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How to Lose A Guy Gardner in 10 Days

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  • How to Lose A Guy Gardner in 10 Days


    So, Guy got the lead short story (and title) in DC’s Valentine special this year—How to Lose a Guy Gardner in 10 Day.

    Vicki Vale picks him to write an article on how bad it is to date a superhero and gets more than she bargained for. I thought it was cute.

    Not exactly necessary, though, especially since this is only 10 pages and 1 of 8 stories (none of the others are GL) and a $10 cover price. So, if you only care about the GL/Guy story, I'd say it's only for the completionists.

    Space Cop
    The Dandy
    Last edited by Space Cop; 02-08-2024, 02:28 PM.

  • #2
    I remember the days when I would have automatically picked this up just because it had a GL in it. Comics were cheaper then, and I enjoyed them more on average, so it would have been a smart bet. These days, though, I'm barely hanging on to my comic hobby, and $10...that's gotta be something really cool for me to consider it (or at the very least be 100% GL content, not a single story out of many).


    • #3
      FYI: the others were Constantine, Martian Manhunter, Red Tornado, Flash (Barry), Booster Gold, Wonder Woman and Nightwing.

