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  • I saw that. While I think cancelling him over that seems extreme (as does doing so over him dating somebody years back), his comments were a bit cringeworthy.

    I mean, I realize he has far more dating experience than I do (I've only ever dated two people), but he was lamenting the fact that he couldn't feel comfortable pursuing somebody after they had already said no. That seems a bit creepy to me.


    • Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
      but he was lamenting the fact that he couldn't feel comfortable pursuing somebody after they had already said no. That seems a bit creepy to me.
      I don't think that's what he said. I think what he meant was... and this is just an example... at that particular time, "believe women" was being pushed as an absolute. They're still trying to, despite that being... well, crazy. As an absolute.

      Meaning, let's say you're part of the Hollywood elite and you look like Henry Cavil. Let's say you had a mutually amicable one night stand but the lady caught feelings and is blowing up your phone for days and you just blow her off politely. If she decides to get spiteful, all she has to do is say to the press, "I'm not sure, but I think Cavil took me to bed without my consent the other night!" and suddenly your career is over and all studios drop you from whatever films you're in. No investigation, no appeal, no nothing. Over. Just like that.

      So yes, I can understand from that perspective how dating might be more trouble than its worth.


      • This is the part I'm talking about:

        “Now? Now you really can’t pursue someone further than, ‘No’. It’s like, ‘OK, cool’. But then there’s the, ‘Oh why’d you give up?’ And it’s like, ‘Well, because I didn’t want to go to jail?’”

        That sure sounds like his concern isn't a casual fling saying it wasn't consensual. This sounds like he's worried about a woman objecting to him continuing to pursue her after she says no.

        I would agree that "Believe Women" as an absolute is simply unreasonable, if what that means is take anything they say as truth without examining it further.

        I do think there is something to be said for believing women to the extent that you are willing to look into accusations rather than discount them out of hand, which is a thing that has certainly happened to women.

        Yes, even that can be abused, in a society where even investigating an accusation can have dire consequences for the accused no matter what you find, but the alternative can be abused as well, where those with fame and fortune can do whatever, and suppress investigations on the rationale that "if I'm innocent, the investigation will do me undeserved harm". I don't have any figures to reference, but my gut tells me that the latter has happened more frequently than the former throughout history.
        Mister Ed
        Horse of a Different Color
        Last edited by Mister Ed; 02-23-2021, 11:03 PM.


        • Originally posted by Andrew NDB View Post
          They were already trying to cancel him because a couple years ago he said he didn't feel comfortable dating anymore because of the #metoo thing.
          See thats the other thing its like what bill burr said in his no reason to hit a woman comedy set. He or i aren't saying its right but why cant people ask the woman questions to what led to it? People always assume the man is the animal but never address how women argue or manipulate causing the guy to go all cave man. If you haven't seen that video watch it because he tackles real points. Guy hits a woman its the end of the world his lifes over but a woman hits a guy its considered funny or not serious. How many women lie because they felt ashamed they fucked 3 guys at the same time in a college dorm to where said woman says it was rape to protect there image? It does happen. And shit like that doesnt help the women who are raped because than people will question if shes legitimate
          Guardian of the Universe
          Last edited by TazzMission; 02-23-2021, 11:45 PM.
          .................................................. ..........................

          Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


          • Aaaaand now there targeting Rosario Dawson to be cancelled who plays ahsoka
            .................................................. ..........................

            Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


            • This guy's friend designs the best cards
              Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

              September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


              • Original work-shoot behind-the-scenes for RotJ:

                + YouTube Video
                ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.


                • Originally posted by Big Blue Lantern View Post
                  I've gotten sucked into the world of Star Wars Black Figures, and regardless of Carano's half-baked philosophies, I still wanted a Cara Dune. That is not to be, it seems:


                  I got mine literally the week before the "Cara-twitter-what she said" situation errupted, so I guess I lucked out. Or not...who knows. I thought her character kicked butt and I want a full set of Mando figures which (to my knowledge) I am just one figure short of, but I have her on pre-order so she should be arriving soon.

                  Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
                  I haven’t gotten any, but if they ever do a Porkins, I’m there.



                  You haven't lost your touch, old friend. 😄

                  I'm actually sad I wasn't here for the lighting of the dumpster fire ceremony regarding the Cara situation, but I feel "properly" set straight on the issue now. 🙃


                  • Today is May the Fourth.

                    Here are some Star Wars deals.
                    Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

                    September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


                    • ^Rifftrax is doing 20% off any of their SW riffs.


                      • I meant to watch the Bad Batch episode 1 last night, but my son got busy with friends so we put it off until tonight. Hope it's as good as it looks.


                        • Rumours saying disney is not only having john faveru replace Kennedy but a gina carano return as well. Not sure about authenticity but a lot of rumours about it the last 3 days
                          Guardian of the Universe
                          Last edited by TazzMission; 05-05-2021, 05:38 PM.
                          .................................................. ..........................

                          Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                          • Originally posted by TazzMission View Post
                            Rumours saying disney is not only having john faveru replace Kennedy but a gina carano return as well. Not sure about authenticity but a lot of rumours about it the last 3 days

                            We'll see. That all sounds great so I will be pleasantly surprised if all that happens.


                            • Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Skywalker View Post
                              I meant to watch the Bad Batch episode 1 last night, but my son got busy with friends so we put it off until tonight. Hope it's as good as it looks.
                              I thought it got off to a bit of a slow start. Felt like it could have been quite a bit shorter and still accomplished the same things. But I'm interested enough to keep watching. I'm just impressed that one guy is doing the voices for most of the main characters in the show.


                              • Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Skywalker View Post
                                We'll see. That all sounds great so I will be pleasantly surprised if all that happens.
                                What they did to carano was dispicable. The craziest thing is the Jewish community never condemned her tweets wich i think matters a lot. The people who did were white trans pussies. Youd think actual Jewish people would have said something. Btw some snowflake was upset she posted nude on ig a few years back. Im like dude your either gay or a troll. Its funny how these people say its wrong to judge a person or call them out yet there doing just that. Lifes to short . We all have one life to live. Im 36 im just now in the last 4 years lettering my past of hating everyone equally and victimization go. Ive wasted a good chunk of years fighting the world and truth is im exausted. A person can fight for so long before tapping out. I cut all that garbage out. Not saying its easy but i have and always will be 100 percent honest. These movements now lgbtq blm antifa imo are bogus and arent what there really for. I say now dont let people decide who you are you can only do you. Accountability is accountability and responsibility is responsibility. We all make choices its what we do with them that counts
                                Guardian of the Universe
                                Last edited by TazzMission; 05-05-2021, 10:13 PM.
                                .................................................. ..........................

                                Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense

