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Hey guys, a bit confused help please!
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Dude im not a dubbed account I joined here to talk GL but people stay giving me a hard time.GOING GREEN!
I'm not flaming you.
I gave my opinion based on your posts. you chose to go the "virgin" route.
And until you offer us some sort of evidence that "Hal Goes Green" in the movie you will get people that will be against you, because there has been no evidence or indication of him doing so, and there are people more informed than you on these boards when it comes to what may or may not be in the movie.
And those figures are not any kind of spoiler in the movie, they are simply variants much like any superhero figure line in the past 20 years.
Originally posted by Green Knight View PostCant wait til we see Hal go green.
Wish I could see all your faces.
LET THEM HATERS HATE.Originally posted by Green Knight View PostDont be pissed when you see Hal go green when you watch the movie.
Originally posted by Green Knight View PostNo sir, Hal's costume will change though out the movie, dont be suprised if he goes all green.
How about no?Originally posted by Green Knight View PostHis costume will be in a constant 'state of flux'.Originally posted by Green Knight View PostAct your dam age.
Im done with you trolls, lets get back on topic.Originally posted by Green Knight View PostHaha, im done with this flame war.
If you wish to continue to talk GL and "Hal going green" I would be more then happy to.Originally posted by Green Knight View PostOk lets leave it at that shall we.
I best be off now. Speak to you guys soon.
And what do you mean by "all green"? Cus in Emerald Dawn he wasn't "all green" as people have said... in fact the only time I can think of ever seeing it was in First Flight.
But again... more importantly...
why do you care so much???????
You've accused people of trolling but from my vantage point you're the troll and this obsession with "going all green" is clearly your bait.
If you ARE just fucking with everybody then I have to admit I'm "going all green" with envy at how well you're doing.
Most of those translucent green toys are meant to portray how Hal used his ring to phase shift through walls and go invisible. Will this happen in the film IDK, as to the fact that you seem to think that the toys dictate what will be on the screen you will be sadly let down.
The Power up suit shown on the Early Bird Figure is supposed to be what he looks like when he is using the ring, so it isn't so much a different suit, as much as it is trying to show the "energy" coursing through GL. Same with the Hyper suit. The suit will maintain the same look BUT the aura of power will be different.
Originally posted by Space Cop View PostI love this thread.
Next thing you know you crazy guys are going to tell me Total Justice Kyle never appeared in comics.