I will be at FX tomorrow at the orlando convetion center and megacon in march that sunday as well, if anybody else is planing to go let me know. www.fxshow.com
Fx was fun, I met and took a photo with george takei and Laura vandervoort
the pose was george's idea the iconic superhero.
Laura is smoking hot in person and really nice to her fans, I had my arm around her waist there.
the enigma was there he was cool to watch
I did go talk to Helen slater or jason david frank but took some pics
not alot of dc stuff there, but lots of GL shirts there (i wore superman because of laura) but wore my Gl ring.
lots of figures and stuff
but here is my gL haul, I found a JLU kyle and the Gl lock, and this awesome plate.
I will be hitting megacon and have a bigger budget and i want to make up some flyer cards for this site to pass out to Gl fans there.