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The Green Lantern News Discussion Thread

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  • Originally posted by Marvelous Iggy View Post
    I know I'm in the minority but I'm looking forward to seeing the new status quo for Hal.

    Me, too.


    • Me too, just because the focus is back solely on Hal. Sinestro has his own book to take up space in now so it should be a fun ride.



      • Originally posted by The Kid Lantern View Post
        Me too, just because the focus is back solely on Hal. Sinestro has his own book to take up space in now so it should be a fun ride.

        I'm willing to give it a chance, just to see some actual solo Hal stories again. It reminds me of that period where the Guardians banished Hal from Earth for a year as a punishment. It didn't go down as the best GL period ever and it didn't last forever, but it was a change of pace the title needed at the time.


        • Yo.

          are U kidding me dude? those were some of THE BEST stories when he was out there solo, not the least of which let to the introduction of the Omega men, and that whole mess involving the "hands off" ruling involving the Psions & the Vega quadrant.....

          tbqh, Id always felt the book nosedived hard when his forced solitude was over & he ran back to Carol like a lovesick puppy.


          Originally posted by Andrew NDB
          Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.


          • Yeah, I liked Hal exiled too.


            • I agree. I'll take Hal fighting alongside the Omega Men and the Space Ranger and diving out an airlock with no power to grab his battery than intrigue at Ferris aircraft, the Demolition Team and Javelin.


              • Huh. Never expected to see many vocal supporters of that run of GL!

                My favorite was the boy that got stuck outside the airlock and imploded in front of Hal who was helpless to save him.


                • EVERYTHING doesn't need to be based in space.


                  • I won't be excited for Green Lantern until there's a creative team change.


                    • Originally posted by Foghorn Lantern View Post
                      EVERYTHING doesn't need to be based in space.
                      Exactly. I know that's what makes Green Lantern unique compared to the other main DC heroes but I like a good balance of both Earth and space epics. That's one of the things I really liked about Geoff's run on GL, he didn't stick to just one but told stories that featured both.
                      Green Lantern's Light!



                      • But no 50/50 split of Earth and space based stories could work. I understand suspension of disbelief is important in comics but last time I checked if you're in the Air Force and then disappear there were consequences. Geoff had this whole thing where he went to Edwards Air Force Base for inspiration and met pilots and such and even thanked them in the first issue of GL vol. 4. By the time the Sin War got around Hal was mostly in space and the only time Earth was a setting was when another hero or human got a ring or entity.

                        If the new direction is a success no way could this new renegade Hal work on Earth or with the JL for any more than a mission or two. It'd be comparable to Starlord moving back to Earth and doing the superhero thing despite not being a standard or traditional superhero. Starlord buddy copping the badguys with Spiderman or Daredevil wouldn't really make much sense. The only time traditional heroes work with Starlord is when they go into space [See Capt. Marvel, Venom, the Thing...]

                        This means after Darkseid War we could see a new GL on the JL, or even no GL at all for awhile since the whole corner of the DCU is being given a face lift.



                        • I mean GL based on Earth and the GLC based in space.

                          As far as what they're doing at the moment is concerned -- who cares? It's a gimmick and it won't last.


                          • Mike Johnson Embraces the Spectrum Throughout the Final Frontier in “Star Trek/Green Lantern” [Interview]


                            • GREEN LANTERN LOST ARMY To Have 'Major Impact' On New DCU
                              Newsarama: Cullen, although the Green Lantern: Lost Army sneak peek was focused on their predicament being far from home, the theme seemed to be centered around John Stewart's leadership. Is this also a theme of the series?

                              Cullen Bunn: John’s leadership and command decisions are definitely central to the book, especially for the first arc. We’ll see him making some really tough calls during really stressful and dangerous times. He’ll be a different type of man… and a different type of leader… if he survives this ordeal.
                              Nrama: Does Guy challenge John as leader?

                              Bunn: Oh, yes! We’ll be seeing a huge divide between Guy and John. It will not be something that will heal easily.
                              Nrama: What interested you about using Krona?

                              Bunn: Krona is interesting because this version of the character is obviously not the version we’ve seen before. Is he a friend? Is he an enemy? He adds some uncertainty to the team, and I think that will be a lot of fun. In many ways, he’s our Dr. Smith from Lost in Space. He brings a lot of history with him. That can be a challenge, especially considering that I want this book to be easily accessible for new readers, but the challenge of making it all work has been a lot of fun.


                              • The last time Guy and John got into it, it was because John killed a fellow corpsman and went to trial. Nothing really came of it. I think they should've killed John then, but at least this time the rift will hopefully last longer.

