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The Star Wars Thread

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  • Sorry. A nerve was hit.


    • Yeah, I have to agree with Dragon. I've literally had it with people just straight up saying "fuck this" or "fuck that" because they don't like it. We are all allowed to like and dislike whatever we choose, but to just be a hater is getting old. So I popped off last night because it just got me at the wrong moment. I went back and edited my message to be slightly more reasonable and intelligent, but the original intent still stands. Now, I am just at the "whatever" point. Hate on it all you want. Have a ball. At this point, even I'm starting to hate the EU. Not for it's content, but for the way it seems to brutally divide the fandom, robbing everyone of a joyous experience.
      Guardian of the Universe
      Last edited by Jeff; 01-09-2014, 05:41 PM.


      • Overreaction syndrome. I know because I overreact a lot.

        So what if some person on the internet says "fuck" to whatever you like. The person never said anything personal about you so why take it so personal?


        • Basically, a summation of my feelings towards people who hate the EU...

          Follow The Nobodies Comic on Facebook or Twitter


          • Originally posted by Iggy View Post
            Overreaction syndrome. I know because I overreact a lot.

            So what if some person on the internet says "fuck" to whatever you like. The person never said anything personal about you so why take it so personal?
            Few things to say here:

            Yeah, you are 100% correct in both statements. I over-react and I take things personal. Unfortunately, it's my make up. My "bad points" of who I am. If you were to ask anyone in my family about me, they would all say the same thing:
            "He is very sensitive and tends to take things personally, and then it festers in him until he reaches his boiling point and verbally explodes."
            Been dealing with this shit for 38 years. I get emotional.

            My reactions tend to vary according to whatever I'm going through at the moment, and that is my responsibility. I get that. Most times, my give-a-fuck is broken. If I viciously fought every single idea I didn't agree with, the FBI would probably be investigating my Tumblr page. LOL I see a lot of hate, a lot of disliking, just a lot of negativity as a whole. Most of the time, I just pass it off as "whatever". But sometimes, it *does* get to me.

            To address specifically your notion of me taking things personally, a lot of it has to do on the validity and credentials of the person. If "GLfan2022" joined the group yesterday, has 5 posts under his belt, and says "Fuck the EU", I probably wouldn't even pay attention to it, or at the most, I might use a sly gif or pic as a reaction. I guess it really depends on the poster. But with you directly, I seem to have this ancient memory that you were pretty cool to me when I first joined this board. I think we used to talk in the chat room with Orion Pax.....was that you? You might have had a different name at the time. So I have this image of you being a good dude. You've been here a long time, you know the ropes, you certainly got enough posts under your belt, and your credibility and validity rates high with me. Then it's like all of a sudden "holy shit! He just shit on something I enjoy....why the fuck did he do that? I thought he was a good dude....why did he just blatantly make a blanket statement?" So, after my core meltdown, my cooler head prevails and I reason it out. I toss it up to "different strokes for different folks." In some weird way, I guess what I'm trying to say here is that your opinion matters to me and I like you.

            Yeah, I'm having a hard time making logic of what I just said too, but take it as a compliment.


            • Oh jesus, can you two dudes hug it out under the cover of a Jedi robe Snuggy. So we can get back to talking about how awesome Jedi Academy lightsaber duels are...

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              Pictionary Master
              Last edited by JohnnyV; 01-09-2014, 06:35 PM.

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              • Return of The Jedi just sucks man.


                • Originally posted by Iggy View Post
                  When people think Star Wars, they think of the classic 3 films. Not some book that a few thousand people have read.

                  Throw the baby out with the bath water I say.


                  • Why u guys hating on the European union so much?


                    • Originally posted by Robinson View Post
                      Why u guys hating on the European union so much?
                      Because Merica!


                      • People who hate the EU remind me of people who hate tits.

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                        • Who in their right mind could ever hate tits???
                          I LOVE conspiracy theorists. They are like human versions of the cymbal clapping, dancing monkeys. No one takes them all that seriously and they get bored with them after about 10 minutes.


                          • Originally posted by Lantern A-train View Post
                            Who in their right mind could ever hate tits???

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                            • 'MURICA!!!


                              • Originally posted by Lantern A-train View Post
                                Who in their right mind could ever hate tits???
                                When even A-Train doesn't understand the hate, you know tits are just dipped in awesomesauce.

