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The Star Wars Thread

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  • Originally posted by Dr. Naysay View Post
    Define "relevant".
    May I give my definition of relevant or is the question posed just to Darth Primus?


    • Originally posted by Dr. Naysay View Post
      Define "relevant".
      A living franchise (unlike Buck Rogers or Flash Gordon) that extends beyond the movies, thus continuing it's presence in pop culture through books, comics, video games and television.

      Originally posted by Doom View Post
      May I give my definition of relevant or is the question posed just to Darth Primus?
      Go for it.
      You just witnessed the strength of geek knowledge. N.W.A., Nerd With Attitude. Straight out of Vulcan!


      • I don't even understand what the argument is, concerning whether or not they should use extended universe stories in the movies. If the stories are of high quality, could translate well to film, and bring over new and engaging characters, then what's the argument against it?

        Follow The Nobodies Comic on Facebook or Twitter


        • Ignorance and arrogance.

          Ignorance for people that haven't read or involved themselves with any of the extended universe materials. It's not canon and therefore it has no merit or validity.

          Arrogance for the that have read or involved themselves with the extended universe materials. Certain people that reand and enjoy the extended universe like to play that card to act all superior.

          Therefore, it's not necessarily the material itself, but opinion and attitude of the materials.

          But do find it interesting that when comic book characters extend to elsewhere tales, books, television or movies, no are real complaints by nerds for them being non-canon.

          There is some really excellent Star Wars extended universe. Personally, I love to see a Star Wars: The Old Repbulic movie.

          + YouTube Video
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          You just witnessed the strength of geek knowledge. N.W.A., Nerd With Attitude. Straight out of Vulcan!


          • I might consider giving up a pinky toe if they released a KOTOR movie. Who wouldn't want to see HK-47 blow up some meat bags? No one I want to party with, that's who.

            Follow The Nobodies Comic on Facebook or Twitter


            • Word!

              The Star Wars prequels are canon and they're horrible. Knights of the Old Republic movie would take The Phantom Menace's lunch money; give an atomic wedgie to Attack of the Clones; and sleep with Revenge of the Sith's mom.
              You just witnessed the strength of geek knowledge. N.W.A., Nerd With Attitude. Straight out of Vulcan!


              • Well, a KOTOR movie might be what it takes to overcome the "based on a videogame" stigma for movies. Assuming it didn't suck. If it did, it would massively reinforce that stigma.

                Who knows? Maybe with Lucas largely out of the picture, there could be a chance. With him still calling the shots, I think there was a great reluctance to ever film anything (other than the most minor references) that had originated completely with somebody else.


                • I say cherry pick ideas, concepts, characters and events from the EU. I'm sure there are some great things that came out of all that media. But adapting anything? Fuck that. There needs to be a wall where what if filmed is canon, and everything else is not.


                  • Originally posted by JohnnyV View Post
                    I might consider giving up a pinky toe if they released a KOTOR movie. Who wouldn't want to see HK-47 blow up some meat bags? No one I want to party with, that's who.
                    You pledge your anatomy too easily.


                    • Originally posted by Darth_Primus View Post
                      Go for it.

                      Thank you. The EU is relevant for many reasons; the most important being the following:

                      1. Lucas gives his blessing to each piece of work, or more to the fact there is a woman in charge of all works outside the movies (name I can't remember at the time) whom all works must go through to check for proper chronology, context, and accuracy in terms of "what happened when and how." In short, the master himself oversees it, therefore, I see it as extended canon.

                      2. If it weren't for the EU, the prequels (and other continuing stories) may very well not exist. After Return of the Jedi, Star Wars went dead-plain and simple. Little to no merchandising for years; people generally forgot all about the franchise. Then this guy named Timothy Zahn comes up with an all new adventure based in real time featuring the characters we know and love, and pushes the saga into new territory, thus raising SW awareness back to the kitchen table and getting people re-invested in the franchise. Many claim he single handed raised the franchise back from the dead and it was a huge success, paving the way for continuing stories and keeping the machine rolling. I personally don't even care for Zahn's work, but I give him mad props for his accomplishments.

                      3. The format argument is a bit asinine. Whether it be movie, book, tv show, it's all inclusive. Yes, the movies take center stage, but it still boils down to a continuing story, which is still being told on multiple levels (past, present, future) and the books are just as important. Going back to #1, Lucas doesn't give out the trademark to everyone, and there were plenty of stories that were shot down because they didn't have proper role in the SW universe.

                      4. Not a fact, but suggestion: wouldn't anyone, as a big fan, want to explore the entire SW universe? For years, I was close minded about the whole EU; and I held onto the motto "not in the movies, it didn't happen." Then I decided to read The Bounty Hunter Wars Trilogy and that forever changed my opinion. Can you honestly say you wouldn't be interested in learning how Luke became Jedi Grand Master? How Leia and Han had 3 kids, all three of which developed distinct personalities and played pivotal roles along side their elder generation that we know? Did you know there were other threats out there besides the Sith? FUCKING YUUZHAN VONG BABY! I haven't even neared the point yet where I've read every single thing out there, but man, my curiosity is peaked, and I want more.

                      5. Two words: Jaina Solo. This chick could kick the shit out of 10 Palpatines while painting her nails. She alone is worth a road trip into the EU.


                      • Fuck yeah Jaina Solo.


                        • EA CFO Ratchets Up Star Wars Teasing With Battlefront Mention

                          Gamers, take note. Electronic Arts CFO Blake Jorgensen is eying the Star Wars Battlefront series as his company assesses which Star Wars video games it will produce. During a presentation to industry insiders at the Stifel 2013 Technology Conference, Jorgensen said the following:

                          "The opportunity to do a new Battlefront, for example, which is one of the very popular Star Wars games, or some of the other traditional games that were made, is very exciting."

                          So there you have it. EA is not clueless as to the goldmine that is Battlefront III. Now let's just hope that they either salvage what Free Radical had been working on or put their DICE studio on the task of creating a full game from scratch before Star Wars gaming fans spontaneously combust with anticipation.


                          • Fuck the expanded universe.


                            • The EU is better than most other SW material out there.


                              • Originally posted by Iggy View Post
                                Fuck the expanded universe.
                                I agree with Squirtle.
                                Originally posted by fearless2814.1
                                ...You're a chore, you know that? You are a chore.

