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Spoiler from Lo3W #5: a hint of future Geoff Johns story?

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  • #31
    I feel like the Guardians will be killed off with a "Renegade" Hal Jordan, being followed by the Corp. They wont seek to kill the Guardians, but possibly something will happen to where they die, or leave this dimension like they did before stating that the universe can defend itself for all they care.

    I feel like Ganthet and Sayd will be the only two Guardians left in our universe and they will begin a Green Lantern: "Guardian" Council, where members are elected. Members will probably include at first; John Stewart, and other veteran Lanterns (Minus Hal, since lets face it, he needs to be the star of the Book)

    I also feel that the Ganthet and Sayd will abolish the Alpha Lanterns as they are now and return all of the current AL's to how they once were and institute a new version of the Alpha Lanterns, taking Blue Lantern Corp members and giving them a Green Lantern ring as well. That would make them quiet a force to be reckon with, but have them used as only last resorts. That would allow us to see Saint Walker from time to time.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Darth_Andrea View Post
      This time when Hal goes after the Guardians I don't think he will be doing it alone. I honestly think at least John, Kyle and Guy will be with him.

      I hope so them and other promineent members of the corps. Maybe theyre defiated in a coup. They might go of the deep end and have to be taken down or maybe the whole thing will be retconned.


      • #33
        Let´s take guesses on wich GLs would made up such a council. Kilowog, Salaak and who more?


        • #34
          I say John. It could be a great way for us to decide once and for all if they've retconned Mosaic. I mean if you had a former mortal Guardian, wouldnt you want to have him on the council?

          I say so far Ganthet, Sayd, John, Kilowog, Salaak, Tomar-Re, any surviving or resurrected Lost Lanterns due to them having experience with Lanterns going Rogue, and possibly honorary members due to their Honor Guard status Guy and Kyle


          • #35
            Something interesting I noted during the picture of Atrocitus' vision of "renegade" Hal is that he is fighting 6 guardians. Right now, there are 7 guardians. There was 9 after the sinestro corps war. Now, at the start of BN, Scar has fully left the guardians and killed another. That leaves 7, but Hal was only fighting 6. That either means that one more dies, or some other plot thing. It could be that the 7th was killed by magic, causing the Alan Scott trial, causing Hal to rebel. That's just my idea though.


            • #36
              that 1 could be that "insubordinate" guardian, maybe he doesn't approve of the possible premeditated attack on hal


              • #37
                Originally posted by Knuckles View Post
                that 1 could be that "insubordinate" guardian, maybe he doesn't approve of the possible premeditated attack on hal
                wasnt he killed by scar



                • #38
                  Originally posted by Andrew NDB View Post
                  Probably. Which is pretty much my worst fear about Blackest Night... it won't have an ending, it'll just cliffhang into another Big Story.
                  i think even he would know to wrap up, if anything, the main part of this

                  so there may be seeds bein planted for the next how SCW had a definite ending but still said "wait there's goin to be more"


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Knuckles View Post
                    like how SCW had a definite ending
                    No it didn't. GL #25 bent over backwards to reassure us that nothing was over.


                    • #40
                      Due to the War of Light being really a War of EMOTION...

                      "Tenth law: All Green Lanterns will become Alpha Lantern-esque"

                      And the Corps doesnt approve of this so they...

                      Go Hal on the Guardians.
                      Figures for Sale/Trade: DCUC/DCD/Green Lantern Related *CHEAP*
                      Formally known as TMarcumUSN (or "Marcus" freakin' Bruce Castle haha)

                      I'm a leaf on the wind...


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Andrew NDB View Post
                        No it didn't. GL #25 bent over backwards to reassure us that nothing was over.
                        well yea, but i mean in the sense that the big battle was over...not the actual war..meanin ppl were able to breath before the other colors would actually show up
                        as opposed to...this color is here, and then it shoves another color and other color in our faces and then suddenly we have this last color (lack of)

                        i typed that whole statement horribly wrong


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Andrew NDB View Post
                          Which is why the vision of Hal fighting/killing the Guardians probably takes place not long after the Alan trial.
                          this also means the guardians are back after blackest night, cause i dont see them having time to give alan a trial during the story...

                          Team Cyclops !!! ...Screw Wolverine.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Andrew NDB View Post
                            No it didn't. GL #25 bent over backwards to reassure us that nothing was over.
                            Yeah, but a nice big teaser for where a story is headed is fine. Johns did tie a nice knot with SCW, but left plenty of rope to be unraveled, so to speak. Comics are (and should be) serial by nature and I certainly hope Blackest Night will conclude in and of itself and still provide plenty of basis for stories to come.

