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Son of Classic Horror Films (50s & 60s)

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  • ^I still haven't seen the latest one (the 2007 one with Kidnman, right?). I own both the ones you mention. I convinced my film club to watch the original and explained how its been interpreted as a metaphor both for McCarthyism and Communism (the latter of which I think more likely).

    Fun fact: the "happy" ending of the doc telling the cops the story and them finding the pod truck was a re-shoot done after test audiences said it was too bleak. Originally, it would have ended with him just yelling to the cars that we're all doomed (above).
    Space Cop
    The Dandy
    Last edited by Space Cop; 01-07-2017, 03:48 AM.


    • I was glad to see that Dark Corners (who has gotten some good material from him over the years) did a tribute to Hershell Gordon Lewis:

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      • My favorite of the 3 Gillman films, I love it when I find previously unseen photos.


        • Originally posted by Jeff View Post
          My favorite of the 3 Gillman films, I love it when I find previously unseen photos...
          ^Really, over #1? Bold choice.


          • Damn, that makes me want to go back and watch all three. It's been so long I can barely remember them (aside from that one MST3K episode spoofing the second flick).
            Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

            September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


            • Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
              ^Really, over #1? Bold choice.
              Don't get me wrong, I love the first movie, but it has always been the 3rd that captured my heart because it shows the true pathos of the poor thing and who the real monster is. And that Anthony Perkins lookalike is one of the biggest sociopaths I've ever seen on screen.
              Guardian of the Universe
              Last edited by Jeff; 10-10-2016, 12:06 AM.


              • Romero and company did a 4K restoration of Night of the Living Dead

                If this hits blu-ray (please, please, please), I'll have to buy the movie a fifth time (I've gotten rid of two of the copies I had, but still own two others on DVD).


                • I thought this was fun. Apparently in '77, Price did a British pickle ad:

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                  • Watched this today and thought it pretty good. While talking about Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee also discusses Star Wars and the difference between acting and celebrity.

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                    • So over the past two weeks I've watched three 70s man vs. natures movies (all streaming for free on Youtube).

                      Grizzly (1976)

                      This was the first and ended up being my favorite. The light plot is simply about a grizzly shot but left to die by hunters near an unnamed national park. The bear survives, but is pissed, attacks a logger and his wife and then gets a taste for human blood. One ranger and in-bush hunter take it seriously and figure out the bear is actually a pre-historic super-grizzly that they'll need to take care of. All three of these were clear cash-ins on the Jaws phenomenon, but this one wears its heart on its sleeves, even having a USS Arizona scene ripoff.

                      Claws (1977)

                      This one was also about a man-hungry bear. In this case, an early victim (who loses an arm and with it his job) takes an Ahablike vendetta against it. Soon, the locals suspect the bear is smarter and more supernatural than your average bear, an Indian folklore Devil Bear. This does seem to be the case and a hunt ensues. This was my least favorite of the three.

                      Snowbeast (1977)

                      Just finished this after Agent pointed it out. It's a TV movie and shows all the limitations and expectations you'd have with that including a cast comprised of actors two decades behind their prime and cutting away from the violence to splashed blood. That said, this one is fairly decent. It stars Bo Svenson and Clint Walker and takes place at a snow resort being plagued by a mean Big Foot. You mostly only see its arms. The characters were interesting enough to keep me watching.
                      Space Cop
                      The Dandy
                      Last edited by Space Cop; 01-11-2017, 11:55 PM.


                      • The Flesh Eaters (1964)

                        "You got a sour liver. Too much meat. Too much sugar, spices, coffee, white bread, alcohol, onions, and sex.
                        -Well, I can do with out all those other things, 'doctor,' but you can't expect me to give up onions."

                        Last week (in the Horror Thread) I posted that video about Carpenter's The Thing, which included movies that influenced it and were influenced by it. Two I hadn't seen (or don't remember seeing), so I'm tracking them down. First up, last night, was 1964's The Flesh Eaters.

                        I liked this one. It's about an actress and her assistant, who charter a seaplane from NY to MA, but have engine problems and have to wait out a storm on a desert island, where they come across a strange German marine biologist (a couple others, notably a beatnik, are added later). Soon after, a flesh-eating organism attack from the water.

                        This was super low budget (all filmed on a Long Island beach) and the main effect of the microbes is done with an exposure trick, but there is a monster thing too. It was well done and worth at least one watch. They use what they have well. For instance, one of the more tense scenes is simply whether the pilot can jump from one rock to another with the actress in his arms and not fall into the microbes. Agent would probably like it, if no one else. I got it from Netflix, but it appears to be on Youtube too.
                        Space Cop
                        The Dandy
                        Last edited by Space Cop; 03-09-2017, 03:26 PM.


                        • I'll try and check it out when I have time. Had a mediocre week and today made things significantly more problematic.

                          When it rains, it pours.
                          Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

                          September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


                          • Originally posted by Agent Purple View Post
                            I'll try and check it out when I have time.
                            This ain't exactly a stop-everything-and-watch-this-now movie anyway, but you'll probably like it. Maybe one or two others here would too.

                            Originally posted by Agent Purple View Post
                            Had a mediocre week and today made things significantly more problematic.

                            When it rains, it pours.
                            Well, hope the rest of the week is better.


                            • I have Netflix so I may check it out. Sometimes I get the itch for old black and white B horror movies.


                              • Just watched 1957's From Hell It Came (which is available in full on Youtube). Instead of posting thoughts and pictures, I'll let the Dark Corners review (that led me to look it up) say it all.

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