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Green Lantern Sales Numbers

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  • Wait Guy is half ginger how dare me

    In before someone says John is half...

    Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
    Half Jew/half Catholic.
    Harold is a common jewish name you know.

    Originally posted by -//V\\- View Post
    And only half Latino/half Irish.

    Wouldnt the correct anwser be half mexican/half irish then?

    The point of saying latino is for no to be naming his heritage every single time.
    Sinestro's Sparring Partner
    Last edited by Noct; 01-20-2018, 02:58 AM.


    • Originally posted by Noct View Post
      For a min I thought you were talking about the title with the jew, the latino, the black and the ginger xP but yeah the other one with the Geoff Johns characters looks like is dropping faster.

      But you bring up a good point, GL already was overflowing with diversity and have done their part. Kill the other two NOW!


      • Originally posted by IonFan View Post
        Nope, I've always liked weird, out-of-the-box ideas. I'd be totally on board with a Crystal Kyle arc. Bring it.

        Check out my Green Lantern product reviews on Twitter as the Emerald Enthusiast! @EmeraldEnthusi1


        • Wait, when did Hal start overselling Green Lanterns?


          • Originally posted by W.West View Post
            Wait, when did Hal start overselling Green Lanterns?
            Apparently it was way back in May. lol


            • Let me tell you about an adventure in diversity at DC.

              DC had originally planned to bring back the GLC minus Hal in Green Lantern #150, Kyle's run. They set it up with a story called Legacy: The Last Will and Testament of Hal Jordan, written by Joe Kelly. They made a very bad move and never published it in comic book form, which guaranteed that almost nobody saw it. Anyway it was an excellent story, in which Tom Kamalku restored Oa and the Corps.

              But Geoff Johns was rising to ascendancy at the time, and he said, whoa, wait, you can't do this without my boy Hal! And, unfortunately, he got his way. This delayed the restoration process by almost three years! Well, why in the hell couldn't they have done it without Hal? The best move would have been to go ahead and bring back the Corps, and worry about bringing back Hal later.

              That was an immediate warning signal that Geoff's decisions about the property wouldn't always be as golden as the high-ups at DC believed.

              Anyway, it left DC scrambling to come up with a big story to mark Green Lantern #150. And Judd Winick pitched one that he thought was huge -- to reveal that Kyle was half Mexican!

              No, I'm not kidding. Winick and DC really did think that was a big deal.

              When the issue was published, I was among many people who went to the old DC boards to mock the "significance" of the story. Who gave a shit whether Kyle was half Mexican, and why?

              And to make matters worse, Winick then came to the board and called the people who were mocking the story "a bunch of racists!"

              So really, DC has been on a bad path with "diversity" in Green Lantern for a long time.

              Maybe they should look at the shitty sales numbers and spend some time worrying about those instead.
              Trey Strain
              Guardian of the Universe
              Last edited by Trey Strain; 12-22-2017, 02:58 PM.


              • Originally posted by Trey Strain View Post
                I'm pretty sure they're puffing the numbers for that one by offering free returns to the comics shops on unsold copies. They used to do that to promote The New Guardians. I think the actual sales of Green Lanterns are about 5K lower than than what's posted on Diamond.
                Puffing it up or not aside its still spiraling towards cancellation numbers. They'll have to do something eventually.


                • Originally posted by JohnMc View Post
                  Puffing it up or not aside its still spiraling towards cancellation numbers. They'll have to do something eventually.
                  like maybe making Kyle Great Again................... that could do it

                  IonFan says

                  MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


                  • Not too late to turn him into a My Pretty Pony Lantern with rainbows shooting out of his asshole, and rings on every hoof.

                    Just sayin'!


                    • Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Skywalker View Post
                      Not too late to turn him into a My Pretty Pony Lantern with rainbows shooting out of his asshole, and rings on every hoof.

                      Just sayin'!
                      You say that as a joke, but Ion reads that and thinks "that's it!"


                      • Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
                        You say that as a joke, but Ion reads that and thinks "that's it!"

                        I know! And I LOVE it!!!


                        • Originally posted by Noct View Post
                          Wait Guy is half ginger how dare me
                          Guy is also Half Human, Half-Vuldarian.


                          • The latest numbers.

                            HAL JORDAN AND THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS #35 $2.99 29,203

                            GREEN LANTERNS #37 $2.99 26,055

                            This is the lowest the sales have dropped since the end of Kyle's run, when DC finally gave in after years of intransigence and brought back Hal and the Corps.

                            Are you ready to tap out and reboot the property, DC? Or do you want the armbar to be applied to you for a while longer?

                            I understand that some older readers will never, under any circumstances, accept any reboot. But it's not about them.


                            • Originally posted by Trey Strain View Post
                              The latest numbers.

                              HAL JORDAN AND THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS #35 $2.99 29,203

                              GREEN LANTERNS #37 $2.99 26,055

                              This is the lowest the sales have dropped since the end of Kyle's run, when DC finally gave in after years of intransigence and brought back Hal and the Corps.

                              Are you ready to tap out and reboot the property, DC? Or do you want the armbar to be applied to you for a while longer?

                              I understand that some older readers will never, under any circumstances, accept any reboot. But it's not about them.
                              well we will accept DC Making Kyle Great Again


                              IonFan says

                              MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


                              • My source doesn't have the full report yet. I'll still post it when they do.

