Probably. I also have a naty feleling if I was in WWII, I'd have been on the German side...........
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The Star Wars Thread
Originally posted by IonFan(even if the ear sucking helped get me off faster)Originally posted by Big Daddy CaesarIf I had things like the internet and a laptop as a kid, I never would have left my room as a teenager.Originally posted by QuakerI am the Geoff Johns of the GLCMB.
Originally posted by Mister Ed View PostY'know, something just occurred to me. It is going to seem really odd to watch a Star Wars movie in the theater and have it preceded by the Cinderella Castle rather than that 20th Century Fox fanfare. That bit of music is pretty much inescapably linked with Star Wars in my mind. I remember as a small kid, seeing that intro on some OTHER 20th Century Fox production, and assuming it meant Star Wars was coming up, and being disappointed when it wasn't.
Originally posted by Andrew NDBGeoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.
Yeah, star wars does have a small tradition of having the 20th century fox logo come on just before it starts.Originally posted by IonFan(even if the ear sucking helped get me off faster)Originally posted by Big Daddy CaesarIf I had things like the internet and a laptop as a kid, I never would have left my room as a teenager.Originally posted by QuakerI am the Geoff Johns of the GLCMB.
Originally posted by Frank Castle View PostI think Plastroncafe and Andrea are the only ones seeing the bigger picture here, and that is the rat has another company under its belt, infact more than one including the Sound and Graphic ILM teams, that's massive, that means Disney will be pretty much be helping everyone make movies.
How long before the big one, where Disney buys Time Warner? I mean they might as well just own everything right? I don't know why but for some reason I wouldn't be surprised to see Disney buy Nintendo in the future(yeah I'm not convinced that company has good direction for the future), mostly for Mario but all the rest too, whatever the case, I don't think Lucasfilm will be Disney's last shocking purchase.
New Star Wars movies can go either way, will have to wait and see on that.
Originally posted by PlastroncafeFreedom of Speech does not mean Freedom From Being Called Out For Spouting Bullshit.
Originally posted by Big Blue Lantern View PostShe looks pretty good for 56. I mean, that's a grandmother age.Originally posted by fearless2814.1...You're a chore, you know that? You are a chore.
She's younger than my mum and looks older than my mum (then again, my mum's good for her age. Probably because she's a health nut foodwise).Originally posted by IonFan(even if the ear sucking helped get me off faster)Originally posted by Big Daddy CaesarIf I had things like the internet and a laptop as a kid, I never would have left my room as a teenager.Originally posted by QuakerI am the Geoff Johns of the GLCMB.
Originally posted by Mrt1000son View PostWouldn't that be a monopoly? Isn't Disney treading very close to being one already?
Originally posted by JohnnyV View PostPlus, Warner Brother's parent company Time Warner is bigger than Disney is anyway
I dont even think Time Warner is 2nd, I think thats News Corp, owned by Rupert Murdoch, he seems to own everything too lol.
I found out about this yesterday at work. After I picked my jaw off the floor I went into my angry mode, with all the usual thoughts about the evil empire that is Disney, swimming through my head. Star Wars musicals, icecapades, holiday specials and direct to video craptacular releases.
So now I'm trying to be positive and think about the best case scenario. In reality, all that matters is what Disney does with episode 7, 8 and 9. I'm cringing at the thought of an actual Star Wars movie without the 20th Century Fox intro at the beginning, but they could still do something worthwhile.
The way I think 7-9 could work is set it 30 years after ROTJ. Bring in Fisher for a small cameo as maybe the Chancellor. Nothing too big. And bring in Hammil to play Luke as an Obi Wan type of mentor role. Then create a story around his young padawns and their friends. Make a whole new cast of young people with varying ties to some old characters. Maybe a son of Lando so there can still be at least one black guy in the SW universe. Or a daughter. Give the new cast the two droids so that tradition can carry on.
Then just tell a new story in a trilogy. I'm really torn on what the antagonist should be. Vader's dead, the emperor's dead. I don't want to see another deathstar, and Tattooine should be used sparingly. Should the sith return? Yeah, I guess they'd have to.
I'm still more of less 'ugh' on this, but it's going to happen, so I might as well hope for the best.
Originally posted by Frank Castle View Post
Actually they're not, they used to be, but Disney have gone passed them since they bought Marvel and certainly have gone even further ahead with this buyout.
I dont even think Time Warner is 2nd, I think thats News Corp, owned by Rupert Murdoch, he seems to own everything too lol.
Star Wars 7 Plot Will Be "an Original Story," Says Lucasfilm Source
"It's an original story," a LucasFilm source tells me.
In other words, forget the Star Wars novels. Forget the graphic novels. Forget everything you think you know about what happens to Luke Skywalker. According to my sources, Episode 7 will literally be nothing you've ever seen or read before from the Star Wars universe.Last edited by Hypo; 10-31-2012, 09:49 PM.
Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave View PostI found out about this yesterday at work. After I picked my jaw off the floor I went into my angry mode, with all the usual thoughts about the evil empire that is Disney, swimming through my head. Star Wars musicals, icecapades, holiday specials and direct to video craptacular releases.
So now I'm trying to be positive and think about the best case scenario. In reality, all that matters is what Disney does with episode 7, 8 and 9. I'm cringing at the thought of an actual Star Wars movie without the 20th Century Fox intro at the beginning, but they could still do something worthwhile.
The way I think 7-9 could work is set it 30 years after ROTJ. Bring in Fisher for a small cameo as maybe the Chancellor. Nothing too big. And bring in Hammil to play Luke as an Obi Wan type of mentor role. Then create a story around his young padawns and their friends. Make a whole new cast of young people with varying ties to some old characters. Maybe a son of Lando so there can still be at least one black guy in the SW universe. Or a daughter. Give the new cast the two droids so that tradition can carry on.
Then just tell a new story in a trilogy. I'm really torn on what the antagonist should be. Vader's dead, the emperor's dead. I don't want to see another deathstar, and Tattooine should be used sparingly. Should the sith return? Yeah, I guess they'd have to.
I'm still more of less 'ugh' on this, but it's going to happen, so I might as well hope for the best.
But as far as Disney's move to buy Lucasfilm (and likewise, Lucas giving up his creation), I can only quote the one line that appears in every SW film to date:
"I have a bad feeling about this."
Later sarcasm to continue.