So I think with a free home phone paid for by the government due to my low income just around the corner, I may finally have the internet back soon to post some new stuff. Recently I've done a lot of Battle for the Cowl micros, Legion of Super Heroes, some Titans, Static, and of course more Lanterns than anybody could possible count. I can't wait to get things back in motion again and get the old RPG up and running again! Any request you all may have I can do in my spare time. But I gotta jet soon and go out to eat with the pregnant wife and in-laws! Later peeps....
So I think with a free home phone paid for by the government due to my low income just around the corner, I may finally have the internet back soon to post some new stuff. Recently I've done a lot of Battle for the Cowl micros, Legion of Super Heroes, some Titans, Static, and of course more Lanterns than anybody could possible count. I can't wait to get things back in motion again and get the old RPG up and running again! Any request you all may have I can do in my spare time. But I gotta jet soon and go out to eat with the pregnant wife and in-laws! Later peeps....
Again? Didn't you just have a kid?
Winner: Reality TV draft 2014
"Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman
No Mav we're still waiting for the same one. We're right at 32 weeks and it's looking like they may induce the labor by the begining of next month. Kid's already 5 pounds and one ounce and his foots just smaller than my index finger. He's gonna be a bruiser....