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Son of Classic Horror Films (50s & 60s)

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  • Ricou Browing, who played the underwater parts for all three of the Creature From the Black Lagoon movies, is going to be at Monster Mania 3 show in Maryland in September. He's 7 now, so this at be the last chance to meet him for any fans out that way.


    • You remember Rolfe covered that a while back in a previous Monster Madness? I laughed my ass off watching a goddamn killer tree stump with a face slowly shamble towards victims that mostly get themselves killed.
      Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

      September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


      • Uncut Suspiria Print Found and will Screen in America

        Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Targaryen I View Post
        Ricou Browing, who played the underwater parts for all three of the Creature From the Black Lagoon movies, is going to be at Monster Mania 3 show in Maryland in September. He's 7 now, so this at be the last chance to meet him for any fans out that way.
        He's a cool dude. He was one of those guys I got to actually chat with at a convention because he didn't have a line at the time. He also gave me a free signed photo, so extra points.

        Originally posted by Agent Purple View Post
        You remember Rolfe covered that a while back in a previous Monster Madness? I laughed my ass off watching a goddamn killer tree stump with a face slowly shamble towards victims that mostly get themselves killed.

        No, I didn't catch that one. I'll have to look it up now that I've seen it.

        EDIT: found and watched it. Yeah, I'd agree and I am oh so glad I didn't spend $27 to own it. I watched it with my mother and we were goofing on it throughout. I was even nodding off near the end despite it only being 68 minutes long.
        Space Cop
        The Dandy
        Last edited by Space Cop; 06-24-2017, 01:11 PM.


        • Black Sabbath/The Three Faces of Fear (1961/63)

          "My lips are dead without your kisses."

          Three stories (an escaped convict phone-stalking his ex; a grandfather returning home a vampire; and a nurse haunted by a ghost), hosted by Boris Karloff, who stars as the vampire in the second tale, The Wurdalak.

          Overall this has a Hammer feel to it, with slow/steady pacing, not over-the-top in its style, very grounded in a way. Other than Karloff, I didn't recognize any faces or names, but I'm not especially familiar with French/Italian casts of the 1960s, so I'm a poor authority to begin with.

          I think having The Wurdalak last might have been better, since it's the best of the lot, and the heaviest in terms of content. The Telephone is completely realistic and was best starting things off as a thriller, and The Drop of Water crossed the threshold into horror as a ghost tale, so it would have served better in the middle slot to ramp the audience up into things.

          Despite that, this is worth watching, especially Karloff's farewell at the end being a hilarious look at film production and tricks (I wanted to use one of his quotes, but couldn't remember them well enough and don't feel like popping the disc in just to watch that one scene; it should be noted nobody online seemed bothered enough to provide more than two quotes for the film to a few sites).
          Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

          September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


          • I've seen that, but it's been a while. It was rather sedate for Italian horror, but it was early in the field. IIRC, I showed that to my mother and she found it boring.

            Space Cop
            The Dandy
            Last edited by Space Cop; 07-09-2017, 02:59 AM.


            • One thing you don't see much anymore are films split into separate tales, like Black Sabbath or (much later) Trilogy of Terror. These types of films used to be aired regularly on Creature Double Feature when I was but a wee one.


              • Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
                I showed that to my mother and she found it boring.
                My dad literally fell asleep several times while watching it.
                Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

                September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


                • Originally posted by Jeff View Post
                  One thing you don't see much anymore are films split into separate tales, like Black Sabbath or (much later) Trilogy of Terror. These types of films used to be aired regularly on Creature Double Feature when I was but a wee one.

                  Oh man, I love horror anthologies (Creep Show, Tales from the Crypt, Cat's Eye). I'd love to see a return. Trick R Treat was a good semi-recent one.


                  • Trick r Treat was AMAZING!

                    And yeah, there was somethimg cool about anthology horror movies.


                    • Wasn't TftC a 90 minute movie called Demon Night? Or was there more than one?


                        Agent Purple
                        The Illustrated Man
                        Last edited by Agent Purple; 07-10-2017, 07:45 PM.
                        Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

                        September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


                        • Originally posted by Jeff View Post
                          Wasn't TftC a 90 minute movie called Demon Night? Or was there more than one?
                          For some reason, Agent's link is dead for me, but TftC is an unrelated British horror anthology. Here's the IMDb.

                          That said, beside Demon Knight, the show-related TftC also did Bordello of Blood (vampires) and Ritual (voodoo). Those aren't anthologies, but the equivalent of double episodes.

                          There's also an unrelated but clearly knockoff (and quite fun) Tales from the Hood.


                          • Man, I remember Hood being advertised on TV years ago when it first released. Didn't have the slightest idea what to make of it.
                            Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

                            September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


                            • Originally posted by Agent Purple View Post
                              Man, I remember Hood being advertised on TV years ago when it first released. Didn't have the slightest idea what to make of it.
                              The set-up is that a few hoods break into a funeral palor and the undertaker (who seems to be a voodoo priest or something?) tells them three horror stories. I really don't remember much of it, but I remember being pleasantly surprised and now I'd like to buy it some day.


                              • I saw both Demon Night and Bordello of Blood in the theater with my friends back when they came out. They were both a lot of fun.

