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Questions on GL and BN figs-New to forum

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  • Questions on GL and BN figs-New to forum

    Hey, guys! I'm a bit new here, but I was curious about a few things.

    1)Am I correct in assuming BN SDCC GL Hal Jordan is the same mold as Superman/Batman series 6: Hal?

    2)Which of these Hal's is closer in costume color (specifically, green) of the new BN John Stewart? Which is closer to previous GL series figs (i.e., Kilowag, Guy Gardner, etc.)

    3)I heard a rumor of a non-SDCC BN Hal Jordan. This would be sweet for saving money. Does anyone have any confirmation or denial on this?

    I'm just trying to create the best set I can afford, and I would like to know if the Batman/Superman Hal Jordan will fit in well enough in color to save me the trouble of buying BN Hal from SDCC, which is darker in color (to my knowledge), and is WAY more expensive.

  • #2
    1) yes, with the exception that the SDCC one is more metallic, the left hand was remolded so that it can how hold the lantern, and the "holographic" corps symbol on the S/B one was removed

    2)being as i only have the SDCC version of the two Hal's that you are referring to i cant really answer this one. It also depends on how close you are trying to get it. I have 4 Hals (GL series 1, SDCC, JLA, and Justice) and of the 4 the Series 1 Hal and the SDCC Hal fit in the best with the rest of the line.

    3) I've heard that rumor but i havent heard anything other than that.

    I would recommend either the Series 1 Hal or the S/B Hal. The only thing i dont like about the S/B Hal is the pop-out symbol and the closed hands. Series 1 Hal is great other than he is kinda short (but in the comics Hal is 6' while Sinestro is 6' 7") so its kinda ok.

    Hope this helps


    • #3
      Thanks. I actually have series 1 Hal. While I have no problem with him being shorter than Sinestro, even Star Sapphire towers over him. And if the Green on S/B Hal was to different from the other Green Lanterns released, I wanted to maybe foot the money for the SDCC one if I could find it. I think it may be worth it either way.


      • #4
        if you wait till monday i'll let you know (mine is still on the postal office)


        • #5
          Cool. Well I have an offer out on one, but I doubt the seller will take it. We'll see.


          • #6
            1. Yes, but the left hand is open on the SDCCs and of course the new heads.

            2. SB Hal, SDCC is shiny but a darker Green, and the SB one is a not very shiny bright green. But atleast it's cheap!

            3. I doubt it. The closest thing I would think would make would be a Blue/Green Hal with the phasing costume.


            • #7
              I think I REALLY want the SDCC one. Better head, metallic paint, no protruding lantern emblem, and a hand that can hold the lantern...I just wish it wasn't so damn expensive!...pardon my language.


              • #8
                Originally posted by kdogg87 View Post
                I think I REALLY want the SDCC one. Better head, metallic paint, no protruding lantern emblem, and a hand that can hold the lantern...I just wish it wasn't so damn expensive!...pardon my language.
                You can probably find someone on the board you can get one off of for about $40-60. Compared to other prices thats a deal.


                • #9
                  I think a re-release of the SDCC Hals in a pack would be a money maker for DC.
                  Figures for Sale/Trade: DCUC/DCD/Green Lantern Related *CHEAP*
                  Formally known as TMarcumUSN (or "Marcus" freakin' Bruce Castle haha)

                  I'm a leaf on the wind...


                  • #10
                    i got my SDCC Hal for about $40 off eBay. Which in my book is a steal b/c that was after bidding for 3 weeks on about 50 different listings and its now one of my center pieces in my display (i will one day get around to posting it).


                    • #11
                      the rumor is that Hal will show in the BN line, there are at least 2 more waves we have not yet seen anything of.
                      My Ketogenic Journey


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by GLJIMT View Post
                        the rumor is that Hal will show in the BN line, there are at least 2 more waves we have not yet seen anything of.
                        Please tell me Natu´s in that wave...


                        • #13
                          Well, I'm going to feel like a fool if Hal does come in a BN wave because the seller accepted my offer. It was an ebay deal, and he wanted $70 plus $10 shipping for the item. I didn't expect him to accept when I put an ofter for $50 plus shipping, so I'm getting it for $60, which is right on the edge of Rainbowlanterns expected price range on the board. Seeing as every other listing knocks it up into $80-100, I'm pretty happy. Now I just have to wait for it to arrive. Hopefully these don't have DC Directs usual faults. I found a BN John Stewart the other day who's lantern symbol was crooked. And not "maybe they won't notice" crooked. We're talking 25-30 degrees skewed to the left. I didn't need to ask why it was the only one that hadn't sold.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by GLJIMT View Post
                            the rumor is that Hal will show in the BN line, there are at least 2 more waves we have not yet seen anything of.
                            Isn't the SDCC Hals technically from a BN line? So in actualilty, the BN line already has 5 Hals. Why would another one show? Unless of course it's a different colored Hal from the previous 5.
                            Thaal Jordan
                            Green Lantern Initiate
                            Last edited by Thaal Jordan; 11-30-2009, 12:11 PM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Thaal Jordan View Post
                              Isn't the SDCC Hals technically from a BN line? So in actualilty, the BN line already has 5 Hals. Why would another one show? Unless of course it's a different colored Hal from the previous 5.
                              New ones might show because of the high demand for these figures. DC Direct would really profit off of it.

