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The Star Wars Thread

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  • Just sayin'

    If I was the second most hated character in the Star Wars universe that everyone made cruel jokes about, I would probably go schizo too. The kid acted as directed by George Lucas. Are you really going to lay all the prequel hate right at the kid's feet?



    • Originally posted by Jeff View Post
      Just sayin'

      If I was the second most hated character in the Star Wars universe that everyone made cruel jokes about, I would probably go schizo too. The kid acted as directed by George Lucas. Are you really going to lay all the prequel hate right at the kid's feet?

      jokes aside schizos are very unpredictable. like the family member i have. around god 8 9 years ago a bunch of aunts got together and recomended my cousin go to the hospital and my cousin is bad as in like cant be around kids bad because she really would want to kill them. for treatment and her mother was there . first she agreed than when everyone was about to leave my cousin flipped out punched her mother and tried escaping. the cops came and arrested her. she even told the judge i will not do medication or go to the hospital.

      i wasnt there but i remember my one aunt telling me the story and im like fuck thats just sad
      .................................................. ..........................

      Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


      • Why does every thread some how end up involving a crazy member of tazz family?


        • Originally posted by Robinson View Post
          Why does every thread some how end up involving a crazy member of tazz family?
          maybe its because i feel like there isnt enough awareness for such things like mental health
          .................................................. ..........................

          Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


          • It'll be more surprising when we read about someone in your family that isn't crazy.


            • Originally posted by Jeff View Post
              Just sayin'

              If I was the second most hated character in the Star Wars universe that everyone made cruel jokes about, I would probably go schizo too. The kid acted as directed by George Lucas. Are you really going to lay all the prequel hate right at the kid's feet?

              No, he was eight when it was filming. And while I don't put all the blame on him by any means, when you compare him to a child actor like Haley Joel Osment, he does not past the test. Supposedly, Liam Neeson would call Lloyd Mannequin Skywalker behind his back. He was wooden, unnatural and just awful. And the sad part is that in the bonus material on the DVD they show the kid auditions and there was another boy who blew him out of the water.


              • Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
                No, he was eight when it was filming. And while I don't put all the blame on him by any means, when you compare him to a child actor like Haley Joel Osment, he does not past the test. Supposedly, Liam Neeson would call Lloyd Mannequin Skywalker behind his back. He was wooden, unnatural and just awful. And the sad part is that in the bonus material on the DVD they show the kid auditions and there was another boy who blew him out of the water.
                While all that may be and probably is true, it doesn't take away from what this kid has endured since the role. Putting the mental illness aside for a moment, he has been constantly teased wherever he goes (especially school), the Internet has brandished this kid as "the destroyer of their childhoods" (which tells me if your childhood was that fragile, then perhaps you might look into yourself as the weakest link), and the simple fact is this: he got paid to do what Lucas told him to do.
                For the record, I don't condone his actions, but I do understand them and have empathy for his current state of being.
                I was incorrect about his age as well; thank you for correcting me. Still, 8 is young, and to lay the entire laurels of a movie upon him is not exactly the correct thing to do. If people need to go after somebody, we all know who is responsible. And that is just for the prequel haters. I myself am fine with them. Sure, they have their flaws like any other film, but this need to "blame" is ridiculous.


                • Yeah, I think we could let him go.

                  I don't know if it's true at all, but Lloyd strikes me as one of those kids where his parents push him into acting but it isn't really his thing.


                  • Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
                    Yeah, I think we could let him go.

                    I don't know if it's true at all, but Lloyd strikes me as one of those kids where his parents push him into acting but it isn't really his thing.
                    In the wake of all this negativity surrounding him, I looked at several reports on the boy last night. Of course, TMZ and Fox are going to zone right in on the sensationalism of the story and re-ignite all the flame throwers of the hate, but everything said is purely conjecture. I will say though that if the reports of his schizophrenia are true, that boy has a very tough road ahead of him, depending on the severity of the disease. Having first hand experience with "official" cases, it is one of the more destructive mental illnesses out there.
                    Guardian of the Universe
                    Last edited by Jeff; 06-24-2015, 01:25 PM.


                    • It is really sad how much crap he got as a kid. I'm sure he did the best he could. I wish I could have done as good a job as him as an 8 year old. And honestly, I don't think he was bad in the role or the cause of TPM's problems. Those are all on Lucas, not some poor kid.


                      • Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
                        Yeah, I think we could let him go.

                        I don't know if it's true at all, but Lloyd strikes me as one of those kids where his parents push him into acting but it isn't really his thing.
                        tell that to culkin the kid from home alone. i remember his parents pushed him so hard and even took his money and oddly enough hes normal. i think it was a e truehollywood story on the e channel many many years ago
                        .................................................. ..........................

                        Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                        • Originally posted by Robinson View Post
                          It'll be more surprising when we read about someone in your family that isn't crazy.
                          lol yea your asking for the impossible. i told people before if i wrote a book about myself or my family nobody would believe it

                          i guess in a fucked up way it is a possitive since i can try and help others
                          .................................................. ..........................

                          Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                          • 176 days until Episode VII!


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                              • That's so badass.
                                You just witnessed the strength of geek knowledge. N.W.A., Nerd With Attitude. Straight out of Vulcan!

