After seeing Amon return as a BlkL, I started thinking about Abin Sur returning as one. I know all the BlkLs that have returned are fighting their friends and doing things that goes against their character from when they were alive. I'm just wondering if someone like Abin who was on a crusade to stop/prepare for the coming blackest night could be made to serve the black lanterns if he is resurrected.
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Abin Sur
Well The Black Rings twist everything that the person believed in when they were alive, I am pretty sure Abin Sur is going to go after Sinestro for not helping him stop the Blackest Night earlier
Originally posted by irongreen2814 View PostWell The Black Rings twist everything that the person believed in when they were alive, I am pretty sure Abin Sur is going to go after Sinestro for not helping him stop the Blackest Night earlier
But the knowledge he had and the circumstances of his death do put Abin in an interesting position. I think he'll probably end up being the Black Lantern that turns good or overcomes whatever is twisting him, because what he has become is in direct conflict with the purpose he had in life. Even moreso than it is in other Black Lantern heroes.
Originally posted by Duskdog View PostI think he'll probably end up being the Black Lantern that turns good or overcomes whatever is twisting him, because what he has become is in direct conflict with the purpose he had in life. Even moreso than it is in other Black Lantern heroes.
Could you be right and Abin does something to make a game changing move somewhere in the series?
Originally posted by Dave Cormier View PostWow...that is a REALLY great theory! it never occurred to me, but you're right! Abin whole motivation since the revamp is that he was obsessed with the prophecy and stopping the Blackest Night. He could be the one BL that DOES overcome his "programming". I mean, if anyone could, it'd be a GL. It'd be kind of insulting if it was Superman, Hawkman, or some other major hero before a GL in a GL centered crossover. Who has more willpower than a Green Lantern? And Abin is DEFINATELY the SINGLE most celebrated deceased GL of all time (the only other real contender being Tomar Re).
Could you be right and Abin does something to make a game changing move somewhere in the series?
Could be one of the reasons we saw him "Rise" and haven't heard anything from him sense. Also, if I remember correctly, they didn't show him actually leaving his grave right?
im pretty sure they showed us abin surs grave stone so i think that suggested he will come back as well.
what if the guardians believed abin's warnings about the prophecy and had him fake his own death because they had the foresight to see hal jordan/earth lantern's usefullness in the upcoming war of light....whoa just blew my own mind--yeah i know it's a longshot
but it's fun thinking of this kinda stuff
You're right -- we saw the tombstone, and the ring commanding him to rise, but nothing else. It might not mean anything because that just happened in BN #2, I think, so he might be showing up somewhere in #3, but my money is on him showing up when Hal and Sinestro are together at some point. Maybe this next issue of GL, or later when things really heat up.
What if during the series we see Abin fighting the "programming" much like in Trek when the crew fought aganist the "Borg Programming" deal... like acting out like a BL, but then struggling with it, with the true willpower/personality of Abin Sur shining through? Committing acts as a BL then showing extreme remorse over the fact he couldn't control his actions.Figures for Sale/Trade: DCUC/DCD/Green Lantern Related *CHEAP*
Formally known as TMarcumUSN (or "Marcus" freakin' Bruce Castle haha)
I'm a leaf on the wind...
i think all this talk about him coming back gives me chills lol.. "fighting the programming" that would be so cool
I'm not sure anyone would have the capacity to fight their programming. After all, it's the programming, the Black ring that brought them back amongst the living in the first place. If anyone was able to override the ring, the essence that keeps them animated, they would drop dead. Without the ring, all they are is a corpse.