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Xion... help?

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  • Xion... help?

    ok, basically i'm having a bit of trouble with the outline of where i want to take the Xion fic...

    so far this is the basic outline i have, set out in sort of "episodes" with each "episode" being about 2 or 3 chapters long...

    what do people think? is this a good plan or do you have any thoughts on how i could change it for the better?

    remember, it's Green Lantern / Buffy / Stargate crossover, though mainly a "Stargate / Buffy" universe.


    Better than human?

    A Tok'ra archaeologist arrives at the SGC with newly discovered technology, giving the SG-1 team superhuman powers, worried for their safety, Hammond calls in Xander while the team have gone AWOL with their now powers.

    Something wicked this way comes

    Candy sold by the SHS band causes the adults to behave like teenagers, with some interesting outcomes. Xander finally catches up with Ethan again and learns something terrible, Ethan used the spell on himself and created a yellow power ring.


    Faith's new Watcher comes to town; Buffy is in trouble with the gang when they find out that she's been hiding Angel's return. After defeating Ethan, Xander is worried what the prospect of a yellow ring means for his time in Sunnydale, he gives the ring to Giles for safe keeping.

    Time after time

    O'Neill and Teal'c are caught in a time loop in the SGC, and must relive the same 10 hours over and over again. While Xander is aware of the time loop, no one else in Sunnydale seems to be, he finally calls on his father for assistance and finds out it’s a problem with the Stargate and a recent mission SG1 have been on.


    A broken-hearted Spike returns and kidnaps Willow, killing Oz in the process before being destroyed by Giles using the yellow power ring. Willow confronts Xander demanding that he fix Oz’s death...

    Hidden dangers

    The members of SG-1 are used as forced labor in an underground alien facility after their memories are erased by the ruling elite. Hammond calls Faith for help, and while she is off world searching for SG1 Xander is fighting Giles, who is using the yellow ring to hold his own.

    Emerald nightmares

    The demon Anyanka grants Willow's wish that Xander had dressed as someone that “would do the right thing” after Oz’s death, creating an alternate reality in which Xander rules the galaxy with an Iron fist as Parallax.


    At Christmas-time, evil haunts Angel, torturing him with visions of his murderous past and urging him to kill Buffy. Xander trains Giles in how to use the Yellow ring without it feeding and influencing his fears.

    Faith in yourself

    A test gone wrong leaves Jack and Teal'c marooned in space aboard a damaged prototype attack ship, Hammond requests assistance from Buffy who flies into space to help the Jack and Teal’c while Xander is helping Faith overcome her fear

    I think I’m Paranoid

    Buffy struggles with Giles who is using the yellow ring more and more on patrols, and his paranoia is growing.

    A favor for a friend

    SG-1 must stop Apophis and Heru-ur from forming an alliance of their powerful forces, while Teal'c is captured and tortured by the Goa'uld. Jack phones Xander asking him for a favour to help rescue Teal’c.

    Where do we go from here?

    Anya wreaks havoc again when a spell goes awry, bringing Xander’s doppelganger, Parallax into the world, after a vicious battle which nearly destroys Sunnydale Xander absorbs Parallax’s energy, leaving him completely human. But what should they do with him now?

    A favour for a favour

    The SGC is invaded by an alien life force that takes up residence in the base computer system -- and in Major Carter. Hammons asks Xander for a favour in extracting the alien, but Xander requests his own favour, council in what to do with his evil counterpart.

    To steal fear...

    The Mayor conspires to steal Giles yellow power ring and some new information comes to light when his ‘ascension’ isn’t what Giles was lead to believe it is.

    And bring hope to light.

    The prom approaches, and Xander saves Cordelia’s life in full daylight, bringing Ion into the world view because of the camera crew from LA on location.


    SG-1 helps to evacuate the Tok'ra to a new base -- but matters are complicated when a spy reveals their location to Apophis. The team attempts a daring plan with the assistance of Faith and Buffy to take out the Goa'uld's powerful fleet. Xander deals with the fallout of the general population finding out about a ‘super powered being’ in California.

    A change of power

    SG-1 with Faith and Buffy, find themselves stranded in a crippled ship in a distant galaxy -- with Apophis threatening to destroy them. Buffy and Faith finally destroy Apophis before helping Carter augment the hyperdrives with Buffy’s power ring, the experiment works in returning them to earth, but destroys Buffy’s power ring in the process.

    To infinity...

    As the hours tick away to graduation, Xander asks SG1 for assistance in taking down The Mayor, who’s ascension to an ‘ori’ would prove disastrous for the galaxy. As he ascends Xander does the only thing he can do, he takes the fight into Hypertime to prevent The Mayor from Ascending in this galaxy. Finally destroying the mayor, Xander must now successfully navigate Hypertime to find his way home, not an easy feat through infinite dimensions.


    An alien being is smitten with Carter and follows her back to Earth, assuming human form and pursuing a relationship with her. Xander and Faith stay with Jack to spend some time with Xander’s father, and Xander recognises the ascended being for what he is, one of the oracles that have been guiding him.

    In public view

    While Willow blossoms in the college environment, Buffy has a difficult time adjusting. Xander’s college art course is becoming more and more difficult with the public view on Ion, and while everyone seems to think he’s this world’s answer to ‘superman’, Xander can’t help but worry about the admiration when he discovers there are already churches dedicated to him.


    Everyone wonders what's wrong with Buffy when she insists that her annoying roommate is evil. Xander finally accepts the public view of Ion, and brings himself and Faith out into the open as ‘alien peace corps’ who have come to protect earth. Hammond demands to know what Xander is up to allowing the world to know about Aliens.

    The Corps is mother...

    Cassandra mysteriously falls ill, so Hammond asks Xander for help in finding a cure for her on her home planet, things get more complicated when the Tollan approach SG1 asking for the same protection earth has been given from the Green Lanterns.

    Searching for yourself

    Spike is back, searching for a gem that will make him invincible, while Xander is away on OA searching for reasons to carry on being Ion, Buffy and Faith must carry on without him. Faith finally admits to Buffy that she is really in love with Xander.

    Fear, Itself

    The gang finds themselves in a real-life house of horrors at a Halloween party, in which a Fear Demon feeds on their individual fears, Giles attempts to free them but is forced to fight Xander, who has turned into Parallax. Giles ring holds up, but Xander is worried about how Parallax’ energy has been influencing his decisions.

    Choices, with enemies at the gate

    The Tollan offer Earth advanced weapons technology, prompting a secret investigation on Tollana by SG1 with Xander and Faith, the Tollan are obviously annoyed at having two Green Lanterns there when they were denied their protection. Anubis is finally revealed to SG1 and Xander before he finally accepts The Tollan under his protection when he learns that they are Anubis’ first target.

    Rifts in friends

    A spell by Willow goes awry, causing Giles to go blind and Buffy and Xander to fall in love and get engaged. Faith confronts Willow about her magic and why she is using it so much, she informs Faith that she is sick of being the only one without powers now and wants to help out as much as the rest of them are.

    Rifts in family

    The Tok'ra war with the Goa'uld escalates, and the rebel faction sends Daniel Jackson to a secret meeting between the System Lords. The Goa'uld invade the Tok'ra homeworld and Jack has to ask for Xander’s help again, this time Xander has to decline as he believes the Tok’ra are just as bad as the Goa’uld, this leads to a rift forming between SG1 and the scoobies.

    The right thing?

    On the tok’ra homeworld Xander is still adamant that the Tok’ra don’t deserve his protection, Faith then takes things into her own hands attacking the Goa’uld summit openly and is injured by an energy blast. This is the final straw for Xander who declares open war on the Goa’uld, killing many of them, during a last battle with the system lords Xander shifts back into his Parallax armour for a moment, causing faith to pause and wonder if she did the right thing.

    Emerald destruction

    After the residents of Sunnydale lose the power of speech, Buffy battles strangely silent assailants alongside an incredulous Riley. While Buffy and Riley deal with Sunnydale, Xander’s war against the Goa’uld continues while he is in full Parallax armour. Faith finally has enough when Xander starts torturing Goa’uld and she turns on him, starting a battle between Green Lanterns that she cannot win.

    The strain of god

    Buffy and Riley struggle with the knowledge of each others' secrets; the gang must head back to high school to stop another apocalypse. Things are strained between Xander and Faith as they return to earth, Xander is overcome with grief over what he did and fails to use his power when it could help, causing Buffy to be injured. He finally gets over it when Faith falls into the hellmouth and he flies in to help her.

    Too much strain...

    Earth finds itself threatened by something even larger than the Goa'uld when the team learns that an asteroid is on a collision course with the planet. Hammond is reluctant to ask for Xander’s help, and calls in Buffy instead who averts the asteroid. Jack and Buffy have a long talk about what has happened to Xander, and they all realise they have been putting too much strain on him.


    Buffy discovers the Initiative's secret weapon, a supersoldier created from Demon, human and technological parts. Xander is angered when he finds out that Adam’s power source is a shard of a power ring that has been twisted by the government for their own use.

    Ascension again?

    Daniel Jackson is exposed to a lethal dose of radiation while visiting an alien civilization that is building a weapon of mass destruction. Jack pleads for Xander’s help, but he is too late getting there and arrives just in time to see Daniel ascend.

    A new player?

    Oz returns to Sunnydale and is captured by the Initiative during a full moon, Xander rescues him and is forced into a conflict by a soldier wearing a blue power ring. A conflicted Willow tells Buffy about her new relationship with Tara and Xander tells everyone about Adam's power center, though he isn’t sure of what it means yet.


    SG-1 must come to the rescue of their once-powerful allies when the Goa'uld attacks a secret Asgard laboratory. Sg1 take Faith along to help out, though she is hesitant to use the rings power and she feels something is different about it. Helping the Asgard in a last effort she uses her ring to charge and laboratories power systems but is injured when a power overload cracks her ring, causing it to explode and the power to be absorbed into her directly. As they return home Faith is in a coma.

    Green with power

    Adam’s plan finally comes to a head and Xander, Buffy and Giles fight him while Faith is still comatose, and getting worse. Xander finally defeats Adam, cracking his power core open. The energy explodes and leaves the area, Xander can’t track it but the gang soon find out where it went when they return from the battle and Jenny informs them about a ‘green’ energy she saw entering Faith, Faith is now awake and well, though her hair and skin have been tinted green now and she is able to use the power rings power without a ring.


    Tragedy reunites Teal'c with his son, who blames him for the death of his mother. O'Neill and Carter launch a risky plan with untested technology when Earth comes under attack by the Goa'uld. Hammond asks for help from Xander and Faith, who come to the SGC in time to see Aubis start using the Stargate as a weapon.


    Carter must find a way to save Earth from total destruction at the hands of the Goa'uld, who have turned the Stargate into a doomsday bomb. Xander teleports the stargate out of the complex at the last minute, leaving earth without a stargate.
    In order to fix this mess, Xander finally succumbs to the requests of Daniel and Sam and takes them to OA (planet found in “Hope in Faith” chapter) where they find out more about the “Ancients” before Xander brings the new “enhanced” Stargate back to the SGC for use.

    In the light

    Buffy discovers more about her newly arrived little sister, and the girls are distressed when Joyce suddenly becomes ill without any explanation, medical or supernatural. Xander identifies Dawn as The Starheart, raw magical power that has been given life, he keeps this to himself for the moment, not wanting to worry everyone. Faith starts to come to terms with her new predicament being green permanently, even though the media refuse to leave her alone.

    A fresh take on power

    SG-1 investigates the discovery of a woman frozen in the ice in Antarctica, who may be a link to the gate builders. A mysterious disease threatens to kill everyone at the research base, Hammond calls in Xander to help them find out more about the disease. Upon arriving at the Antarctic base he is stricken by the same disease and has to try and new way of using his powers, changing his own DNA to match the “Ancient” woman’s.

    An Alliance forged in fire

    Tara’s family makes a surprise visit to Sunnydale for her birthday, threatening to reveal a shocking secret that could endanger all of their lives. Xander and Faith stand up for Tara, saying they don’t care if she is a demon, she’s family.


    O'Neill is captured and tortured by the Goa'uld, Xander goes to intervene but it stopped by Daniel Jackson who is watching over Jack, they both watch and do what they can to help him. Xander finally snaps when he see’s Ball torturing his father and kills him. Daniel tells Xander this will have consequences he can’t even imagine before fading out.

    A true God at last

    As Buffy and Dawn help their mother prepare for brain surgery, an extra-terrestrial demon fixates on a disoriented Joyce, Xander calls in SG1 for help when he captures the demon and identifies it as Alien, not demon. They arrive in time to help, but are forced to watch as Teal’c is injured by Glory who believes Teal’c is her “Key”.

    Too much... far too much

    A news reporter threatens to expose a top-secret military project, but when Carter and Jonas give her a tour of the X-303, they discover that she is a pawn in a much larger plot to get the Goa’uld a power ring. Buffy must save the team from the Goa’uld by using deadly methods, after she has killed the Goa’uld on board, she is taken into counseling by the SGC.

    The end?

    The team is called into battle unexpectedly when the Asgard homeworld is overrun by Replicators -- which have evolved into a startling new form. Xander helps the team escape but it trapped in the time dilation field, as SG1 watch they see the planet and star explode with Xander still in the field, they believe him dead but find him drifting in space unconscious.

    Fight for dominance

    Emotions are charged between Willow and Anya when they are left in charge of the magic shop while Giles, Jenny and Faith watch over an unconscious Xander who is having a subconscious battle between the Ion and Parallax power inside him. Most distressing of all, while Xander is unconscious Buffy’s power ring doesn’t work, neither do Faith’s powers. Giles and Jenny take over patrols until Xander regains consciousness.

    The proper application of fear

    The Council of Watchers possess insight into Glory, but are less than forthcoming with the information, and are also threatening to deport Giles if Buffy doesn't perform well on a test of her Slayer skills. After doing their tests, Buffy finally passes but Giles snaps, attacking the watchers with his ring and getting the information out of them with pure fear. Jenny tries to stop him but is unable; this causes more of a rift to form in the group as Jenny says she is leaving.


    Dawn's entire world crumbles around her after she learns that she is the Key, and dealing with the truth proves to be even harder than anyone had anticipated. She sits with an unconscious Xander talking to him about what she is and asks why he isn’t here to help her through this. Moving to leave she turns back and kisses him on the forhead, a spark jumps through them blasting Dawn to the floor but recharging Xander.

    Become a killer?

    Colonel O'Neill is charged with the murder of Senator Kinsey, and the rest of the team must uncover a conspiracy in order to clear his name. Xander, Faith and Buffy help SG1 uncover the conspiracy but Buffy is captured by the NID who demand her ring, she escapes with Jenny’s help but is unable to kill them because she fears becoming a killer again.


    General Hammond and the Pentagon reveal the existence of the Stargate to other world governments, who demand equal rights to the gate, Xander and Faith step in, bluffing that they will remove earth from their protection if the Stargate project is not left under the command of General Hammond and SG1.

    The Body

    Buffy and the gang are overcome by grief when tragedy strikes and they are robbed of someone they hold dear. Buffy confronts Xander, demanding he stop Joyce’s death. Xander finally says there might be something he can do, but doesn’t know what the consequences are. Buffy just tells him to do it. Xander slips into the time stream for the first time and helps Joyce ascend before death. Buffy is unsure of what this means, but is visited by her mother that night who warns her that this shouldn’t have happened and there will be consequences. She tells Buffy she loves her and that she will always be watching her.


    Prometheus is forced to land on an alien world, where the local Stargate is the team's only chance of returning home -- though the local population believe the gate to be a myth. Hammond asks for Faith’s help in finding SG1 and she leaves to track down the Prometheus, finding the planet and then helping SG1 find the Stargate. This take a turn for the worse however when the natives of the planet start worshipping Faith as a goddess from their history.


    Glory attacks the group, leading Buffy into a fight with Glory which drains her power ring completely. Xander stops the fight and engages Glory directly but cannot kill her.

    A member at last?

    While Buffy is preoccupied with being her sister's keeper, Glory sets out to grab the person whom she now believes to be the Key — Tara. Willow starts using magic again to attack Glory and has to be rescued by Xander, Willow demands Xander helps her by boosting her power. Xander doesn’t agree to boost her power, but offers her a green lantern ring instead.

    About to snap

    SG-1 is called to defend the people of Abydos from the Goa'uld once again when they learn that Anubis, in search of a powerful device, is about to attack. Hammond asks for help from Xander, who is now being spread too thin at it is. He sends Faith and Jenny to help the SGC while he, Buffy and Giles leave Sunnydale with Dawn.


    SG-1 with Faith and Jenny, discover Daniel Jackson alive and living on an alien world, with no memory of who he is. The team hatches a plan to lure Anubis into a trap and destroy his new super-weapon.

    The Weight of the World

    Xander psychically enters Buffy's subconscious in an effort to reach the Slayer, who has been rendered catatonic while Willow attacks Glory directly using her new power ring.

    The Gift

    Buffy and Xander must square off against a true god when Glory prepares to use Dawn to break down the walls between the dimensions and unleash Hell on Earth, the portals open and Xander closes them by flying into them, finding himself stuck in Hypertime again, he finally finds a way back home from an unlikely source, joyce who shows him that Hypertime is collapsing.
    Xander finds out there is nothing he can do, and that dimensions are merging into 52 distinct separate ones. He watches Ion in the DC universe hold the breach as long as he can before returning to earth, noting subtle differences in the world, for one; there is now Kryptonian architecture at the north pole.


    A teenage boy shows up at the S.G.C. claiming to be Jack O'Neill, sending the team on a mission to uncover his true identity. Solving the mystery, SG1 now have 2 O’Neills on their hand, and the younger one, now calling himself Jon O’Neill requests to move to Sunnydale to assist Xander and the scoobies.
    Another mystery is brought to light when the Asgard show up inquiring about the new ‘kryptonian’ technology that has appeared on earth, shockingly aside from Xander, no one else has knowledge about Superman comics, movies or any other kryptonian fiction. Smallville series 7 episode 3 continuity

    Joining the fight

    A trio of young wannabe-big-bads (including Jonathan and Warren) cause trouble, while Buffy shoulders grown-up responsibilities such as running a household while Jon O’Neill moves in. Jenny decides to join the SGC on a more permanent basis.


    When SG-1 finds a crashed alien space ship, Daniel's mind is taken over by its disembodied passengers. The SCG call on Xander to help, who brings Giles along to assist, the relationship between Jon and Buffy grows.


    The Slayer struggles to readjust to life in Sunnydale by attending classes with Willow and Xander, while the Geek Trio test her abilities with a secret campaign of harassment of Buffy and Xander.


    Dawn sneaks out on Halloween and gets into a dangerous situation with a teenage vampire. Willow does a spell on Tara which alters her memory, Causing Xander to take the power ring away from her, causing a rift in the scoobies that may not be able to be healed.


    The team investigates an unstoppable new enemy soldier engineered by Anubis. Dr. Jackson and Jenny leads a team in search of an alien device in Central America, but gets more than they bargained for when are kidnapped by the NID who use an ancient device to mortally wound Jenny.

    Evolution 2

    O'Neill and Xander move to rescue Daniel and Dr. Lee, who have been kidnapped in Central America by the NID. Carter, Faith, Teal'c and Jacob infiltrate Anubis' super-soldier facility while Jenny dies at the SGC in Giles’ arms.

    Without memories...

    Despite Tara's misgivings about her overindulgence in magic, Willow does a spell that goes awry and gives the Scoobies amnesia. This is the last straw for Tara, who breaks up with Willow and moves out. More details on the Kryptonian technology and Xander moves to Smallville for a holiday (Smallville season 7 episode 8) and identifies Clark, Kara and Lara as the last Kryptonian’s in this dimension with the defeat of Zor-El but using his powers allows Lara to stay on earth.


    Willow and Tara reconcile. Warren acquires a pair of demonic orbs that imbue him with strength and invulnerability, and he faces off with Buffy but loses. He comes back with a gun, and shoots and Tara. Xander, finally having enough kills Warren, and he and Faith decide to leave earth, and they have had enough with humanity. They approach the SGC and request to be allowed to join the team to Atlantis.

    Lost city 1

    O'Neill goes to great lengths to keep the Ancients' knowledge from falling into Goa'uld hands when the SG1 with Faith discover a second repository. Xander meanwhile is in Kansas with Clark, Kara and Lara asking them if they would like to accompany him away from earth.

    Lost City 2

    Anubis begins a systematic assault on Earth, and the planet's only hope of salvation depends on whether SG-1 with Faith, can find the Ancients' mythical Lost City.


    A new Stargate team complete with Xander and Faith, embark on a dangerous mission to a distant galaxy, where they discover a mythical lost city -- and a deadly new enemy.

    Romance blooming

    Buffy and Dawn fight off vengeful spirits in the Sunnydale High. Meanwhile, the relationship between Jon and Buffy grows into something more romantic, and Giles rehabilitates Willow in England.


    The Atlantis base is threatened when the team discovers that an alien entity is in the city. Xander is still unsure whether he did the right thing in leaving earth, and checks up on them, seeing the Buffy is handling the planet well on her own and is now having a full relationship with Jon O’Neill, the clone of his father.

    Same Time, Same Place

    Buffy and Dawn are unable to find Willow, who has inadvertently made herself invisible to her friends, and vice versa.

    38 minutes

    The team finds themselves in mortal danger when their puddle jumper ship becomes lodged in the Stargate. Xander and Faith attempt to help but are attacked by the Wraith.

    Love or Lust?

    Dawn and Buffy (and then Willow and Anya) fall for the school quarterback, whose jacket is enchanted. Buffy starts having to spend more time in space as the Goa’uld step up their attacks on earth.

    The Storm

    When a massive storm threatens the city while Xander is fighting the wrath on the other side of the galaxy, Faith uses her powers to shield the city but is rendered unconscious by the effort, Xander returns to Atlantis in time to find them under attack by the Wraith.

    A portent of things to come

    The team finds a paradise world that would make an ideal sanctuary for those fleeing from the Wraith, but the local inhabitants believe their goddess will not permit it. Xander meets with the goddess and identifies her as an ascended being who tells him that he will be needed back on earth sooner than he thinks.

    Bring On the Night

    Giles arrives with three apprentice Slayers, the Scoobies research the origins of the First, and Buffy fights the Ubervamp.


    Buffy and Jon establish a boot camp to prepare the potential slayers for combat with the First and are shocked when they are joined by Clark and Kara.

    The Siege

    With a group of Wraith hive ships on the way to Atlantis, the team searches for a place to flee and a way to destroy the city. McKay leads a team to try and activate the Ancients' orbital weapons platform. Xander finally steps in and starts an all out war with The Wraith, defending Atlantis. They are interrupted when Xander receives a distress call from Buffy.

    In sorrow and tears

    The Scoobies are rocked by a suicide within their ranks and Xander returns to earth in time for Willow’s funeral, leaving Faith on Atlantis.

    In need of assistance

    Buffy leads the troops into a battle with Caleb, which ends with two dead Potentials and Buffy’s power ring being destroyed. Xander steps in and defeats Caleb with assistance from Clark and Kara.

    Running for home

    Sheppard and his team attempt to locate Lieutenant Ford with assistance from Faith, only to find themselves captives of a former soldier who is being hunted by the Wraith, Faith makes the decision to return to Earth and has to fight her way out of the galaxy when she is attacked by the Wraith.

    End of Days

    Buffy and some of the Potentials are injured by a bomb; Xander is haunted by the memories of Parallax and worries what would happen if he fell under the control of the first. He is finally able to overcome his fear when he see’s Dawn being attacked by a Turok’han, he blasts the ubervamp, killing it instantly but finds out he had been wearing the Parallax armour when he did it. Seeing this upon her return to earth, Faith attacks Xander, who stops her without harming her and asks her to marry him.


    Buffy comes up with a plan: The gang makes an attack on the First's army, aided by Xander to utterly destroy all of Sunnydale with a mysterious amulet. The gang believes Xander is dead when the city collapses on him, he finally flies out of the crater and moves into orbit where he destroys all hellmouths on the planet with assistance from Dawn as the starheart and Faith. Returning to earth they decide that they have done all they can here and to focus their energies on the SGC and Atlantis respectably.


    i do plan n taking the story further after "Chosen" but that is what i have planned out so far...

