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The Guardians/Zamarons

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  • The Guardians/Zamarons

    I read the Rise of the Third Army story arc up to this point, and I remember how the Guardians forcibly suppressed Ganthet's emotions (I refuse to use the term "purged" because emotion cannot be purged, only suppressed). Even so, I was thinking, "They got him! Those b*****ds got him!!" I hold hope that Ganthet will get his emotions back, he will apologize to Sayd, and they will be together again.

    Now, the second part of my post is regarding the Zamarons. I am wondering why they are trying to eliminate the Star Sapphire Corps (New Guardians #0), unless they caught wind of the Guardians' plans and are secretly planning to stop them. I am personally hoping that the Guardians get their collective a**es kicked, and if the Zamarons are truly intending to eliminate the Star Sapphire Corps, then they should get their a**es kicked as well!
    Do not think that this ends here... The history of light and shadow will forever be written in blood!

  • #2
    GL: New Guardians #14 revealed that the Zamarons have made some kind of secret alliance with the Guardians during this Third-Army rising.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
      GL: New Guardians #14 revealed that the Zamarons have made some kind of secret alliance with the Guardians during this Third-Army rising.
      I am hoping that the Zamarons have a super-secret agenda to stop the Guardians. I did read that one (I have the digital version of NG #14). I have already known about this "secret alliance" since NG #0.
      Do not think that this ends here... The history of light and shadow will forever be written in blood!


      • #4
        That could be. It's hard to believe they'd want emotion wiped out from the universe.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
          That could be. It's hard to believe they'd want emotion wiped out from the universe.

          Don't forget free will- that's what the Guardians want to kill
          Do not think that this ends here... The history of light and shadow will forever be written in blood!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
            GL: New Guardians #14 revealed that the Zamarons have made some kind of secret alliance with the Guardians during this Third-Army rising.
            Oh good I couldn't remember if this actually happened or if I was just making shit up. lol.


            • #7
              At this point, it's basically the same thing.
              The last fan of 1990s comics
              Read my Green Lantern blog The Indigo Tribe


              • #8
                Well, the Zamarons haven't always been portrayed as awsome people. They're from the same race as the Guardians (even if they look totally different), so they may be just as corrupted as they are.


                • #9
                  Krona, or his essence, is controlling them all. Krona is not dead. You just think he is.

                  The Zamarons are the mothers of this particular crop of Guardians, in body at least. Haven't seen where this idea has been retconned away. The Guardians are a blending of the humanoid species of Maltus with ancient symbiants that bestow wisdom, knowledge, and immortality (so long as the symbiosis remains), like Dax on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. The symbiants inside the Guardians are ancient. The bodies (except for that of Ganthet, the oldest of the original Guardians left in charge) are young, just a few years old. The Guardians-in-waiting trapped in the Chamber of Shadows are as ancient as Ganthet. Sayd's current body is also a youngster.

                  Not unheard of in literature (Shakespeare, the Theban Plays, Homer, modern television shows like Desperate Housewives, etc etc) for mothers to make a power grab.

                  Fill in your own ideas from there.

                  The power of will is found at the deepest level of your being. It's more than mere rules. It's a duty that you must honor.


                  • #10
                    Bitches be trippin'.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Evergreen City View Post
                      Krona, or his essence, is controlling them all. Krona is not dead. You just think he is.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Evergreen City View Post
                        The Zamarons are the mothers of this particular crop of Guardians, in body at least. Haven't seen where this idea has been retconned away. The Guardians are a blending of the humanoid species of Maltus with ancient symbiants that bestow wisdom, knowledge, and immortality (so long as the symbiosis remains), like Dax on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. The symbiants inside the Guardians are ancient. The bodies (except for that of Ganthet, the oldest of the original Guardians left in charge) are young, just a few years old. The Guardians-in-waiting trapped in the Chamber of Shadows are as ancient as Ganthet. Sayd's current body is also a youngster.

                        Not unheard of in literature (Shakespeare, the Theban Plays, Homer, modern television shows like Desperate Housewives, etc etc) for mothers to make a power grab.

                        Fill in your own ideas from there.
                        I don't think any of that is valid in the New 52. While it hasn't been explicitly retconned away, I can't imagine they'd keep all that.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Evergreen City View Post
                          Krona, or his essence, is controlling them all. Krona is not dead. You just think he is.
                          I hope not...but the Guardian's being possessed by the Entities should have some impact on them.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Corwin View Post
                            I hope not...but the Guardian's being possessed by the Entities should have some impact on them.
                            Assuming that hasn't be reconned. There have been no mention of the entities since Flashpoint.


                            • #15

                              that could quite conceivably be the ONLY good thing to have come about from FP.......


                              Originally posted by Andrew NDB
                              Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.

