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  • Darkstars

    Ok, I have been working through some GL binds and have found only a few times when the Darkstars are featured along with GLs. I know very little about them, (with respect to GLs) but quite a few former GLs became Darkstars. So would Darkstars be worth looking into from a Green Lantern fan aspect.
    I mean do they have Green Lantern style adventures? A similar style cast of characters?
    Originally posted by BatmanofSector2814
    I have yet to see Avatar, mainly because it is the plot of Pocahontas wrapped in a "Halo vs World of Warcraft" flavored, CGI heavy shell...and I've already seen Pocahontas and played all 5

  • #2
    Originally posted by Gl Josh View Post
    Ok, I have been working through some GL binds and have found only a few times when the Darkstars are featured along with GLs. I know very little about them, (with respect to GLs) but quite a few former GLs became Darkstars. So would Darkstars be worth looking into from a Green Lantern fan aspect.
    I mean do they have Green Lantern style adventures? A similar style cast of characters?
    um john stewart was one at one time, and donna troy was too, and kyle dated donna troy, so theres another connection as well


    • #3
      I'd say its worth picking up. It is a decent story that gets better and better. Once John comes in he becomes a big part of it. It should be pretty cheap too, so pick it up.


      • #4
        I never read the Darkstars series, but they did feature in Titans several times becasue Donna was a member.

        They seemed like a much more organized version of the GLC. Members were paid, they each had ships, there were prison ships with facilities for villains based on power levels, specalized equipment for certain tasks, etc.


        • #5
          Personally I would have liked to see the darkstars make a return,before all of these new colored corps were around. I liked the idea of an organization that rivalled the glc but were somewhat less poweerful. And I loved their costumes.


          • #6
            Well, the L.E.G.I.O.N. will fill that role once Vril gets his team back. And a new sort of Darkstar appeared in there, though fairly different.

            As for the original team, the Controllers have shrunk in numbers, and both the suits and the users were mostly destroyed, no?

            Come listen to our cast, and have a ball while you're at it! : D


            • #7
              Originally posted by TEN_RINGS View Post
              Personally I would have liked to see the darkstars make a return,before all of these new colored corps were around. I liked the idea of an organization that rivalled the glc but were somewhat less poweerful. And I loved their costumes.
              Yeah. It was a cool series. But I think that we won't see the Darkstars again aynmore. I hope that most of the corps will vanish after the Blackest Night. There are way too much ringbearers flying around. Speaking of Darkstars. Have ALL Controllers been killed by Agent Orange or are there some left anywhere?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mosaic View Post
                Yeah. It was a cool series. But I think that we won't see the Darkstars again aynmore. I hope that most of the corps will vanish after the Blackest Night. There are way too much ringbearers flying around. Speaking of Darkstars. Have ALL Controllers been killed by Agent Orange or are there some left anywhere?
                There have to be a few left, as they were the ones who made the Miracle Machine in the 29th century, that Superman memorized and made in modern times during Final Crisis. But, their numbers have dropped. Recently, Larfleeze killed a few, and Krona killed a few during Trinity for betraying him.

                Come listen to our cast, and have a ball while you're at it! : D

