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Matt Spectro Thru The Multiverse: I'm appearing on an episode!

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  • Matt Spectro Thru The Multiverse: I'm appearing on an episode!

    Hey everybody. I have a friend who does podcasting, in the past on New England wrestling, and now has a new podcast on the theme of superhero animation. It's called Matt Spectro Thru The Multiverse. I'm appearing on this week's episode where we watch and review Green Lantern: First Flight. I'll provide the link to it once it goes up, but in the meantime I thought I would provide the previous 3 episodes.

    I'm not sure who here would be interested in this type of thing, but figured this was a good place to share these links. Maybe you are interested in superhero animation in general, and may like these episodes on Superman, the Hulk and Batman. Maybe you are interested in just the GL one. Heck, maybe you are just curious what my voice sounds like! Either way, I hope some of you here dig these episodes. Matt is a hot shit and a good guy, as well as a lifelong fan of comics like the rest of us here. So if you give this show a listen I'd be mighty obliged!

  • #2

    These 3 links are for the episodes where Matt Spectro and costars watch and review single episodes for Fleischer Superman, Batman the Animated series, and the 1980s Incredible Hulk. The episodes tend to be 40 to 60 minutes long and are pretty entertaining. I'll put up the Green Lantern episode link as soon as I get it.

    Thanks guys!


    • #3
      I'll definitely give these a listen.
      Check out my Green Lantern product reviews on Twitter as the Emerald Enthusiast! @EmeraldEnthusi1


      • #4
        Much appreciated sir!


        • #5
          And here is the link for this week's episode. This is the Green Lantern themed episode that I am the guest host on. Hope some of you enjoy it, and thanks for checking it out!


          • #6
            ^Good stuff for a good movie. I think it's a great film representation of GL.

            Your voice isn't quite what I expected, but not shocking. Better for podcasting than mine.
            Space Cop
            The Dandy
            Last edited by Space Cop; 05-07-2021, 03:07 PM.


            • #7
              Well thank you Space Cop! That's a nice compliment coming from you. I hope you got some entertainment out of it


              • #8
                And I agree. It's probably the best DC has done with GL. I would say New Frontier but Hal is part of an ensemble cast there and it's not really his story (no matter how much I want it to be).


                • #9
                  ^Yeah, I edited the comment because I realized afterward because total GL I probably like Emerald Knights more, but it's not Hal's story either. And yeah, I love New Frontier both comic and movie.


                  • #10
                    Sometimes I feel like Emerald Knights is better, but I don't get my Hal fix with that one.


                    • #11
                      Bumping the link back up so it doesn't get lost in the discussion:

                      Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Skywalker View Post
                      And here is the link for this week's episode. This is the Green Lantern themed episode that I am the guest host on. Hope some of you enjoy it, and thanks for checking it out!

                      Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Skywalker View Post
                      Sometimes I feel like Emerald Knights is better, but I don't get my Hal fix with that one.
                      Exactly. I mean it has "Mogo Doesn't Socialize" (and well done), but Hal is no more than a framing device.


                      • #12
                        Some interesting points about how in modern comics they go to so much trouble to acknowledge who the creators of various characters were. We can all see the upside to that, but there might be times when a character gets completely redone. As in, whoever had the idea to make Alan gay is probably much more his creator now than Art Modell is.

                        And the hot Boodikka is not the same character as the one who was... well, not hot.

                        Not that I'm praising those changes, but when the only thing that's still the same about a character is his name and maybe his costume, is the person who came up with his name still his creator? That's simpler of course than to try to do anything else, but is it meaningful?
                        Trey Strain
                        Guardian of the Universe
                        Last edited by Trey Strain; 05-07-2021, 09:49 PM.


                        • #13
                          That's an excellent point Spy. I often think DC LIKES to muddy up the waters over time with revamping and reworking characters. If for nothing else than if and when said character finally makes DC some money, there are so many creators involved through the decades that few or none of them are eligible for royalties. Heck, just look at Guy Gardner and Steve Englehart. He revamped the character but would never get any royalties from his use because he just reworked someone else's creation, even though he basically reworked Guy from scratch. Even the Green Lantern concept. Created by Marty Nodell and Bill Finger, but by the time we get to Teen Lantern and Jo Mulleins, the concept has been through a LOT of hands. "But I created Robin!" No, you created the 27th Robin. Who created Gwen Pool? Who created Batman as a Yellow Lantern? Who should get credit for Blue Beetle if DC finally gets him over?

                          It's all reminding me how derivative mainstream comics really are, and how seldom fresh concepts ever see the light of day anymore.


                          • #14
                            Gerard Jones and Beau Smith also did a lot of work on Guy.

                            Frank Miller is probably just as much Batman's creator now as Bob Kane and Bill Finger are.

                            There's a saying that you can't put your foot in the same river twice. That's because the water will be different the second time.

                            The issue is pronounced in comics because they last for so long and they get handed down from writer to writer, editor to editor and artist to artist.

                            You can depict a character in a strikingly different way, and because you're entitled to, you can say, "That's the same character." You might have made him better, but at some point it's just not meaningful to say he's the same character he was originally.

                            Similarly, musical acts are touring now who have almost nothing to do with the original versions. They can call themselves by those old names because the legal right to do so has in some way or other passed to them. They might do a fine imitation of the originals, but they're not the originals. I don't know of any of them who are actually putting out albums, but people pay to see them do shows, and they applaud for them.
                            Trey Strain
                            Guardian of the Universe
                            Last edited by Trey Strain; 05-07-2021, 11:30 PM.


                            • #15
                              Nice job Dave!

