
No announcement yet. badges?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by methos View Post
    i'd look for something more along these lines...


    I have an Idea.
    You know how Hal has the Standard costume but Guy and John and Kyle have Custom Costumes, wel we should do that for the Badges, I mean have a Standard Badge and hen all sorts of different options or have people even make their own. I mean it may just be me, but I like the arm-Band Idea.


    • #32
      Here's something I think would be cool and would fit in the standard plastic badge holder, worked up real quick in Photoshop. One for each Corps, names and sector numbers, etc. could go in the white middle area.

      -Still working on the bottom text's font, trying to find something similar to the text used in "Hope Corps."

      Last edited by Guest; 01-04-2009, 06:29 AM.


      • #33
        More because I'm bored


        • #34
          Think a place could be left for people's avatars on the badge?


          • #35
            Well I think the GLMB should have its own symbol. One that looks very,very close the the lantern loge,but diffrent enough so that DC won't get upset with us for copy right infringment. I don't realy think the name of the site is that important. If they are cool enough people will ask us where we got them. Then we can plug the site.
            Take life with a Grain of salt and a shot of tequila!


            • #36
              Or maybe something more like the tee shirts with the logo, the message board address, the nickname of the individual wearing it, and the sign up date of that person.


              • #37
                just hurry up, the nyc con is coming up soon LOL

                or shoudl I just carry around a sign?


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Limelantern View Post
                  Think a place could be left for people's avatars on the badge?
                  Thats what I left the center for.

                  And if there is an official logo that won't get us busted by DC, I'll put it in there.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by IronLantern View Post
                    Thats what I left the center for.

                    And if there is an official logo that won't get us busted by DC, I'll put it in there.
                    I like your design, but I also like the new logo idea. I'm sure someone here is creative enough to come up with something?..


                    • #40
                      Well if someone does make a new logo for the board, I can throw it in where the plain text is now, make a version for each Corps, and people can just print it off if they want it.


                      • #41
                        IronLantern's idea seems like the right way to go, have a badge that would fit in a badge holder. I'm not sure about an armband idea, Methos idea might be better for that. I don't think we need a new logo, DC won't have a problem with this (Marvel would ).


                        • #42
                          I want a Green Headband with on it. PS, I have a beard too.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Godmera View Post
                            IronLantern's idea seems like the right way to go, have a badge that would fit in a badge holder. I'm not sure about an armband idea, Methos idea might be better for that. I don't think we need a new logo, DC won't have a problem with this (Marvel would ).
                            Your right. DC seems like they would be cool with it as long as you are not selling anything. The W.B. However Will sue each and everyone of us,come to our houses Kill are beloved pets and kick us in the nuts as they walk out the door.

                            Hal Jordan maybe fearless,I however have a healthy fear of lawyers.
                            Take life with a Grain of salt and a shot of tequila!


                            • #44
                              Well if there's no new logo, can someone do up '' in the same font as "Corps' in all the banners? I can put that in the badges above, finish off and post the rest of the Corps, and people can just print then off.

                              Or just leave it like it is?


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Rotten2thecorps View Post
                                Here is my sugestion. As for a badge we finf a GLCMB symbol that stands out,and on it will be our sector Numbers. We can have one of the mods start assinging Secotor numbers to us all. I call dibs on 1138!

                                A shirt that I think would be cool is if we each go into Hero creator and make a GL chacter that will represent us all. Then Paste it in front of a central Power battery with the adress above it all. I will draw a example of this later.

                                What would be super sweet is if we could find a super cheap way to cast rings. Maybe carge and extra buck or two and give it to some charity. I like showing off my Green Lanternness,but I would really like for there be some kind of good worth while cause attached to it.

                                Those are just my Rotten ideas.
                                Well unless someone on the board has the ability to make the shirts, getting them done would be very expensive. Me and a few friends got 6 shirts, with the same design on them made, and it ended up costing us close to $30 a shirt.

                                I couldn't even guess what multiple shirts with different images would cost.

                                I think the rings would be an awesome idea. I saw a guy on Replica Prop Forum was taking orders for anodized aluminum ring from all the different corps, but as of November 11th, he hadn't posted anything about progress, and I can't register there so I have no idea what's up with that.

                                If we could find someone to do a bulk order of rings, that would be awesome. I would be completely down with that.

