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Fan Fic: He Soars

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  • Fan Fic: He Soars

    He soars.

    In the spaces between the worlds. He drinks in the light of a billion stars. He watches them as they watch him. He with reverence. They with indifference. He does not care. The very old have that luxury and he, the very young is happy to respect it. In the void, it is cold and there is no wind except a raspy, solar breath that occasionally rushes by. He does not feel the heat but a slight tingle against his skin, serving to remind him that he is mortal surrounded by infinity.

    He soars.

    Through the iron landscape of Mercury, he feels the sun on his face and enjoys a view most can never see without going blind. He watches the sun boil and percolate, nuclear fission rumbling on the brilliant surface, solar flares stretching out into the black, children desperate to escape the bosom. He is learning to keep them away when they stray to close for comfort, not from him but from the world that gave him life.

    He soars.

    Through the sulfuric sea of Venus, thinking how alike and unalike Venus is to her name sake. Venus is female. He knows it with certainly he cannot question. She is passionate. She is turbulent. She devours and she burns. Like Love itself, Venus consumes everything that falls upon it. He admires its veracity.

    He soars.

    Through the stratosphere of his home world, frowning at the litter. Old satellites, discarded equipment, trash, creating a man made ring of garbage around the only oasis for a dozen light years. He is saddened by the treatment because he knows it was not so long ago, he too was guilty of such carelessness. He removes it all of course, like the janitor sweeping up an empty basket ball court after players and the fans have left. He is too ashamed not too.

    He soars.

    Through the red Martian atmosphere and tries to find the race that once lived there. He sees footprints in the red sand and is overcome with sorrow for their passing. He stands on the Martian soil and looks up to Earth, fearing that someone may one day stare at their own world from the barren husk of his, thinking the same thoughts. Learning too late, the same bitter lesson.

    He soars.

    Through the crushing pressure of the Giant. Feeling adrenaline coursing through every pore as he tries to race the swirling currents of gas that circle the massive planet. He has plunged into the red eye of Jupiter and let go long enough to let the powerful winds toss him around like a leaf caught in a gale. He laughs with a child's glee at this. He visits the moons, one by one and plunges into the layers of Europa. Beneath the covering of ice, he marvels at the things growing. Like humans, millions of years ago, the dwellers of Europa are in their infancy and he takes up the charge to protect them.

    He soars.

    Through the asteroid fields of Saturn, sometimes, he jumps from hurtling mass to hurtling mass. A child playing a very odd game of leap frog. Sometimes, he sees a cumbersome satellite moving by and takes a moment to adjust its trajectory to give better pictures to the folks back home. He likes to share the beauty of Saturn. On one occasion, he finds an asteroid chunk small enough to take with him and though acquaintances handle the paperweight all the time, they know nothing of its extra terrestrial origin. He smiles at this.

    He soars.

    Through the hydrogen rich skies of Neptune, mesmerized by its blue. It reminds him of oceans. It remind him of a girl with eyes so blue, he could drown in them. It reminds him of sky he wanted so much to belong to. Neptune is an iridescent jewel in the sky almost rivaling Earth. The Komaraka Clans come to Neptune to spawn. The hydrogen-helium rich atmosphere nurtures their young for two revolutions. He waits with eager parents as the spawn escape the planet's gravity field before joining the herd. He bids them farewell and good journey when they resume their cosmic migration.

    He soars.

    Through the disorientating orbit of Uranus, often thinking that he needs to correct this flawed axis. From a far it looks like a marble spinning the wrong way, off kilter. He knows that nothing is broken but he is at heart, human and cannot resist correcting what looks so obviously skewed. Uranus requires no such consideration and it is in not his purview to rearrange the setting, just maintain its upkeep.

    He soars.

    Through the Kuiper Belt that is home to the last of the planets, Pluto. They no longer call it a planet but he begs to differ. It looks like a world to him. It concerns him that Pluto no longer receives its due for it is the only planet that is employed gainfully. The heart in a sea of cosmic rock, Pluto plays hosts to many who uses its surface as a launching point to test themselves. Xudarian youth consider it a test of maturity to be able to navigate the Belt while Korugan scientists study human transmissions from afar. He warns them to mind their manners while they are visiting.

    In this cosmic garden, he is the caretaker. He is a Green Lantern and this is his sector.

  • #2
    wow, i like that one...

    very descriptive of all the planets in the solar system, i can definitely see Hal or Kyle taking time out to enjoy something as frivolous as planet gazing through the Sol system

    nice work



    • #3
      This is very nice. I highly enjoyed it.

      The writing was very descriptive and almost poetic. Good job.

      I do think you need to pay attention to the tense usage though. I'm not a big fan of present tense in fiction, but I think you're using it more for effect here.

