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  • Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave View Post
    I liked him when I was a kid. During the 3 year wait between Empire and Jedi, my friends and I had built up Boba Fett to be a guy who was Han's enemy as much as Jabba. I don't think his elevation as a cult favorite was an accident. There was something cool about the little screen time he had.
    Dave, if I were to recount every single event connected with Fett in the EU, it would support everything you just said to the max. Solo and Fett become so interconnected with each other that it's beyond "friends" or "enemies" as a description to their universal relationship.

    UGH.......MY FEELS...............

    I really, really, *REALLY* hope that the Disney films portray him as surviving the Sarlacc. If I could have one wish granted as far as the new movies goes, this is it.


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      • Originally posted by DOOM View Post
        I really, really, *REALLY* hope that the Disney films portray him as surviving the Sarlacc. If I could have one wish granted as far as the new movies goes, this is it.
        If they show it on film, then that's that. It will probably still annoy me a bit, since I still think Boba's invincibility is derived not from anything we saw about the character, but as fanservice for those who had built him up in their minds, but eh, whatever.


        • Here are the only things I know about the EU:

          Spoilers Follow:

          1. Luke starts a new Jedi Order and marries Mara Jade and they have a kid named Ben who was Jacen's apprentice until everyone found out Jacen went bad

          2. The Solo's have three kids, Anakin Jaina and Jacen, Anakin died somehow, Jaina is awesome and Jacen is a dick who goes to the Dark Side and kills Mara Jade. Also, he used to be Ben's master.

          3. Boba Fett is the badassiest badass there ever was
          Booster Beetle
          Will break before he bends
          Last edited by Booster Beetle; 01-09-2014, 08:22 PM.


          • I'm guessing that was an extremely spoilery post for anybody looking to get into the EU at this point...


            • Fix'd


              • Originally posted by JohnnyV View Post
                Oh jesus, can you two dudes hug it out under the cover of a Jedi robe Snuggy. So we can get back to talking about how awesome Jedi Academy lightsaber duels are...

                + YouTube Video
                ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.

                Can't believe I just watched a Jawa with a double lightsaber.

                Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
                When? When was he built up like that? Other than in the minds of some fans, I mean. I saw NONE of that on screen. I saw nobody reacting with fear to the mention his name. THAT was Vader. I saw no particular fighting skill. He didn't even CAPTURE the ONE bounty we saw him claim, but let the Empire do that for him. The only SLIGHTLY impressive thing we ever saw him do was guess where Han was hiding.

                In fact, with the advent of the Special Edition, he seriously looked like he wasn't even some fierce, independent Bounty Hunter, but merely a lackey of Jabba's, since he was shown hanging around with Jabba in BOTH Episode IV and VI.
                I'd have to agree with Ed on this. Mind you, I don't care if you are a fan of Bobba Fett in or out of the EU, but I don't see evidence that within the original trilogy he was that badass or feared. Han recognizes his name and is maybe anxious at the pit, but he could've been just as anxious if Chewie told him anyone was aiming at him while he was blind. Nobody else mentions him, trembles at his name, or grovels in his presence.

                Now, if you made the argument for Darth Maul that might make more sense. That dude actually held his own against two Jedi and killed one.

                But just to be clear again, none of this is against Bobba Fett fans. I kind of get it, but to me it's a retcon of the movie Fett.
                Space Cop
                The Dandy
                Last edited by Space Cop; 01-09-2014, 09:45 PM.


                • That video makes me want to kick some Jawa ass with a Red Double-Bladed Lightsaber


                  • I've slain many a Jawa. Jedi staff users can be legit, but nothing beats my single saber skills

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                    • Originally posted by JohnnyV View Post
                      I've slain many a Jawa. Jedi staff users can be legit, but nothing beats my single saber skills
                      One in each hand right?

                      Only losers use just one single-bladed lightsaber at a time


                      • Originally posted by Booster Beetle View Post
                        One in each hand right?

                        Only losers use just one single-bladed lightsaber at a time

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                        • We shall see sir


                          • You won't regret your purchase sir. Besides the storyline anyway.

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                            • Utini!!!

                              I always used two ORANGE sabers in the game as I thought it was more versatile. If you're using the double-bladed (Darth Maul) saber, and it gets knocked out of your hand, or you throw it and it's deflected, you're defenseless.

                              With regard to all the Boba Fett love, it's purely fanboy generated, or at least for those that got hot and wet from reading the books. There is absolutely nothing within the movies that supports or suggested that he was the most feared Bounty Hunter in the galaxy.

                              IG-88 for life!


                              • Originally posted by Sylent_Asassin View Post

                                IG-88 for life!
                                This x INFINITY

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