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Spoiler from Lo3W #5: a hint of future Geoff Johns story?

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  • Spoiler from Lo3W #5: a hint of future Geoff Johns story?

    So what's Alan Scott doing in that wall? and who are those other 2 guys? hm?

    Well, that's Torquemada, the Green Lantern mage on the top. He and Alan teamed up in Torque's second appearance to go do some mystical stuff together.

    So we have two mystical connected Green Lanterns, and I'd bet the third guy is also connected to magic. The location is the Sorceror's World, and they've obviously been entombed there for close to 1,000 years. Probably setting something up for plans Geoff Johns has in the works.

    GL 38 origins & omens had that similarly themed shot of Alan

    And yep there's Torquemada there too. but the 3rd person in this one looks like present day Mordru.

  • #2
    Good catch. I don't know much about the Legion at all. Is the Sorcerer's World a real place in present day DCU or is it just a 31st century thing?


    • #3
      saw that too, not much a huge alan scott fan, so I never put any thought into it


      • #4
        Still No I.D. of the guy in Purple?


        • #5


          • #6
            Oh Snap!


            • #7


              • #8
                Would the other Earth heroes let the Guardians do that to Alan? I could see a shitstorm being raised over that.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Orion Pax View Post
                  Would the other Earth heroes let the Guardians do that to Alan? I could see a shitstorm being raised over that.
                  Which is why the vision of Hal fighting/killing the Guardians probably takes place not long after the Alan trial.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Andrew NDB View Post
                    Which is why the vision of Hal fighting/killing the Guardians probably takes place not long after the Alan trial.
                    That makes sense. Didn´t Atrocitus or Scar said something about the Guardians taking something from Hal, driving him to fight them and kill them?


                    • #11
                      Something like that, and then Sinestro said something like "when the time comes to rebel against the Guardians, you will be in the right for doing so".
                      Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

                      "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


                      • #12
                        So Hal is gonna go rogue again? I'm sure by the time this happens it will all make more sense. Geoff and Dan Didio keep saying that the GL universe and the DCU is going to be radically changed and the status quo of everything will be changed significantly.

                        As for Alan, he's pretty much screwed from what we saw in Lo3W #5. But it could still be a long ways off for that to happen. Then I'm sure they'll fix it.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Jack-O-Lantern View Post
                          So Hal is gonna go rogue again? I'm sure by the time this happens it will all make more sense. Geoff and Dan Didio keep saying that the GL universe and the DCU is going to be radically changed and the status quo of everything will be changed significantly.

                          As for Alan, he's pretty much screwed from what we saw in Lo3W #5. But it could still be a long ways off for that to happen. Then I'm sure they'll fix it.
                          The question is when? I always thought if Hal was going rogue again it would be before Blackest Night started. Going rogue in the middle of the end of the universe seems like a bad thing to to.


                          • #14
                            Which might be a good thing in a way. With Yat rebuilding the Corps in the 31st Alan being there might make things easier for him.



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Jack-O-Lantern View Post
                              So Hal is gonna go rogue again?
                              Is it really "going rogue" if the Guardians themselves turn on the GLs?

