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Green Lantern Sales Numbers

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  • I have more problems with all the Rainbow Lanterns than with Baz and Cruz. If DC erased those Corps from the franchise, I would welcome Baz and Cruz with open arms.


    • Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Targaryen I View Post
      You show 'em who's boss Ion!
      i'm using the only power i really have Dave, power of the purse, in my youth i'd protest, make phone-calls, boycotts, rallies, sit-ins and what have you BUT NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT (plus they don't work, just look at the election) so i use the only real force that works my money and nothing on this or any planet will force me to use it on GL comics til i feel like it (and going off sales i'm not the only one using this kind of protest)

      Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Targaryen I View Post
      Ion just wants Kyle to have uber godlike powers with 20 different rings and his body as a living power battery. More is better for him.
      i for one see nothing wrong with that

      Originally posted by Jeronimo Thompson View Post
      Well, what I've understood is Ion affirms that "Kyle turning green again" hasnīt had any impact in the fandom, as the sales of this book keep the same tendency observed in previous months.

      Wasn' it?
      Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
      Ion is a difficult puzzle to solve, but I believe you are right. His logic was: (1) Kyle went Green in Hal Jordan #17; (2) If fans wanted Kyle back in green the numbers would have shot up drastically in one month; (3) therefore fans want Kyle to be Space Jesus forver and ever.
      BINGO (for the most part)

      IonFan says

      MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


      • Originally posted by IonFan View Post
        i'm using the only power i really have Dave, power of the purse, in my youth i'd protest, make phone-calls, boycotts, rallies, sit-ins and what have you BUT NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT (plus they don't work, just look at the election)...
        Yeah, but I find the idea rather amusing of you chaining yourself in the waiting room of the DC offices until Kyle goes white again.


        • Originally posted by Jeronimo Thompson View Post
          I have more problems with all the Rainbow Lanterns than with Baz and Cruz. If DC erased those Corps from the franchise, I would welcome Baz and Cruz with open arms.
          But what are Baz and Cruz going to DO as Green Lanterns? It's not a matter pf them BEING Lanterns but of DOING something as Lanterns.

          I've laid out a simple and workable plan to cast Hal. Guy, John, Kyle and Alan in ongoing titles that will sell and will stay in print. But that's a very crowded cast of Earth Lanterns right there, and there's no obvious thing to do with TWO MORE of them without diminishing the roles of those five.

          This was a problem that never needed to happen.

          Send them to Gotham City! Anything! Just get them out of the Green Lantern comics!


          • I just hope that nobody at DC ever gets the bright idea of launching an EARTH CORPS...

            You folks know what an Earth Corps would do, right? Why, it would fight all those other Corps!

            And then... it would fight them some more!
            Trey Strain
            Guardian of the Universe
            Last edited by Trey Strain; 04-19-2017, 07:07 PM.


            • Originally posted by Trey Strain View Post
              But what are Baz and Cruz going to DO as Green Lanterns? It's not a matter pf them BEING Lanterns but of DOING something as Lanterns.

              I've laid out a simple and workable plan to cast Hal. Guy, John, Kyle and Alan in ongoing titles that will sell and will stay in print. But that's a very crowded cast of Earth Lanterns right there, and there's no obvious thing to do with TWO MORE of them without diminishing the roles of those five.

              This was a problem that never needed to happen.

              Send them to Gotham City! Anything! Just get them out of the Green Lantern comics!
              I also prefer the "classic" Earth Green Lanterns, and also think there are too many of them adding the new ones, but frankly, having to bear two irrelevant characters in these series is far better for me than having all the stories in the franchise infected by those foolish corps. In the case of Baz and Cruz, there is the hope, at least, of the coming of a new writer able to tell something interesting with them (who knows), but with the Rainbow Lanterns... No way.


              • Originally posted by Jeronimo Thompson View Post
                I also prefer the "classic" Earth Green Lanterns, and also think there are too many of them adding the new ones, but frankly, having to bear two irrelevant characters in these series is far better for me than having all the stories in the franchise infected by those foolish corps. In the case of Baz and Cruz, there is the hope, at least, of the coming of a new writer able to tell something interesting with them (who knows), but with the Rainbow Lanterns... No way.
                Point taken, and a valid one. I just want ALL that stuff gone. DC has added so much dreck to "improve" it that it's become unrecognizable. And the longer Baz and Cruz hang on, the harder it will be to get rid of them, now matter how much of a drag they create.


                • Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
                  Yeah, but I find the idea rather amusing of you chaining yourself in the waiting room of the DC offices until Kyle goes white again.

                  in the past during the ION story arc (the one with the REALLY bad "art") i called DC begging them to fix the art, it didn't work so now i've begun the mind set of "if that's the way your gonna play it i'm taking my ball (or money) and am going elsewhere "

                  and for the love of GOD it doesn't have to be white, just epic, awesome and more powerful then anything we've seen before

                  IonFan says

                  MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


                  • Originally posted by Trey Strain View Post
                    Hal, Guy, John and Kyle need to be Green Lanterns and nothing else.


                    Not red, not white, not blue, not Christmas Lanterns, not Vuldarians, not Darkstars, not the Spectre.

                    That would work if GL was a limited, non-crossover story, but it isn't. The nature of unlimited comics is irrevocably tied to taking chances and trying out new gimmicks. Some of those will be bad, and we just have to endure them as fans. For instance, I wasn't exactly thrilled for Hal to have Krona's gauntlet instead of a ring, but I knew it wasn't forever. There were a few moments during that phase that made me feel like I was getting my money's worth, and it ended with a refreshing moment where Hal made his own ring. We all have to deal with a few things that we don't like (In my case, G'nort) for the few moments that remind us why we're fans of this universe.
                    Check out my Green Lantern product reviews on Twitter as the Emerald Enthusiast! @EmeraldEnthusi1


                    • But DC obviously dislikes the concept of Green Lantern. They've always got a "better" idea that end up sucking every time. They don't do that to their other properties.

                      Aquaman is always this guy who lives in Atlantis, wears an orange shirt that makes him look like a goldfish, and carries a trident. And his comic flops every time, just like the sun coming up. In a title like that is where you need to "take chances," but they never do. They try the same failed approach again and again, and hope for a better result that they never get.

                      Just put out of a Green Lantern Earth comic and a Green Lanterns space comic, with different protagonists, and put the other three Lanterns on teams. And get rid of all the "creative" garbage you've piled into it and that has crushed the life out of it. That's all you need to do. It ain't rocket science.

                      You know, take a chance on doing something that will actually sell comics.

                      BTW, when is that last time they used G'Nort? I think they should use him once in a while, although a little of him goes a long way.
                      Trey Strain
                      Guardian of the Universe
                      Last edited by Trey Strain; 04-20-2017, 06:53 AM.


                      • Originally posted by Trey Strain View Post
                        But DC obviously dislikes the concept of Green Lantern. They've always got a "better" idea that end up sucking every time. They don't do that to their other properties.

                        Aquaman is always this guy who lives in Atlantis, wears an orange shirt that makes him look like a goldfish, and carries a trident. And his comic flops every time, just like the sun coming up. In a title like that is where you need to "take chances," but they never do. .
                        Aquaman went through a reinvention in the '90s just like most of DC's icons. He lost his hand, went shirtless, was depicted with a beard and long hair, his touch dehydrated people, and he was much more mean-spirited to his enemies than before. This version of the character was no only reflected in the JL/JLA cartoon, but it seems to have a strong influence on the Momoa version. I'm not sure how much of this is still around in the character because I haven't read much Aquaman outside of the JL in the last 10 years, but he was vastly different than the Silver Age version.

                        DC likes Green Lantern because the name is iconic, but they're clearly trying to recapture the magic of 10 years ago. What's missing? Honestly, I don't know. Readers have the classic characters if they like, and new Lanterns if they like. We have an Earth-based title and a space-based title. There's been a mix of newer villains like Larfleeze and classic ones like Dr. Polaris. So it would *seem* that there is something for everyone. Why there is only moderate interest in both titles is a little mystifying.
                        Check out my Green Lantern product reviews on Twitter as the Emerald Enthusiast! @EmeraldEnthusi1


                        • Originally posted by Big Blue Lantern View Post
                          Aquaman went through a reinvention in the '90s just like most of DC's icons. He lost his hand, went shirtless, was depicted with a beard and long hair, his touch dehydrated people, and he was much more mean-spirited to his enemies than before. This version of the character was no only reflected in the JL/JLA cartoon, but it seems to have a strong influence on the Momoa version. I'm not sure how much of this is still around in the character because I haven't read much Aquaman outside of the JL in the last 10 years, but he was vastly different than the Silver Age version.

                          DC likes Green Lantern because the name is iconic, but they're clearly trying to recapture the magic of 10 years ago. What's missing? Honestly, I don't know. Readers have the classic characters if they like, and new Lanterns if they like. We have an Earth-based title and a space-based title. There's been a mix of newer villains like Larfleeze and classic ones like Dr. Polaris. So it would *seem* that there is something for everyone. Why there is only moderate interest in both titles is a little mystifying.
                          Well, for me it's largely a matter of tepid storytelling. Disregarding all the other things I don't like, like Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz altogether, and cramming every other character in another book (especially one called "Hal Jordan", and these are very large grievances of mine) I just find the plots, characterization, and dialogue incredibly simple and uninspiring. I also find the continuity to be extremely weak, to the books' detriment. They will contradict, ignore, or change recent history left and right, and as readers, all we can do is just shrug and go with it... or stop reading, of course. But it makes you wonder why you do read when stuff from as short back as a year ago is ignored or changed. Sometimes it's huge stuff and sometimes it's little, but it happens A LOT. Examples being John Stewart's Star Sapphire Ring, all of Green Lantern: Lost Army, plot points like the Korugarians Sinestro and Soranik were saving, and so on...

                          A mini Sinestro Corps War where it's Hal Jordan vs. the Sinestro Corps, and for some reason the Corps has little scenes in the story, alluding to that they will show up to do something, but by the time they arrive, it's all over?
                          I don't really care. I felt the idea of the story was tired and beaten, and the execution of it made it nothing really worth mentioning.

                          Bottled Light was supposed to be a John Stewart story, I've heard, but when I look at it... as a John Stewart fan... it seems like not much happened and John didn't do much in it. I've also noticed John Stewart's fanbase (and by that I mean people who really really really like the character, not general GL fans who just casually think he's okay) seems to have pretty much ignored it or acted like it never happened, or didn't mean anything, so I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in my sentiments.

                          With Venditti's stories things technically DO happen (I think), but after reading them, to me it seems like nothing happened. Like, if you read a quick rundown about them on a wiki, you wouldn't be missing a whole lot. All of them have been like this for me, from Lights Out all the way to now. Though, to Venditti's credit, or discredit, the introduction of the Emotional Reservoir actually did seem like something important, for better or worse. It is funny that contribution has been swept WAY under the rug by now.

                          I think his stories are executed very poorly, in that he has a problem with actually getting readers (at least me) to really care about what is going on in the stories.

                          John Stewart becomes leader of the Green Lantern Corps...
                          but with the way it happened, I find myself not caring, and I get zero fulfillment out of that, and it doesn't do anything for his character, in my mind.

                          The Sinestro Corps and Green Lantern Corps team up...
                          but it's just not interesting, and they've already done a lot of teaming up over the years (even as recent as Lights Out and Godhead), so it means even less. So, I definitely don't care, and it isn't anything interesting. At least to me.

                          So I see a Green Lantern will be put on trial for a murder soon? Kinda' sounds like that Peter Tomasi story in where John broke Kirrt's neck and the Alpha Lanterns tried him. I didn't like that story, and this latest Sinestro Corps team up leading to a trial just doesn't sound captivating to me just from hearing about it.

                          Looking back some, I'm wondering why they even did that Godhead storyline, because it seems to have amounted to nothing worth anything. It seems the biggest takeaway from it was that Bekka became a regular Sinestro Corps member, and Arkillo lost some fingers... which have apparently grown back, and it seems Bekka hasn't been sighted with the Sinestro Corps... so nothing really matters from that story, and what did matter was paltry.
                          Wait! John Stewart got his Star Sapphire ring in that story! As I mentioned above, that event seems to have been made irrelevant. So yeah, that doesn't matter, either. And again, this was only... what, about two years ago, and one of the main creators today was even involved in the story? Odd that it has been such a non issue. But it's not like it wound up being a great story when all was said and done... so... whatever, I guess.

                          Furthermore--and this isn't Venditti's, but it contributes toward disenchanting me about Green Lantern as a whole--why did they do that Edge of Oblivion story? It seems completely pointless, and to me, it wasn't at all good.

                          You can only stack so many tepid stories on top of each other before some people start losing interest.

                          So yeah, there is an Earth based Green Lantern title and a space based one, but I don't find the quality of either to be anything worth mentioning especially positively, and the concepts they're using are all tired stuff we've seen a lot of, TOO much of in recent history.

                          Furthermore, my favorite characters don't really have anything interesting to do, and I'm not overly fond of any of the characters that DC has decided to focus on.

                          DC has been trying to recapture the magic of ten years ago for ten years. The second color war after the first was trying to recapture the magic of the first. The third was trying to capture the magic of the first. The fourth was trying to recapture the magic of the first. And DC has NEVER stopped since the first. That is a big part of the problem. There has never really been a substantial break from that stuff, so it's just taken everything over, and it shows no signs of letting up. I'm not convinced it will so long as Geoff Johns is President of DC Comics.
                          Weaponer of Qward
                          Last edited by Star-Lantern; 04-20-2017, 11:56 AM.
                          ZATSWAN.COM Zatswan: Multiversal Guardian, the brand new cosmic comic book, now available!


                          • No, that's not what to do with Aquaman. He doesn't need an Ollie Queen attitude. Just give him a new costume, lose the trident and any dependency on water, and destroy Atlantis. Keep the guy's personality but put him right here with everybody else. Like the Creature From the Black Lagoon except not a villain and not stupid. Change his environment and his trappings, that's all.

                            What magic was going on in GL 10 years ago that got Geoff over as a superstar writer? It was a one-two punch. First he just fixed Green Lantern back pretty much the way it was when Steve Englehart was writing it but without the satellite. But then unfortunately he followed that up with a second punch that had a big initial impact but ended up being a disaster -- the emotional spectrum, of course.

                            You say we have a GL Earth title now, but no, we don't. That's like saying that you could create a couple of new Superman characters and put them on Earth, and then you'd have a new Superman Earth title. No, you would not.

                            Who was the last character DC created and who got over with the fans? It was Kyle, and he might not even be over enough to carry a solo title, especially after all the silly stuff they've done with him. The last major comics hero to be created was probably Wolverine in 1974! Geoff hasn't created one, yet apparently DC and a lot of fans thought he would snap his fingers and create two Green Lanterns who would get over and sell an ongoing.

                            As I said, DC has confidence in Geoff but none in GL.

                            For that matter, we don't even have a GL space title now. We have a GL team/emotional spectrum title that's set in space. Like Green Lanterns, it's a Johns title, not a GL title. And everyone can see that it's not working.
                            Trey Strain
                            Guardian of the Universe
                            Last edited by Trey Strain; 04-20-2017, 01:44 PM.


                            • They need to stop trying to reinvent the wheel and just do what I said. They could try John and Kyle in occasional minis, and if they get a good response, then they could spin them off into ongoings.


                              • Oh wait, I forgot Harley Quinn. She got over. But she came from the Batman cartoons.

