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superman leader of dc

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  • superman leader of dc

    why is superman no longer the great leader and force he used to be ? in the old days he would marshall the troops and inspire the good guys now he takes a back seat to almost everyone.........superman isnt writted like he used to be ...superman is hope personified he is a rallying point the completely selfless good guy.....i wonder if it has anything to do with the lawsuit going on against the superman name..........where is superman during this blackest night....he needs to take command become the leader he has always been

  • #2
    I have never really viewed Superman as a leader. Sure, he's big DC's big gun and awe-inspiring, but that hardly makes you a leader. Wonder Woman is much more a leader than Supes in my book, hell, even Bruce would make a better leader.


    • #3
      heroes always did flock to supes for leadership. that how it was in the 80's and 90's.

      now not so much. I dont really see any of them looking to supes for "leadership" anylonger, almost as if hes not the head honcho no more


      • #4
        Originally posted by Old School View Post
        heroes always did flock to supes for leadership. that how it was in the 80's and 90's.

        now not so much. I dont really see any of them looking to supes for "leadership" anylonger, almost as if hes not the head honcho no more
        yea, and it sucks! Honestly, even when he is around he acts like a different Supes than I remember growing up with. Sure he's an honest, good-natured guy; but he always had a boiling point, that once reached, he'd go off on peeps. Now he's becoming, frankly, boring
        When are we gonna get the REAL Superman back?

        Say cheese!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Willpower View Post
          yea, and it sucks! Honestly, even when he is around he acts like a different Supes than I remember growing up with. Sure he's an honest, good-natured guy; but he always had a boiling point, that once reached, he'd go off on peeps. Now he's becoming, frankly, boring
          When are we gonna get the REAL Superman back?

          for now I would say re read those jla satellite days


          • #6
            I blame the legal issues with the Siegel, but I do like the fact that he is in fact getting stronger again, and something no one seems to be talking about.......he's immune to Kryptonite now........not just a little bit.......he's totally immune, and no one has even mentioned it lol


            • #7
              Originally posted by Willpower View Post
              yea, and it sucks! Honestly, even when he is around he acts like a different Supes than I remember growing up with. Sure he's an honest, good-natured guy; but he always had a boiling point, that once reached, he'd go off on peeps. Now he's becoming, frankly, boring
              When are we gonna get the REAL Superman back?
              The real Superman is in Superman World of New Krypton


              • #8
                Originally posted by irongreen2814 View Post
                The real Superman is in Superman World of New Krypton
                well technically thats the current "New Earth" Superman, but Kal-L is the original Superman created in he would be the "real" Superman lol


                • #9
                  I think it has to do with the lawsuit and the fact that Superman isn't so much leader anymore but more of a fail safe. Once everything is at it's end and the villains seem to be winning, Superman comes in and solves it.

                  I think the best leader for the DCU is Alan Scott Green Lantern. His segments in Final Crisis of leading the "Article X" heroes was awesome.


                  • #10
                    Isn't Superman the new leader of the New Kryptonian military guild right now?

                    And really, does anyone else like the fact that Superman is not the beginning and ending of all things DC anymore?

                    I am definitely not a Superman fan, and I can't stand it when he has to show up in everyone else's books and rescue them all the time. I don't read the character's books, I don't want him in my character's books.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Limelantern View Post
                      I am definitely not a Superman fan, and I can't stand it when he has to show up in everyone else's books and rescue them all the time. I don't read the character's books, I don't want him in my character's books.
                      I don't like Superman much unless Grant Morrison is writing him. The wierd thing about me is I won't buy Kal-El books...but I will buy ANY book with Kal-L in it.


                      • #12
                        The best Superman story ever just concluded last year. So, I think Supes is still one of DC's best.
                        The Best Comic Site Ever!!!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by irongreen2814 View Post
                          The real Superman is in Superman World of New Krypton
                          Yeah, but you know what I mean. That whole thing is interesting and all, but it feels like its just happening to keep him out of the way while they make everyone else more mainstream. Idk, it just feels wrong.
                          Superman is "the Dude", man.
                          He's John f'n Wayne
                          Superman is the epitome of what a superhero is, and most current hero's are contrived from him in their history in some fashion.
                          I know they did the whole Kal-L/Kal-El thing, but to me that was just a plot device to update him. In my minds' eye, they're one and the same.
                          He's ageless, timeless, and appeals to people all over the world.

                          Jeez, they should just let someone who feels passionate about it write him. Like me

                          Say cheese!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Willpower View Post
                            Yeah, but you know what I mean. That whole thing is interesting and all, but it feels like its just happening to keep him out of the way while they make everyone else more mainstream. Idk, it just feels wrong.
                            Superman is "the Dude", man.
                            He's John f'n Wayne
                            Superman is the epitome of what a superhero is, and most current hero's are contrived from him in their history in some fashion.
                            I know they did the whole Kal-L/Kal-El thing, but to me that was just a plot device to update him. In my minds' eye, they're one and the same.
                            He's ageless, timeless, and appeals to people all over the world.

                            Jeez, they should just let someone who feels passionate about it write him. Like me
                            Please then take over for James Robinson


                            • #15
                              I think the last time I even bought a supes title was over like 10 years ago.
                              HUNDRED'S OF COMIC BOOKS FOR SALE!

