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The shipping thread... ew

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  • #16
    Technically speaking, Vath's "dong" is the one closest to touching after Blackest Night....

    Just saying....


    • #17
      reading this thread just lead me to realize how soap opera-ish Green Lantern is. Everyone is sleeping someone, sometimes trading off. I half expect to see a storyline involving the pregnancy of Arisia....Who's the Baby's Daddy?

      I guess this is a good a thread as any to say I hope for a Natu perma-death in the future. And Kyle can get back to scoring with Jade. And Hal needs to get back to his roots, which involves being involved or trying to be involved with Carol while planting his seed in other places. That's half the reason Hal was so likable in the first place.

      As for dong size, it has to be Kilowog, right? If Mogo is in fact an asexual planet then I'd have to say Kilowog is top dog on campus.
      Pictionary Master
      Last edited by JohnnyV; 04-07-2010, 12:37 PM.

      Follow The Nobodies Comic on Facebook or Twitter


      • #18
        Originally posted by JohnnyV View Post
        reading this thread just lead me to realize how soap opera-ish Green Lantern is. Everyone is sleeping someone, sometimes trading off. I half expect to see a storyline involving the pregnancy of Arisia....Who's the Baby's Daddy?

        I guess this is a good a thread as any to say I hope for a Natu perma-death in the future. And Kyle can get back to scoring with Jade. And Hal needs to get back to his roots, which involves being involved or trying to be involved with Carol while planting his seed in other places. That's half the reason Hal was so likable in the first place.

        As for dong size, it has to be Kilowog, right? If Mogo is in fact an asexual planet then I'd have to say Kilowog is top dog on campus.
        What if Kilowog is like a chimp and/or gorilla, though, and even though he's huge...his dong is very tiny?

        If Kilowog doesn't take it, I think Alan does, personally.

        Natu perma-death would be great at this point, but I'd rather see her become her own character again, rather than be SINESTROS DAUDER and KYLES GEE EFF. Also, Kyle is too late. Donna is already going to get Jade. YOU SNOOZE YOU LOSE, BOY.

        But really if I can't have KyleDonna I will gladly take Kyle with Jade again. And back on Earth again.

        I think they're trying to set up Hal/Carol as the new Bruce/Selina with the "they love each other but can't commit for various reasons" thing and I am very EW at that. I hope Hal either makes it official with her or goes back to playing the field. Cowgirl is such a nonentity.


        • #19
          Originally posted by missferris View Post
          Donna is already going to get Jade. YOU SNOOZE YOU LOSE, BOY.
          now that's interesting. I don't think anyone would be against that happening.

          As for Cowgirl, yes she's pretty throw-away. I'm actually surprised she's survived up until now.

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          • #20
            Being a fan of Justice League Unlimited, John Stewart with Shyera is awesome. Obviously that won't happen due to her remembering her past with Hawkman, but the tension between Vixen and Stewart is near-as-good. So those would be the two I'd go for.

            After reading Blackest Night, Hal Jordan and Carol Ferris are it. And since Green Lantern is coming out next year (the film), I guarantee you that Cowgirl will be a thing of the distant past.

            Kyle's relationships and Guy's I can't really comment on as I don't follow the characters and know their history as well.

            Oh, and Arisia belongs with a Blue Lantern or something. Sodam Yat is a non-character and their relationship was incredibly forced.

            As for the poll, as it says, John is a Marine. United States Marine Corps for the win.


            • #21
              Don't think Kilowog has a big dong. Remember if you dont use it you lose it LoL. He hasnt used it cause his wife is dead.


              • #22
                Originally posted by JohnnyV View Post
                reading this thread just lead me to realize how soap opera-ish Green Lantern is. Everyone is sleeping someone, sometimes trading off. I half expect to see a storyline involving the pregnancy of Arisia....Who's the Baby's Daddy?

                I guess this is a good a thread as any to say I hope for a Natu perma-death in the future. And Kyle can get back to scoring with Jade. And Hal needs to get back to his roots, which involves being involved or trying to be involved with Carol while planting his seed in other places. That's half the reason Hal was so likable in the first place.

                As for dong size, it has to be Kilowog, right? If Mogo is in fact an asexual planet then I'd have to say Kilowog is top dog on campus.
                Geoff Johns watches too many reruns of Friends.


                • #23
                  This thread made me LOL. Who has the biggest dong? Really? I suppose the next thread will be which female GL has the tightest snatch.

                  ...and John Stewart has the biggest dong because, well, he's Black.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by sylent_asassin View Post
                    This thread made me LOL. Who has the biggest dong? Really? I suppose the next thread will be which female GL has the tightest snatch.

                    Follow The Nobodies Comic on Facebook or Twitter


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by JohnnyV View Post


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Orion Pax View Post
                        yea right. That Iolande snatch is like throwing a hotdog down the hallway...

                        Follow The Nobodies Comic on Facebook or Twitter


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by JohnnyV View Post
                          yea right. That Iolande snatch is like throwing a hotdog down the hallway...
                          She´s not the one dressed like a slut..


                          • #28
                            I vote Despotelis


                            • #29
                              I am for Kyle/Jade, Guy/Tora, John should meet someone new and Hal/Carol I mean Cowgirl is good but I think Carol is better for him.
                              No Sir, I punched the viceroy in the stomach, then I headbutted him in the face. Sir.-Hal Jordan

                              Villain Draft (Best Team Winner)/Proud Supporter of the DCnU


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by sylent_asassin View Post
                                This thread made me LOL. Who has the biggest dong? Really? I suppose the next thread will be which female GL has the tightest snatch.

                                ...and John Stewart has the biggest dong because, well, he's Black.

