I personally set the standard with iFanboy & Mugglecast. iFanboy usually features three people most episodes, while Mugglecast can range from 4 to 7 and still be clear and timely. We're just starting out, and I think we have a solid cast of regulars right now.
My new filter and hijack is clearing up everyone fine from the recordings I've been doing on Skype the last few days. So, if things go right, we'll have clear voices each time.
We had a power outage at my place and lost the last 20 minutes of the cast. We are going to record those last 20 and finish up the cast. The good news is, I have most of the cast edited.
We'll get it done. Plus, this way we'll have two podcasts back to back. We have a great new intro song. Cover some more Final Crisis stuff and come off with a great podcast.
We'll be shooting to finish the re-recording on Tuesday night. Then I should have the FC podcast up this weekend before my birthday. Then episode 2 shortly after that once Kuhan is done. Then after that the podcasts will be in the middle of March and April. Next one will be in late May.