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The Star Wars Thread

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  • Well, I'm not going to say I dislike Lucas/Disney for this, because I knew it was coming for ages and both have disappointed me in various ways.

    At least I have my books and games.
    Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

    September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


    • I would be taking this a lot harder if the New52 didn't already depress me with reboots.


      • I really can't be depressed that the new Star Wars flicks will be based on the EU. I'm just too excited about a new Star Wars trilogy.

        I'm wondering if Disney is holding back on the cast members until SDCC. I mean, I haven't heard of any official casting news on the main characters or even a synopsis.
        You just witnessed the strength of geek knowledge. N.W.A., Nerd With Attitude. Straight out of Vulcan!


        • Well I remember the EU as being half canon in the first place. I remember reading a article that all the EU decisions and storries had to get Approval from LFL. but George's stand is the movies are always right. Granted this was back before the Prquals.

          I have mixed feelings. I like some of the EU and some of it is realy awful. I loved the first Crimson Empire! My faith in Disney is lack luster at best. I am just waiting for news to break about a new Disney Show the Jedi Accademey,starring Selena Gomez or what ever kid they are pimping out these days. lol
          Take life with a Grain of salt and a shot of tequila!


          • You guys swear everything Disney does is childish. So far the treatment of marvel has been very non Disney and I don't have reason to believe the star wars nor Indiana Jones properties will be any different.

            Disney has been one of the things that has kept star wars in the public eye when there were no movies to be shown. They've had star tours, star wars weekends, and they've been doing a Jedi academy show daily for about the last ten years if not longer.


            • Originally posted by Rotten2thecorps View Post
              Well I remember the EU as being half canon in the first place. I remember reading a article that all the EU decisions and storries had to get Approval from LFL. but George's stand is the movies are always right. Granted this was back before the Prquals...
              That's how I take all the books in any franchise based on the screen (Star Trek, Doctor Who, etc). I take the story as what "happened" until it contradicts or is contradicted by the canon.


              • Originally posted by Robinson View Post
                You guys swear everything Disney does is childish. So far the treatment of marvel has been very non Disney and I don't have reason to believe the star wars nor Indiana Jones properties will be any different.

                Disney has been one of the things that has kept star wars in the public eye when there were no movies to be shown. They've had star tours, star wars weekends, and they've been doing a Jedi academy show daily for about the last ten years if not longer.
                Well I will give you that Disney and LFL have had a good relationship. but George was still at the helm for that stuff. Now Disney makes the calls. and yes my above comment is a bit of an exageration,but honestly. Can you say with 100% certianty that it is out of the relam of posabilities. I am already displeased with the canceling of Clone Wars for Rebels. Clone Wars was Just getting good. Darth Maul Running Mandelore,Cutting off some dudes head. Fighting the Emperor. I am guessing Rebels is going to be a little less violent.

                As for Marvel. True they have not done anything unforgiveable,they really havent done much that has been phenominal. Changing Avengers Assemble,so the could Draw Hawkeye in his current stupid look. Then You have Agents of Shield, is verry lack luster. I would not really Brag about Agents of S.M.A.S.H.

                Nothing terriable,but nothing special either.
                Take life with a Grain of salt and a shot of tequila!


                • I guess you haven't been paying attention to agents of shield lately, or were expecting it to have a bunch of comic heroes but its getting tons of good buzz lately. The people in charge of lucasfilm when Lucas was the boss are still in place, there's just a different boss.

                  And Darth maul died in the prequel, that gazelle legged bullshit ain't Darth maul. :-)


                  • Your right. I don't pay attention to it because it sux. I saw what they did to deathlok. Sad thing is I really liked agent Colson after 5 episodes of that show I wished he was dead again.

                    Darth Maul,lost the Strange General Grevious legs,in favor of something more human looking. It is not as cool as his original look,butIcan gaurentee it is way better then "The Inquizter".
                    Take life with a Grain of salt and a shot of tequila!


                    • Bringing Darth Maul back at all was one of the stupidest things ever done with Star Wars, IMHO. Just because something was cool doesn't mean bringing it back is also cool automatically. The guy was cut in half and fell into a bottomless pit. It doesn't really matter WHAT excuse they come up with for reversing something like that, it can't help but be stupid.


                      • I agree.......If we wern't talking about Star Wars. A franchise built on a guy who fell in a pit of Lava and had pretty much all his limbs cut off.

                        Darth Maul-BobaFett-They are intresting characters. Intresting characters bring in money and fans. At the end of the day that is what it is all about.

                        Do I wanna see them in the new movies. No,not because I think they should stay dead of I don't want to ee them,I just don't trust the current "Creative" team,to not set those characters back any further.( I am looking at you Mr.Spock has a Girlfrien)d

                        We adreesed this in the Can heroes retire thread,and the cencus was,if a charcter is cool enough he gets to be imortal. Is it kinda lazy writting yes,but It's practicle.
                        Take life with a Grain of salt and a shot of tequila!


                        • Star Wars Round-Up: Casting, Table Reads, & Confirmations, Oh My!

                          Last July, he exclusively reported that- amongst others- Zac Efron was in consideration for a role in Episode VII. As usual, the comments that floated around the web after he broke that story included gems...

                          But then, as I always caution people when I say "wait and see," many months would pass and it has finally come to light that yes, Efron is- indeed- up for a role. How do we know? Cause Efron just said so. When asked, point blank, if he was going to be in the next Star Wars, the actor said:

                          "I don't know. I have no idea on that. There's [...] irons in the fire, so to speak. I don't like to talk about anything too early cause it takes a while to get these things done right."

                          Also on the casting front, Deadline has published an article stating that tomorrow night the cast for the next Star Wars is set to convene in London for the first table read of the script. We all ready know that Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Mark Hamill are in London, but who might be joining them?

                          According to Deadline, Adam Driver, John Boyega, and Maisie Richardson-Sellers will be in attendance. Their report also mentions Oscar Isaac, but The Hollywood Reporter's Borys Kit took to Twitter to say somthing about that, claiming that while Isaac had been offered a role, he turned it down because of a scheduling conflict, but it is still unknown if he will be in it. Kit bolstered the Boyega rumor, though, pointing out that the actor just dropped out of the planned Jesse Owens biopic (RACE) which would clear up his schedule for a trip to that galaxy far, far away.


                          • So awesome to see pics of all three of them in London this week (Ford, Hamill and Fisher). Hamill especially looks good with all the weight he lost. And he's now starting to sport a beard!


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                              • A lot of us Star Wars nerds are anticipating some official casting news to drop on May the 4th, aka May the 4th be with you.
                                You just witnessed the strength of geek knowledge. N.W.A., Nerd With Attitude. Straight out of Vulcan!

