I can just see someone reciting the oath before they have sex while wearing these.
"In brightest day, in blackest night, no punanny will escape my sight. You better give it up without a fight... and when you go down, you better not bite!"
I've seen the Batman and Superman ones, and mocked them while my wife was present, so HOPEFULLY she will realize that I would not wear these.
Thankfully, my kids don't have the money to buy me Christmas presents, or my four-year-old would buy these for me in a second, after all the times I tried to hype up wearing underpants by talking about how "cool" the underpants we got him were, with all the pictures and stuff, and pretending to be sad that "Daddy's underpants are so BORING".
We had a bunch of Underoos when we were kids. Some of them found their way into Halloween costumes. I recall being somewhat of an Underoos snob, in that there were some versions that had a picture of a character on the shirt, instead of looking like what the character would wear. I remember feeling nothing but contempt for those, though not as bad as my snobbery concerning any store-bought Halloween costume that had a picture of the character on the chest. I had no problem with store-bought in general, but the character pictures on the chest just somehow made my little kid brain automatically dismiss them, and anybody wearing them, as worthless.
I can just see someone reciting the oath before they have sex while wearing these.
"In brightest day, in blackest night, no punanny will escape my sight. You better give it up without a fight... and when you go down, you better not bite!"