Mighty Warriors Three: X-Men: Apocalypse Review
Come and see the end of the world on this special edition of the Mighty Warriors Three Marvel Podcast review of X-Men: Apocalypse! We’ve had many members over many lifetimes: The Marvelous Iggy, Bryan, Jon, and Tazer, all in this episode, gather to discuss the latest adventures of the Mutant children known as the X-Men! Is this film lost, stumbling in the dark following blind leadership, or is this film a second coming for the storied franchise? Join us as we four Mighty Warriors mount up and ride on to discuss the good, the bad, the oh-so-ugly parts of the latest film, and what we should expect and want to see from the future of the franchise—what better can be built with what’s left of this movie? Come and see, but not before subscribing to us on iTunes, rating us favorably and leaving a kind word in review, and vowing to join us again next time for your regularly scheduled episode of the Mighty Warriors Three Marvel Podcast!and special shout out to towritecomicsherams for letting us use the 90’s X-Men orchestral them. Check out the link for comic goodness!!!