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DO NOT conduct Trades With Larfleeze09

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  • DO NOT conduct Trades With Larfleeze09

    Larfleeze09 is A Scammer. He has used different boards and different Aliases but is the same person. He is known as Matt Mason scammer. 3 People on this board already have fallen for his scam. He keeps making up stories and promising things and then going back on them with contradicting information. Info about this person can be seen here;wap2
    I have evidence in my PMs as well that this person is scamming.
    Read these sites for the future to protect yourselves against this person. I will be filing a complaint to the P.O. for mail fraud and credit company for devious nature. I suggest anyone else dealing with his person post your experiences to warn others of this person.
    Manhunter Repairman
    Last edited by acidburn135; 11-29-2009, 05:14 AM.

  • #2
    Oh damn. Serious buisness.


    • #3
      something like this should be stickied


      • #4
        This guy is bad news he managed to get $80 worth of GoW figures from me for what I thought was going to be a trade for DCSH figures. He then makes up stories why he is not on, and tries to say reasons why he didn't use tracking on package even though we asked him to.
        He also uses too many exucses for things and if you look on the DC Classic Collectors thread on 21 page. you see he posts an image of his figures and u can see he has GoW figures. Yet when you go to the thread he made about the Trade he states he doesnt have any and wants to start. This person is just bad news.

        When we confronted him about it he tried to say he was busy and his mom had a stroke and how dare we accuse him of this, and that he will put a stop on our packages, which he probably never sent, and will try to do some more BS. Guys address is
        Dave Denham
        157 E 2740 South Rd.
        Kankakee, IL 60901

        Compare it with the ones in the link above. He also signed for the packages as D Williams and if you look one of his aliases is Dave Williams.


        • #5
          You can check this link as well. It links to other forums he visted and all there complaints.

          NEVER ship to anyone in Kanakee IL its most likely this asshole. Please lets get this guy Banned here. If you see anyone on here again from the state of IL around that area do not trade.
          Manhunter Repairman
          Last edited by acidburn135; 11-29-2009, 04:49 AM.


          • #6
            what a fucking tool, sorry for your loss bro!

            im like four hours south, i should make the drive an get your shit! ha ha lol


            • #7
              I don't know how this guys is still out there scamming after ripping all these people off. He uses different names and different addresses. I Dont even know how he is able to get to all these addresses to take peoples stuff. There are a couple of people that live near him but no one wants to go over and pay him a visit. People have also contacted the local P.O and there is an investigation going on but apparently thats not working out too well since he's still out there.

              I'm soo pisses I lost $80 worth of figures. I was hoping to get DCSH Batman, Catwoman, Mr Freeze, and Knightshdaow too. Was soo looking forward to them like an early christmas gift. What a complete asshole to do this near the holidays of all times


              • #8
                Don't lump all IL people with this guy


                • #9
                  No not all but, many from IL especially kanakee and BOURBONNAIS, and Bradley are this guy scamming beware.


                  • #10
                    That really sucks. I always require anyone I'm interested in purchasing/trading with to provide feedback and I do the same. If they don't have any, I tend to not deal with them. It's not always foolproof but it sometimes helps.

                    Why isn't there a Bad Trader/Scammer list stickied in this forum? One should be started so maybe this can be avoided in the future.
                    Hate is a choice. Love is a gift. An edict. A command. Love doesn’t understand names or labels. It doesn’t ask permission. It demands obedience. Hate can change. Love cannot.


                    • #11
                      I am so disapointed and Sad atm. I was looking forward to getting a Salaak, Batman, Kngihtshadow Batman, Mr. Freeze in for early christmas now all I am left with is a bitter taste in my mouth and $80 out of my pocket.


                      • #12
                        has a mod contacted you? obviously the guy hasnt been banned yet
                        HUNDRED'S OF COMIC BOOKS FOR SALE!


                        • #13
                          a Mod is on it. Ive filed three claims. He has claimed he will "call the post office to reverse the package" that his wife "didn't mail properly."
                          Figures for Sale/Trade: DCUC/DCD/Green Lantern Related *CHEAP*
                          Formally known as TMarcumUSN (or "Marcus" freakin' Bruce Castle haha)

                          I'm a leaf on the wind...


                          • #14
                            The only thing I find amusing is the fact that he calls himself Larfleeze of all characters, and partakes in greedy actions. Its unfortunate that people do things like that, it kills it for everyone else out there that just like to set up fair trades with each other.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by acidburn135 View Post
                              I am so disapointed and Sad atm. I was looking forward to getting a Salaak, Batman, Kngihtshadow Batman, Mr. Freeze in for early christmas now all I am left with is a bitter taste in my mouth and $80 out of my pocket.
                              dude me and you are having shiit luck at the moment as I sent a gentleman ghost and dr fate to this guy the other day so im well feeling it atm as it was my other half who has the figures not me and he bought them with me telling him it will be fine so clearly not the case.

                              Im lucky I didnt get the sinestro figure for this guy as would of been another free figure for him to take.

                              and actually he goes by another name as I got this address...

                              dave mento
                              157 e 2740 south rd
                              Kankakee IL 60901

                              I feel well shite about this now as thats two lots of figures I will never get as I was trading for a Question and a deadman figure from this douche.
                              Star Manphire
                              Last edited by Ninty; 11-29-2009, 02:23 PM.

