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    Kilowog's Recruit

    Blah Blah

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  • Old School
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Old School
    Originally posted by GLKING View Post
    You say what you say because you have not taken the time out to read through the past post and threads, which is the same thing that GLJIMT has done.
    I know that what you are doing is being spiteful just like your pal GLJIMT, but you have no business saying anything because you have not done business with me. In my case, your opinion should only be based on your personal experience with me, which you have not had. So thanks for your cheap opinion and for talking out your arse!

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    Kilowog's Recruit

    You say what you say because you have not taken the time out to read through the past post and threads, which is the same thing that GLJIMT has done.
    I know that what you are doing is being spiteful just like your pal GLJIMT, but you have no business saying anything because you have not done business with me. In my case, your opinion should only be based on your personal experience with me, which you have not had. So thanks for your cheap opinion and for talking out your arse!


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  • Old School
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Old School
    Originally posted by GLKING View Post
    You are nothing but a flamer!


    An Internet user typically generates a flame response to other posts or users posting on a site, and such a response is usually not constructive, does not clarify a discussion, and does not persuade others. Sometimes, flamers attempt to assert their authority, or establish a position of superiority over other users. Other times, a flamer is simply an individual who believes he or she carries the only valid opinion. This leads him or her to personally attack those who disagree. In some cases, flamers wish to upset and offend other members of the forum, in which case they can be called "trolls". Most often however, flamers are angry or insulting messages transmitted by people who have strong feelings about a subject.

    but you see I am persuading. Im persuading people not to buy from you due to the facts of negative feeback and replies you have recieved.

    who am I offending? you for stating facts based on what has been said by other people.

    who have I insulted? you? how, I have refrained from name calling. I never dissed your product

    I have no authority, Im just stating my opinion, based on facts

    and my opinion might not be agreed by all, just some. but its my opinion.

    you might indeed make a good product. congrats on that. cause I cant do it.

    but your customer service seems to suck.

    edit, let me say this.. you might be a nice guy and all, I donbt know you, so nothing personal, your product might be the best out there by far. just the way you handle your "business" is not professional and judging by alot of the bad replies overall, it seems your customer service is just not up to par as your quality of rings
    Old School
    Guardian of the Universe
    Last edited by Old School; 09-15-2009, 04:34 PM.

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    Kilowog's Recruit

    Originally posted by Old School View Post
    edited will refrain
    You are nothing but a flamer!


    An Internet user typically generates a flame response to other posts or users posting on a site, and such a response is usually not constructive, does not clarify a discussion, and does not persuade others. Sometimes, flamers attempt to assert their authority, or establish a position of superiority over other users. Other times, a flamer is simply an individual who believes he or she carries the only valid opinion. This leads him or her to personally attack those who disagree. In some cases, flamers wish to upset and offend other members of the forum, in which case they can be called "trolls". Most often however, flamers are angry or insulting messages transmitted by people who have strong feelings about a subject.


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  • Old School
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Old School
    edited will refrain

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    Kilowog's Recruit

    Originally posted by IonFan View Post
    ok that was just wrong dude
    You have no idea how much of a jackass this guy is. He instigates for no reason. I do have to say that he has to be smart because he's an electrician, but he seems to be losing control with his drinking because why else would someone of his caliber make unnecessary instigative comments
    Kilowog's Recruit
    Last edited by GLKING; 09-15-2009, 04:15 PM.

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  • Old School
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Old School
    Originally posted by IonFan View Post
    ok that was just wrong dude

    took the proper protocol

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  • IonFan
    Forum Member

  • IonFan
    ok that was just wrong dude

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    Kilowog's Recruit

    Originally posted by Old School View Post
    You are such a cum sucker! You should go and play with GLJIMTs ferret.

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  • Old School
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Old School
    Originally posted by Limelantern View Post
    All of this I find totally suspicious as well.

    Since I can only talk of my personal experience.

    He did not reply to my emails, actually none at all. Ignored everything that I said to him. While continuing to sell to other people for a month after I bought my ring. Even sending out rings to a few people who had ordered rings weeks after I did. Including sending extra rings to some people for having to wait longer.

    Meanwhile I wait more than 6 months, no ring, no refund, no commounication at all. And it took something like this very same type of thread with arguments brought from other members here that finally get him to send something. Before nothing would have been sent at all.

    So yes, I also believe in giving credit where credit is due.

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    Kilowog's Recruit

    Originally posted by Limelantern View Post
    All of this I find totally suspicious as well.

    Since I can only talk of my personal experience.

    He did not reply to my emails, actually none at all. Ignored everything that I said to him. While continuing to sell to other people for a month after I bought my ring. Even sending out rings to a few people who had ordered rings weeks after I did. Including sending extra rings to some people for having to wait longer.

    Meanwhile I wait more than 6 months, no ring, no refund, no commounication at all. And it took something like this very same type of thread with arguments brought from other members here that finally get him to send something. Before nothing would have been sent at all.

    So yes, I also believe in giving credit where credit is due.
    The period that you are talking about was during the time I was ill and left the wrong people in charge of my business. When my health improved I took over all the names and accounts and tried my best to take care of the problems that I was left with. So I can honestly say that I did not dodge any emails, but I can't say the same for those who I left in charge.

    There was never any arguments made here by members that bought me or encourage me to send you a ring. I sent a ring because I truly believed that you were telling the truth.

    I was giving 2 negatives that I did not deserve at all. Feedbacks are suppose to be given for transaction made through this board or referred through it, but not transactions that took place some other place.

    One of the problems that screws up this board is that you have to many members who are A-holes who can't control themselves from making unhelpful and useless comments. If the moderator,who is obsessed with me, would clean up the post of unnecessary threads, then people would not have to go through 20-40 pages of bullshit comments in order to see if the problem was resolved or not. Most give up on the third or forth page and assume the worst.

    Kilowog's Recruit
    Last edited by GLKING; 09-15-2009, 05:40 AM.

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  • Guest

  • Zomboid
    Guest replied
    I just read aaaaalll of that thread, so yeah, I understand why people would find it hard to trust him. Thing is, though, I got my ring. It took a little longer than I'd hoped, but I'm fine with that because it looks so great.

    Only shitty thing is that I think I messed up my ring size when ordering and now I have to get it sized down a bit.

    Anyway, I just took these:

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  • Limelantern
    Better than both the Salami and the Bologna combined

  • Limelantern
    Originally posted by Zomboid View Post
    I joined mainly to give some good feedback to GLKING. I came across his work through a google search and ended up here. I placed my order before I saw any of the negative feedback, but I am pleased to be able to say that I got my order and it is great.

    He replied to all of my emails concerning the progress of the ring (which I only bothered to send after reading some of the negative comments here) in a timely fashion, and he supplied me with a tracking number when it was sent.

    Stellar work, and I would order from him again. For the record, I got a Sinestro corps ring and I will put up a pic sometime in the next few days.

    So, uhh... +1 for GLKING!

    All of this I find totally suspicious as well.

    Since I can only talk of my personal experience.

    He did not reply to my emails, actually none at all. Ignored everything that I said to him. While continuing to sell to other people for a month after I bought my ring. Even sending out rings to a few people who had ordered rings weeks after I did. Including sending extra rings to some people for having to wait longer.

    Meanwhile I wait more than 6 months, no ring, no refund, no commounication at all. And it took something like this very same type of thread with arguments brought from other members here that finally get him to send something. Before nothing would have been sent at all.

    So yes, I also believe in giving credit where credit is due.

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  • Guest

  • Zomboid
    Guest replied
    I joined to give good feedback because I saw all the flak he was getting and I believe in giving credit where credit is due. Frankly, I'm a little surprised at how vilified the guy is; he does great work and I didn't have any problems.

    I didn't go looking for him on ebay because after seeing the quality of the rings in the pictures that others posted, I figured I knew enough to order.

    He didn't ask me to come here. My order "originated" when I joined the metalwerks group and he sent me an email asking what I wanted. After asking for (and receiving) a sample picture of his Sinestro corps ring, I placed the order, sent the money via paypal, and received my order last week.

    These insular little internet groups are notorious for being chummy with each other and stand-offish to "outsiders," but really, this is bordering on absurd. Give the guy a break.

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