastically different game than Star Fox 64. Like Purple said, the only bad thing about SFA was that Nintendo decided to "innovate" instead of taking what works and making it better. Metroid: Other M has a 79% review ranking. It definitely wasn't a great story, but guess what...it wasn't anything close to a bomb critically. I'll attest to Other failing in the sales dept because I didn't even know it existed until years later.
So I don't know how the hell you even bothered with bringing up what critics say. You wanna go look up what critics have to say about Pokemon every year? SAME SHIT. NEW POKEMON.