New GREEN LANTERN Image of Blake Lively as Carol Ferris
ActionFigure Insider has managed to get a look at the packaging of the Carol Ferris Barbie Doll and it features a shot of GREEN LANTERN actress Blake Lively in a flight suit. Check out the image below:
I am kind of surprised they didnt reuse the flightsuit from the 12in GB figures.
You know if that Carol Ferris patch was actually a patch that you could cut off, it'd be a nice base for a Hal Jordan figure. I have three Hal heads from the DCD 13" line and was always a little pissed that they never gave us something to do with it. They gave Clark clothes for Superman but nothing for Hal even though the mask is removable...I wouldn't what the odds are that we'd get a Hal Ken or that someone would part out this Barbie...
They have the GL movie toys at the Toys R Us in National City. Went there today and bought a movie masters hal. Thats the only place I've seen the toys so far, went to the Target and Wal Mart today(ones in National city too) and they didn't have anything.
" He who does not punish evil commands it to be done."-Leonardo da Vinci
"My mind is deluged with thoughts of Heaven and Hell,
Crime and Punishment, Damnation and Redemption. Hal
Jordan... And The Spectre.
I'm dead, yet I live. I have no identity. Yet I know
who I am. And once again I've been given power enough
to change the world. This time, Lord...
Let me be worthy."
They got a bunch of stuff on Amazon they say is "in stock" including basic fig 2-packs and 4-packs, and "Galactic Scale" Hal and Kilowog - 10" figs that light up:
They got a bunch of stuff on Amazon they say is "in stock" including basic fig 2-packs and 4-packs, and "Galactic Scale" Hal and Kilowog - 10" figs that light up:
That would make sense, since lots of online retailers have had movie toys in stock now for a week or even longer. It just is disappointing that TRU can't get their shit together and put the stuff on the floor. I found a handful of the 3 3/4 figures in the same store almost 2 weeks ago, so they clearly had stuff well before the street date. If they don't have it tonight, I think I am just going to ask for someone to look in back for it.
"My mind is deluged with thoughts of Heaven and Hell,
Crime and Punishment, Damnation and Redemption. Hal
Jordan... And The Spectre.
I'm dead, yet I live. I have no identity. Yet I know
who I am. And once again I've been given power enough
to change the world. This time, Lord...
Let me be worthy."
My local Walmart put out a bunch of the movie stuff on an end cap. Man, it is small and UGH-LEE!! I'm not buying any of it. All I care about is the Power Battery prop.
You know if that Carol Ferris patch was actually a patch that you could cut off, it'd be a nice base for a Hal Jordan figure. I have three Hal heads from the DCD 13" line and was always a little pissed that they never gave us something to do with it. They gave Clark clothes for Superman but nothing for Hal even though the mask is removable...I wouldn't what the odds are that we'd get a Hal Ken or that someone would part out this Barbie...
There's SOOOO many 1:6 scale collector figures with military themes coming out these days, that you can probably find SOMETHING that would work, whether it's a pilot's jump suit, or a "leather" bomber jacket. All kinds of companies making the figures, clothes, and accessory items in that scale.
Went to K-Mart and they had three brick displays out. They all had the same things in them:
• Basic Figs Wave 1 - except for Max Charge Hal and Sinestro
• Basic Fig Wave 2, - all of 'em. The Stel figure is the crappy concept fig, but they have a pic of the real design on the back.
• Battle Shifters - two Hal variations and Tomar Re
• Vehicle Shifters - Hal's robot and Kilowog's "car."
• Galactic Scale Hal and Kilowog - 10" figs with light up rings and emblems and little articulation, but they come with constructs.
• Parallax with repaint basic Hal
• Sling action fist and claw
• Mask and light-up ring.
No Movie Masters.
Already got the MM and Basic Hals, so I got the mask and ring for my kids. Tempted to buy the 10" Hal just so I can pose him with my 1:6 scale Batman and Superman, but I think I'll wait. Waiting for a basic Tomar Re and MM Sinestro as well.