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The Star Wars Thread

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  • Originally posted by Jeff View Post
    I have to remember to use that sometime. Good one!


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      • Originally posted by Fearless View Post
        how fucked up would it be if this was greedo who shot first in that particular image?
        .................................................. ..........................

        Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


        • We Now Know Some Of The Plot Before Star Wars: The Force Awakens

          IonFan says

          MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


          • And now the pieces are finally starting to fill in. They can't keep this stuff secret much longer.


            • I don't mind the few spoilers that come from seeing set photos and such, but I don't think I'll be clicking on links like that.


              • I wish I could just advance read the opening crawl...and then stop right there knowing nothing else.

                That reminds me how much I liked the way Pacific Rim handled it's trailers. The trailer was more or less filling the audience in on what led UP to the movie, and the movie itself was the story that took place after that. Almost a prologue. That idea is very cool to me and would like to see more of that in films.


                • I'm not sure how many of you are hip to the whole "Shia Inspirational" meme, but I found this hilarious:

                  (Some NSFW language therein)

                  + YouTube Video
                  ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.



                    They are going to milk the franchise dry.


                    • Originally posted by Hypo View Post
                      They are going to milk the franchise dry.

                      To be fair, that was never a secret; Disney's initial press release for the purchase of the franchise was that they were planning one film per year or something to that effect, IIRC.


                      • Originally posted by Hypo View Post
                        id rather they go forward instead of backwards . i get han is all iconic and shit but i really dont want a bunch of prequel films. star wars has such a huge mythology and it would be a sin not to use a lot of its future stuff
                        .................................................. ..........................

                        Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                        • Originally posted by TazzMission View Post
                          id rather they go forward instead of backwards . i get han is all iconic and shit but i really dont want a bunch of prequel films. star wars has such a huge mythology and it would be a sin not to use a lot of its future stuff
                          I'd bet that the one thing they WON'T use is ANY of the "future stuff" (if by that you mean things that happened after the original trilogy in the EU). The only likely exception, to my mind, is that they may well pick up the notion of Boba Fett escaping the Sarlaac.

                          EU stuff that is part of the PAST I can see being incorporated on some level, at least in part.


                          • Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
                            I'd bet that the one thing they WON'T use is ANY of the "future stuff" (if by that you mean things that happened after the original trilogy in the EU). The only exception I can think of is that they may well pick up the notion of Boba Fett escaping the Sarlaac.

                            EU stuff that is part of the PAST I can see being incorporated on some level, at least in part.
                            nothing eu. they can simply create what happens after the events of the new trilogy since there doing that anyways with rebels . i mean i would hope this new trilogy of 7-9 is following that timeline of the originals

                            i just dont want to be stuck in the past with any franchise for a long time because thats where i felt lucas wasted a huge oppertunity when he decided oh hey lets do the clone wars : eye roll:

                            wile i think disney will do star wars justice i just have this bad feeling we will get the adventures of young han luke and leia and never really tap into any other charachters.
                            .................................................. ..........................

                            Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                            • Originally posted by TazzMission View Post
                              nothing eu. they can simply create what happens after the events of the new trilogy since there doing that anyways with rebels . i mean i would hope this new trilogy of 7-9 is following that timeline of the originals

                              i just dont want to be stuck in the past with any franchise for a long time because thats where i felt lucas wasted a huge oppertunity when he decided oh hey lets do the clone wars : eye roll:

                              wile i think disney will do star wars justice i just have this bad feeling we will get the adventures of young han luke and leia and never really tap into any other charachters.
                              Ah, I get you. I just thought, when you referred to Star Wars' "huge mythology" and talked about using "future stuff", you were talking about using future events and characters that were already an established part of the mythology, via the EU. I don't think THAT will happen.

                              But if I had to guess I would say that moving the timeline forward will mostly be the job of the "numbered" movies, and that the movies they put out in off years will largely fill in bits either from the past, or else from the "present" but in areas largely unrelated to the ongoing "saga" of the numbered entries. I think they want to avoid any chance that the folks making the one-off movies will in any way constrain the plotting of the "saga" as it goes forward.


                              • Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
                                I don't mind the few spoilers that come from seeing set photos and such, but I don't think I'll be clicking on links like that.
                                Sorry for such a late response....

                                I clicked on it. No real spoilers in the true sense of the word to worry about. Basically, it is just conveying that a lot of forthcoming books and comics will be giving us little clues as to what's going on in the universe since Jedi. The clues themselves are not present in the article.

                                The only "iffy" part of the article, if you even want to call it that, is the structure of the Empire after Endor, but all that info was basically implied in the first trailer we saw for TFA. I'm sure you already put together what's up with the Empire since you are an intelligent guy.

