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DC SuperHeroes Sinestro Corps Sinestro

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  • DC SuperHeroes Sinestro Corps Sinestro

    Out today, I will get a picture up soon, these are the 4 inch lead statues that come with a character bio book
    My Ketogenic Journey

  • #2
    Sounds cool. Hurry up with those pics!


    • #3
      These things are great. I have GL, Sinestro, Flash, and Green Arrow so far. I'm still waiting for Spectre, Guy Gardner, and Black Adam.


      • #4
        They are also doing an Alan Scott Green Lantern too. I hope they sneak in more of the other Lantern corps. The Sinestro one is great and the bio books are very nice reads.
        White Lantern's Oath

        From the center of all that is right,
        To that which challenges all your might,
        Never fade or give into strife,
        Don't let it end...Live Your Life!


        • #5
          Saw it my LCS today when we went in to pick up our holds... looked pretty good... I'd never buy it, but it DID look nice.
          Do good. Be well. Make happy.


          • #6
            haha now your talking my language lol These are what I custom and we've had sinestro for a bit now. Im gussing your on about these ones..


            • #7
              Originally posted by Ninty View Post
              haha now your talking my language lol These are what I custom and we've had sinestro for a bit now. Im gussing your on about these ones..

              Yes they are produced in the UK so you recieve them first, is Guy out on the Island yet?
              My Ketogenic Journey


              • #8
                Nope Guy Gardner isnt out here yet, he is out here on the 13th of August 09. Alan Scott is out at the end october and Cyborg superman is out two weeks later in November.


                • #9
                  That Alan is badass.


                  • #10
                    All look grand.

                    What I cant get is why shit takes so long to come out. Like the Blackest Night figures... really, preorder for a YEAR? Absurd.
                    Figures for Sale/Trade: DCUC/DCD/Green Lantern Related *CHEAP*
                    Formally known as TMarcumUSN (or "Marcus" freakin' Bruce Castle haha)

                    I'm a leaf on the wind...


                    • #11
                      Well these dont take too long to come out over here since there made here hahaha

                      Out of those images the only ones we not got yet are Guy, Alan Scott and Cyborg Superman as the rest have been out for a while.


                      • #12
                        I would like all of these, esp Cyborg Superman, Anti Monitor and Superboy Prime.
                        Figures for Sale/Trade: DCUC/DCD/Green Lantern Related *CHEAP*
                        Formally known as TMarcumUSN (or "Marcus" freakin' Bruce Castle haha)

                        I'm a leaf on the wind...


                        • #13
                          Cyborg looks great, but I wish it were the SC one.


                          • #14
                            I've never seen these before, are they released through Diamond? Will one of you cats in the know through out a link? Must add Gardner to my collection!


                            • #15
                              This cat knows nothing. And I want Hank... post a link!

