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The Star Wars Thread

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  • Originally posted by Doom View Post
    All very good ideas. As for a proper antagonist, I would suggest Grand Admiral Thrawn, the Yuuzhan Vong, etc....pretty much anything from the expanded universe.

    But as far as Disney's move to buy Lucasfilm (and likewise, Lucas giving up his creation), I can only quote the one line that appears in every SW film to date:

    "I have a bad feeling about this."

    Later sarcasm to continue.
    If that E! News story is correct they'll be ignoring the expanded universe completely.


    • and lastly


      • Hail ze mouse!
        Originally posted by IonFan
        (even if the ear sucking helped get me off faster)
        Originally posted by Big Daddy Caesar
        If I had things like the internet and a laptop as a kid, I never would have left my room as a teenager.
        Originally posted by Quaker
        I am the Geoff Johns of the GLCMB.


        • Originally posted by Hypo View Post
          If that E! News story is correct they'll be ignoring the expanded universe completely.
          Which is what they should do.

          It works for Star Trek, nothing outside of the movies & tv shows means anything at all
          Originally posted by fearless2814.1
          ...You're a chore, you know that? You are a chore.


          • Originally posted by Hybrid Lantern View Post
            Which is what they should do.

            It works for Star Trek, nothing outside of the movies & tv shows means anything at all
            What I wonder is if the EU will die off. I mean it seems like for a bunch of people part of the attraction of the EU came from their impression that, unlike the situation in Star Trek, this stuff DID count, and WAS official. Will people be willing to continue reading an EU that is quite obviously completely divorced from the canon? Will the EU as it currently exists just stop, and people will start writing "EnU" stories that fit with the new canon?

            Star Trek books get along quite well without anybody (well, I'm sure there ARE some people- possibly quite a few, I've just never encountered them) thinking that it matters to the official canon. I have seen people gripe a bit on the few occasions when stuff in movies comes in direct conflict with stuff in books, but usually that's when they feel that the official canon version is dumb (i.e. they probably would have complained about it anyway, even without a novel that contradicted it, but the novel just provides a clear example of a "better" alternative).

            But in Star Wars, there are quite a few people that I've encountered that put EU stuff on the same level (or nearly so) as filmed material. I'm curious if, in the event that the EU was allowed to continue along its way, clearly diverging in its entirety from the filmed canon, would those people still be interested in reading it?


            • :Moderator:

              Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
              But in Star Wars, there are quite a few people that I've encountered that put EU stuff on the same level (or nearly so) as filmed material. I'm curious if, in the event that the EU was allowed to continue along its way, clearly diverging in its entirety from the filmed canon, would those people still be interested in reading it?
              I'd imagine the answer to that is Yes, as I'm sure there are those SW fans that are similar to some comic fans who simply create their own continuity with things.
              Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

              "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


              • Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
                What I wonder is if the EU will die off. I mean it seems like for a bunch of people part of the attraction of the EU came from their impression that, unlike the situation in Star Trek, this stuff DID count, and WAS official. Will people be willing to continue reading an EU that is quite obviously completely divorced from the canon? Will the EU as it currently exists just stop, and people will start writing "EnU" stories that fit with the new canon?

                Star Trek books get along quite well without anybody (well, I'm sure there ARE some people- possibly quite a few, I've just never encountered them) thinking that it matters to the official canon. I have seen people gripe a bit on the few occasions when stuff in movies comes in direct conflict with stuff in books, but usually that's when they feel that the official canon version is dumb (i.e. they probably would have complained about it anyway, even without a novel that contradicted it, but the novel just provides a clear example of a "better" alternative).

                But in Star Wars, there are quite a few people that I've encountered that put EU stuff on the same level (or nearly so) as filmed material. I'm curious if, in the event that the EU was allowed to continue along its way, clearly diverging in its entirety from the filmed canon, would those people still be interested in reading it?

                I sincerely hope the EU endures this change. Since this past summer, I have been catching up on all the EU books, and having 20 something books under my belt (with about 60 more to go), I am thoroughly enjoying the further adventures of the canon characters.

                Also, from a "fit-all universe" perspective, it is my understanding that in the very end, Lucas has the final word on how a story goes. Authors have to check with Lucasfilm to see which characters they can use, what references they can make, and how far they can take the stories further. It's a very controlled environment inasmuch as that Lucas tries very hard to avoid contradicting information. In example, if you ever read the Thrawn Trilogy in graphic novel format, did you notice that even though Zahn used "clone troopers", we never actually saw them? That was because that story was written prior to Attack of the Clones, and I think Lucas knew they were coming down the pike, so to speak.

                I still have many books to go before I am finally caught up, but why not use the EU as a blueprint at least? Let Leia and Han have 3 children named Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin. It would actually tie in nicely to a new story.


                • Originally posted by Doom View Post
                  I still have many books to go before I am finally caught up, but why not use the EU as a blueprint at least? Let Leia and Han have 3 children named Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin. It would actually tie in nicely to a new story.
                  I find it highly unlikely, especially given statements about the nature of the upcoming trilogy, that this will be the case. I'd be very surprised if virtually everything in the EU that happens after Return of the Jedi isn't completely tossed in official terms.

                  Anyway, I never got the impression that Lucas tried hard at all to avoid contradictions. He didn't go out of his way to contradict stuff, but I feel like most of his "avoiding contradictions" was simply the result of not covering the same ground. When he did choose to address stuff that had already been addressed in the EU, like Boba Fett's origins, he had no problem completely throwing to the winds anything previously established in the EU.

                  As far as I can tell, the only nods he made to EU material were the use of some names (like Coruscant) that had been established first there.

                  But I'm no expert on the subject, certainly, and am only giving my impressions based one what I've personally read and watched.


                  • Who cares? The EU still exists. You can still read it and ignore the official stuff. Make your own canon.

                    Originally posted by W.West
                    DID ANYONE READ THE ARTICLE?!!!!!!


                    • Originally posted by Kuhan View Post
                      Who cares? The EU still exists. You can still read it and ignore the official stuff. Make your own canon.
                      Sure, you CAN. As has been mentioned, that's worked fine for Star Trek for years. The questions are,

                      1.) will people for whom the "officialness" of the EU was a big deal still WANT to read it, if it is now blindingly obvious that it isn't official, and

                      2.) will the EU as it currently exists continue to add more material, or will EU fans just have to make do with what they already have, or else switch to the almost inevitable "EnU" that will come along after the new films establish a canon account of what comes after Jedi?


                      • Originally posted by Kuhan View Post
                        Who cares? The EU still exists. You can still read it and ignore the official stuff. Make your own canon.
                        ...well considering this is a comic book forum...and the amount of bitching we had over the new 52 with people complaining that now their stories never "happened"...


                        • Originally posted by Deadpool View Post
                          She's younger than my mum and looks older than my mum (then again, my mum's good for her age. Probably because she's a health nut foodwise).
                          That always helps, as does exercise and avoiding the sun. Skin care products are helpful too, even if you happen to be a dude.
                          Check out my Green Lantern product reviews on Twitter as the Emerald Enthusiast! @EmeraldEnthusi1


                          • Originally posted by Kuhan View Post
                            Who cares? The EU still exists. You can still read it and ignore the official stuff. Make your own canon.
                            Some Terminator fans have been doing that with T3 for almost 10 years now. If fans only like a certain part of a story, just stick with that.
                            Check out my Green Lantern product reviews on Twitter as the Emerald Enthusiast! @EmeraldEnthusi1


                            • Screw the EU. I never counted any of it as canon. Unless it happened in the six films, it's all fair game to wipe away as far as I'm concerned. The thought of EU fans gnashing their teeth also brings a smile to my face. I don't even care if they ignore the Clone Wars animated shows.

                              I think offspring of Leia and Luke should be involved. Luke restored the Jedi order so maybe he abolished the rule that members of the order couldn't marry and have children to avoid problems his parents encountered. That would give the benefit of allowing the Skywalker name to continue, which it absolutely MUST. Leia's children would have the Solo name.


                              • Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave View Post
                                Luke restored the Jedi order so maybe he abolished the rule that members of the order couldn't marry and have children to avoid problems his parents encountered. That would give the benefit of allowing the Skywalker name to continue, which it absolutely MUST. Leia's children would have the Solo name.
                                All of this happens in the EU. You can start smiling now.
                                Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

                                September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021

