My feelings toward the EU are that I enjoyed quite a lot of it that I read, other parts I disliked, some strongly, but with very few exceptions there isn't really anything in it that made me feel like I was reading a continuation of the main storyline of Star Wars (the first Zahn trilogy was really the main exception, when I read those, I could picture watching them as new Star Wars movies to a large extent). After a while (and a few really poor series of books, IMHO) I lost interest, and after that I heard nothing about it that tempted me to regain that interest, as it seemed to be straying FAR afield of the type of story I associated with Star Wars (the whole Yuzhon Vong thing, or however the hell you spell it, struck me as very un-Star Wars-y). It may have gotten back into territory I'd enjoy, but at this point it is just so large, interconnected and convoluted that I can't muster the energy to dive back in.
Which may seem hypocritical given that I read Star Trek books, which currently are often part of a large, interconnected, convoluted, ongoing storyline, but there I've been reading them all along. If I hadn't, I doubt I'd be diving back into those, either.
I do find the "awesomification" of Boba Fett to be rather lame, though. That's my one tiny bit of "EU hate" that I'll fess up to (even if it isn't really HATE). The character, for me, is someone who has shown very little in the way of skill or interesting personality in the non-EU canon (in fact quite the opposite), and I find it somewhat irritating that he gained such a following essentially just from "looking kewl" that he has gotten this fanfic-esque, Mary Sue treatment after the fact just so he can live up to that hype. I have no doubt that, nowadays, there are plenty of Fett fans that think he is awesome BECAUSE he has been portrayed as such in the EU. But I feel like originally he was only portrayed as so awesome in the EU because people, with no real basis, somehow just decided that he was. That's what I find stupid.
Which may seem hypocritical given that I read Star Trek books, which currently are often part of a large, interconnected, convoluted, ongoing storyline, but there I've been reading them all along. If I hadn't, I doubt I'd be diving back into those, either.
I do find the "awesomification" of Boba Fett to be rather lame, though. That's my one tiny bit of "EU hate" that I'll fess up to (even if it isn't really HATE). The character, for me, is someone who has shown very little in the way of skill or interesting personality in the non-EU canon (in fact quite the opposite), and I find it somewhat irritating that he gained such a following essentially just from "looking kewl" that he has gotten this fanfic-esque, Mary Sue treatment after the fact just so he can live up to that hype. I have no doubt that, nowadays, there are plenty of Fett fans that think he is awesome BECAUSE he has been portrayed as such in the EU. But I feel like originally he was only portrayed as so awesome in the EU because people, with no real basis, somehow just decided that he was. That's what I find stupid.