So, with the return of the Green Lantern Corps to comic book pages, something I've been thinking a lot about is the robotic Green Lantern known as Stel. Specifically, I've been thinking about his changing appearances over time. Only Kyle Rayner has changed his look over time as much as Stel has (actually, probably a few times more than Stel!
When he first appeared in the 1960s, he had a design very much rooted in the way robots looked in SF movies at that time... chunky and not very interesting, a design that would be easy to stick an actor inside of if the robot were appearing in a movie. Here's what he looked like back then...

Then, in the 1980s, the character was brought back for the Tales of the Green Lantern Corps back-up feature, in a story called "I, Lantern" (which has just been reprinted in the new TPB volume Green Lantern: In Brightest Day) with a fantastic NEW look, designed by artist Kevin O'Neill, a look that would be right at home in modern SF movies such as Transformers.

This is my personal favorite look for Stel.
The Good: Complex, mechanical design, very modern and gritty. It would fit right in with Michael Bay's Transformers movie universe.
The Bad: 2 words -- robot nipples.
Then came his brief, non-speaking, unnamed appearance in at least one episode of Justice League Unlimited along with other members of the Corps:

And last, but not least, there has been his triumphant return, along with the rest of the Corps, in the last few years, with a decidedly retro look, hearkening back to his early appearances in the '60s:

So, which one is YOUR favorite?
P.S. If there's any versions of Stel I've missed, please let me know.

When he first appeared in the 1960s, he had a design very much rooted in the way robots looked in SF movies at that time... chunky and not very interesting, a design that would be easy to stick an actor inside of if the robot were appearing in a movie. Here's what he looked like back then...

Then, in the 1980s, the character was brought back for the Tales of the Green Lantern Corps back-up feature, in a story called "I, Lantern" (which has just been reprinted in the new TPB volume Green Lantern: In Brightest Day) with a fantastic NEW look, designed by artist Kevin O'Neill, a look that would be right at home in modern SF movies such as Transformers.

This is my personal favorite look for Stel.
The Good: Complex, mechanical design, very modern and gritty. It would fit right in with Michael Bay's Transformers movie universe.

The Bad: 2 words -- robot nipples.

Then came his brief, non-speaking, unnamed appearance in at least one episode of Justice League Unlimited along with other members of the Corps:

And last, but not least, there has been his triumphant return, along with the rest of the Corps, in the last few years, with a decidedly retro look, hearkening back to his early appearances in the '60s:

So, which one is YOUR favorite?

P.S. If there's any versions of Stel I've missed, please let me know.
