At our store, we're getting them UPS now, so we only get the shipment about, one or two hours before we open on Thursday. Makes it tough to get everything counted in and on the shelf.
Especially with 3,800 comics rolling in this week!
At our store, we're getting them UPS now, so we only get the shipment about, one or two hours before we open on Thursday. Makes it tough to get everything counted in and on the shelf.
Especially with 3,800 comics rolling in this week!
Yeah, waiting for Thursdays on holiday weeks suck. It USUALLY happens on a week where books I really like come out. It hardly ever happens on the week where I get one book that I'm only collecting because nothing else that interests me hits the stands!
This week, I have:
GL #31
Final Crisis #1
All-New Atom volume 3 TPB
JSA:Classified #38
Classified is that 2 part Wildcat story they added right after they cancelled the book. I was ending with a Wildcat story, and I guess they had one more inventory story to push out, and gave the sad book another 2 months of life support. As a JSA fan, I'll be glad when this book is gone. So much promise pissed away.
GL will obviously be amazing; I've loved the first couple of parts to the Secret Origins arc.
Final Crisis is one of those books you just gotta buy. Hopefully it'll be great, but after buying the first 2 Crisis miniseries, DC had me by the balls for the third and hopefully final time.
The Atom trade I'm just buying because...well, I buy everything Atom related. No big thrill because I've already got the individual issues.