Originally posted by Lantern Murdock 2814View Post
KL I love the class pick keep up the good work. If you got time do one of Gamma Aieg' R Ene and I for me. I would be very greatfull
I was actually gonna rework Gamma's face and badge but yeah I could make you a trinity group shot when he's done.
As far as the other Corps I plan on doing some of them soon. What I've been dong lately is putting the costumes of Blue, Green, and Yellow on various bases just without heads so I can come back to them. I think I've got one or two Reds done [one being my evil red teenag Lantern], but no Violet, Indigo, or Orange yet. I've planned on doing a Black Lantern/Sodam Yat though....
Here's a quickjob of the Red from Thanagar. Give me some time after I get off work and I'll throw in a mace for ya and maybe change the wings to more feathery looking ones [even though the wingmen on Thanagar don't use those kind].
The wings thing is weird. In Ran/Thanagar war they are either small fins, or large slightly wing-shaped plates. But when you see wingmen in GLQ they have feathered wings. I generally prefer the feathery ones myself but I can understand their tactical disadvantage