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The Walking Thread (Walking Dead TV Thread)

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  • Originally posted by Keyser Soze View Post

    It's a different entity, though. I think if more of the fans didn't view it as soaring or falling based on how closely it sticks to the rigid framework of the comic, and instead judged it on its own merits and how well it captures the themes and the spirit of the source material, then they'd recognise how successful it has been.
    But why bother changing something that's weaved such a great story? What about what's been shown on the TV series makes it so great that it trumped the plot development of the comic? And what about this television series makes its plot so much of a better fit for the medium than the story that was told in the comic?

    And after the appearance of the CDC, I'd say the spirit of the source material has gone out the window. For the first parts of the story anyway. Hell, one of the major parts of the overall feeling of the first chapter was that of isolation and that nothing else was left. And the end of the chapter even more so provided this feeling, with the twist ending especially. Which sadly looks like isn't going to happen.

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    • Originally posted by Lantern A-train View Post
      QFT x10

      Agreed dude. I also enjoyed everyone of your reviews. They were pretty much spot on for how I felt.
      Thanks for reading!


      • Originally posted by JohnnyV View Post
        But why bother changing something that's weaved such a great story? What about what's been shown on the TV series makes it so great that it trumped the plot development of the comic? And what about this television series makes its plot so much of a better fit for the medium than the story that was told in the comic?

        And after the appearance of the CDC, I'd say the spirit of the source material has gone out the window. For the first parts of the story anyway. Hell, one of the major parts of the overall feeling of the first chapter was that of isolation and that nothing else was left. And the end of the chapter even more so provided this feeling, with the twist ending especially. Which sadly looks like isn't going to happen.
        So then be better at erasing from your mind that this is in conjucntion with the comics. Regardless of title its not hard at all. Queen of the Damned was a terrible book to movive adaptation but I enojy the movie as a vampire filmd and just forget that it took its story etc from another medium. No shows movies etc follow their source material 100 percent and they never will.
        I LOVE conspiracy theorists. They are like human versions of the cymbal clapping, dancing monkeys. No one takes them all that seriously and they get bored with them after about 10 minutes.


        • Originally posted by Lantern A-train View Post
          So then be better at erasing from your mind that this is in conjucntion with the comics.
          I refuse to. The reason this show even came into fruition at all is because of how amazing the comic was. So why bother changing something that was so amazing in the first place?

          But you all won't have to deal with me after this next episode more than likely, because I'll stop watching the show.

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          • Originally posted by JohnnyV View Post
            But why bother changing something that's weaved such a great story? What about what's been shown on the TV series makes it so great that it trumped the plot development of the comic? And what about this television series makes its plot so much of a better fit for the medium than the story that was told in the comic?
            Why bother watching a TV show that just follows the comic frame-for-frame, though? That would surely be very boring for us, thinking "Right, that's happened and that's happened, so now this happens then that will happen in 2 episodes, and THAT will happen in 3 episodes." I like the idea that the key beats of the story will be touched on as we journey on, but we'll take detours on the path and go in some different directions to still keep us on our toes, while always eventually returning to the path.

            And after the appearance of the CDC, I'd say the spirit of the source material has gone out the window. For the first parts of the story anyway. Hell, one of the major parts of the overall feeling of the first chapter was that of isolation and that nothing else was left. And the end of the chapter even more so provided this feeling, with the twist ending especially. Which sadly looks like isn't going to happen.
            I've seen a few people take this stance:

            "Oh no, now that we've seen the CDC, we're going to find out everything that caused the zombie outbreak and the entire history is going to be laid out and they're going to find a cure and there'll be no mystery anymore."

            Quite the opposite, I'd say. We're first introduced to Dr. Jenner as a delusional madman toiling away in despair in an abandoned CDC. My guess is that this stop-off at the CDC won't even last to the end of the next episode, and is only there for the season to end on the grim note that there IS no cure, and no explanation available, not even from the CDC - where you'd think there would be answers to find, if anywhere. And though I'm not sure, I'm guessing that the group will escape from the CDC by about three quarters of the way through the episode, and that we'll have time to reach THAT twist ending by season's end.


            • Originally posted by Keyser Soze View Post
              Why bother watching a TV show that just follows the comic frame-for-frame, though? That would surely be very boring for us, thinking "Right, that's happened and that's happened, so now this happens then that will happen in 2 episodes, and THAT will happen in 3 episodes." I like the idea that the key beats of the story will be touched on as we journey on, but we'll take detours on the path and go in some different directions to still keep us on our toes, while always eventually returning to the path.
              Which again goes back to my point of just calling it something else. I'd say we're long gone from even having a path at this point. Considering everything that's happened and how many characters are represented differently, especially my favorite character

              Originally posted by Keyser Soze View Post
              I've seen a few people take this stance:

              "Oh no, now that we've seen the CDC, we're going to find out everything that caused the zombie outbreak and the entire history is going to be laid out and they're going to find a cure and there'll be no mystery anymore."

              Quite the opposite, I'd say. We're first introduced to Dr. Jenner as a delusional madman toiling away in despair in an abandoned CDC. My guess is that this stop-off at the CDC won't even last to the end of the next episode, and is only there for the season to end on the grim note that there IS no cure, and no explanation available, not even from the CDC - where you'd think there would be answers to find, if anywhere. And though I'm not sure, I'm guessing that the group will escape from the CDC by about three quarters of the way through the episode, and that we'll have time to reach THAT twist ending by season's end.
              We shall see. That's why I said I'm giving it one more episode. Even though with the twist ending if it's provided, isn't enough to shake away some of the elements I haven't enjoyed so far. But you never know.

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              • I may not be as harsh on the show as Johnny, but overall I do agree with what he's saying. The comic just works, and fundamentally changing what the comic is about comes across like a slap in the face. However, I do view the show and comic as separate entities like Keyser does, but it feels weird when the show promoted itself so heavily because of the comic.


                • Originally posted by JohnnyV View Post
                  Which again goes back to my point of just calling it something else. I'd say we're long gone from even having a path at this point. Considering everything that's happened and how many characters are represented differently, especially my favorite character
                  I don't think we're quite ready for the "CINO" comparisons just yet. It's still very much The Walking Dead, doing a great job at bringing most of the characters to life and capturing what has made the comics so popular. Arguing that it should have a different name and not be called The Walking Dead anymore at this stage is like arguing the Lord of the Rings movies lost the right to be called The Lord of the Rings when they failed to include Tom Bombadil.


                  • Yo.

                    Originally posted by JohnnyV View Post
                    I'm not elitist, I'm right ...
                    Im sorry, yur right W.West........I dont know *wat* I was thinkin'.


                    Originally posted by Andrew NDB
                    Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.


                    • Originally posted by Keyser Soze View Post
                      I don't think we're quite ready for the "CINO" comparisons just yet. It's still very much The Walking Dead, doing a great job at bringing most of the characters to life and capturing what has made the comics so popular. Arguing that it should have a different name and not be called The Walking Dead anymore at this stage is like arguing the Lord of the Rings movies lost the right to be called The Lord of the Rings when they failed to include Tom Bombadil.
                      Not necessarily. The characterizations for many of the characters are much different than in the comic. Not that certain characters have been left out. Andrea is by far the biggest example, and who I've been most disappointed with. Even though Laurie Holden is doing a great job portraying "a character", she isn't Andrea. At least not the Andrea I grew to love throughout the comic, and had so much more of an interesting development than what's happened on the show so far.

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                      • Originally posted by JohnnyV View Post
                        Not necessarily. The characterizations for many of the characters are much different than in the comic. Not that certain characters have been left out. Andrea is by far the biggest example, and who I've been most disappointed with. Even though Laurie Holden is doing a great job portraying "a character", she isn't Andrea. At least not the Andrea I grew to love throughout the comic, and had so much more of an interesting development than what's happened on the show so far.
                        I disagree. To me it seems the most jarring, unforgivable change made to Andrea that has rankled some of the fanbase is that instead of being a hot woman in her mid 20s she's now a hot woman in her late 30s. And I actually like what Laurie Holden is doing in the TV show right now more than what Andrea was doing at this stage in the comic.

                        In the comic, Andrea was a blank slate until her relationship with Dale began, and even then didn't truly begin to strike out on her own as a great character until they reached the prison. But in the TV show, they actually took the time to develop and explore the relationship between Amy and Andrea, while also building Andrea individually and what set her apart from her sister, even before Amy's death, and then with Amy's death really gave Andrea some dramatic material to work with that told us even more about her character.


                        • Originally posted by Keyser Soze View Post
                          I disagree. To me it seems the most jarring, unforgivable change made to Andrea that has rankled some of the fanbase is that instead of being a hot woman in her mid 20s she's now a hot woman in her late 30s. And I actually like what Laurie Holden is doing in the TV show right now more than what Andrea was doing at this stage in the comic.
                          But that's what made her so great. She was such an out of nowhere character. And she started out as whiny, couldn't do anything insignificant. [spoiler]And then through development and her relationship with Dale, she became who she is. Now, she's just a badass who knows how to fish and her younger sister who she never knew died. But I guess the Dale relationship could still happen.[/spoiler]

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                          • Originally posted by JohnnyV View Post
                            But that's what made her so great. She was such an out of nowhere character. And she started out as whiny, couldn't do anything insignificant. [spoiler]And then through development and her relationship with Dale, she became who she is. Now, she's just a badass who knows how to fish and her younger sister who she never knew died. But I guess the Dale relationship could still happen.[/spoiler]
                            They're definitely setting the stage for the Dale relationship. And they're also setting the stage for the character to go through lots of changes. In episode 2 she is the meek civilian who feels guilty about taking a necklace from the gift shop in case it is considered "looting". Seeing her turn into a badass sniper will be a major transformation not too dissimilar from the evolution in the comics.


                            • Originally posted by Keyser Soze View Post
                              They're definitely setting the stage for the Dale relationship. And they're also setting the stage for the character to go through lots of changes. In episode 2 she is the meek civilian who feels guilty about taking a necklace from the gift shop in case it is considered "looting". Seeing her turn into a badass sniper will be a major transformation not too dissimilar from the evolution in the comics.
                              That's a bit of a stretch. I wouldn't say she was meek, she was the first one to call out Rick before anyone else thought to. And plus, if she was actually the Andrea from the comics she wouldn't have been there in the first place. She would have been lazing around the camper.

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                              • Originally posted by JohnnyV View Post
                                That's a bit of a stretch. I wouldn't say she was meek, she was the first one to call out Rick before anyone else thought to. And plus, if she was actually the Andrea from the comics she wouldn't have been there in the first place. She would have been lazing around the camper.
                                That's really only based around where she happened to be drawn in group shots in the early issues. She wasn't featured enough as a character back then for her lazing about to actually be a major feature in her characterisation. If the big, source-deviating problem with Andrea is that they made her compelling and likeable too early, then I'd say that's a good problem to have.

