Originally posted by Andrew NDB
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Geoff Johns in trouble?
Last edited by TazzMission; 01-20-2021, 07:19 AM................................................... ..........................
Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense
Apperntly lelita wright who plays shuri in marvel got attacked on twiter last month for posting a anti vax tweet. Now im sorry but these people are the same idiots who want a female black panther and demand equality but attack this woman who is a person of color accusing her of being anti vax and transphobic. There demanding she be fired . Anyone who supports this are hyporites and really should be asking themselves what they stand for because this is lunacy. Of course 2 buffoons on this board are going to try to find some excuse to say marvel should because we have to please the bitchy crowd who find everything offensive. Funny how having a different opinion can get you sworn at and asked to be fired and forced leave social mediaLast edited by TazzMission; 01-20-2021, 08:53 AM................................................... ..........................
Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense
Well, anti-vax is pretty dumb, and dangerous if espoused by somebody with influence. But attacking people generally doesn't help matters.
Originally posted by Mister Ed View PostWell, anti-vax is pretty dumb, and dangerous if espoused by somebody with influence. But attacking people generally doesn't help matters.Last edited by TazzMission; 01-20-2021, 05:53 PM................................................... ..........................
Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense
Originally posted by TazzMission View PostI think its pretty stupid to call for someones firing for simply asking questions about vaxinations wich lelita wright did. Me personally im iffy . I dont get the flu shot because i get sick from it so should i be cancelled or be terminated for it?Right Now there saying dont get the covid vax if you have alergies since cases of alergic reactions are reported. You have twitter keyboard warriors who think they know what is best. I just hope vaxinations dont become a mandatory thing for citizens. Sure sounds like a conspiracy theory but jobs make it mandatory and so do some schools. Whats next? Is daily life where you go to The dentist doctor offices What about grocery stores and in order to enter you must of been vacinated? This probably wont be the best example but this will be like post 911 mindset with the tsa checking everybodys bags to board a plane because people live in fear of getting covid
I wouldn't call for somebody's firing for expressing even extremely misguided or flat out wrong views on vaccinations, unless their job is one where I could reasonably expect them to convey accurate information on that score. But I'd certainly support people not letting their misinformation pass unanswered, so long as they are polite about it, and attack the false claims, not the person.
Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
I wouldn't call for somebody's firing for expressing even extremely misguided or flat out wrong views on vaccinations, unless their job is one where I could reasonably expect them to convey accurate information on that score. But I'd certainly support people not letting their misinformation pass unanswered, so long as they are polite about it, and attack the false claims, not the person................................................... ..........................
Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense
Hes writing a creator owned Indy mini series called Geiger. If I remember right Gary Frank does the art.
Originally posted by Big Blue Lantern View PostHe's one of the producers of Stargirl, which is a wonderful show.
I had no idea!
Appearing originally in July 1999 in the comic book, Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E, Courtney Whitmore was a tribute to Johns’ sister Courtney, who died in 1996 in the TWA Flight 800 crash at the age of eighteen. Johns was very open about his intentions to honor his sister, and even wrote in a letter to fans that Courtney Whitmore would not only carry on his sister’s name but also her spirit.
Originally posted by Sylent_Asassin View PostI had no idea!
Originally posted by Big Blue Lantern View PostHe's one of the producers of Stargirl, which is a wonderful show................................................... ..........................
Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense