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Have Marvel's movies gotten too jokey?

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  • Have Marvel's movies gotten too jokey?

    What do you think?

  • #2
    as of right now that's the only thing that's hurting the new Thor movie.................... BUT it's also helping it

    for my 2 cents they should of pulled a little to the DC side and gone a little dark near the end, for the love of god it's like being in NYC as 9/11 was happening and making joke about 9/11 (), that's what's happening near the end of Thor...................... also he never once asked about his friends

    IonFan says



    • #3


      • #4
        It's too early to say that Marvel Studios as a whole has gone too far in that direction. However, Dr. Stange's solo and Thor:Ragnarok have both suffered somewhat from an overzealous comedic tone. I hope Marvel doesn't keep increasing the goofball factor for fear of the movie critics crying "no fun."

        Captain America: Civil War was a mostly serious film and Black Panther appears to have a darker tone than Homecoming or Ragnarok. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt for now.
        Big Blue Lantern
        Corps Honor Guard
        Last edited by Big Blue Lantern; 11-07-2017, 04:39 AM.
        Check out my Green Lantern product reviews on Twitter as the Emerald Enthusiast! @EmeraldEnthusi1


        • #5
          No I had a ton of fun with the last Thor movie that leaned a bit more into comedy than the last two. I thought it's self aware humor helped elevate it a little past it's Saturday morning cartoon trappings and would rate it the best of the bunch.


          • #6
            A bit too much. It worked for Thor 3, but was constantly in risk of killing the movie. Guardians 2 just sucked and the jokes fell flat. I think Doctor Strange had the right amount for what it was doing. Ant Man made sense to have a more comedic tone.

            Marvel has played it right with the Cap series, being much darker and more series, with some humor thrown in. And the Cap trilogy are my favorite movies of the MCU.


            • #7
              I think I would rate Deadpool or Logan as the better Marvel movies even though they are from Fox, otherwise I am with you on Cap.

              I agree about Guardians 2 as well, I was pretty let down by that one. It's just not as good as the first.


              • #8
                For me it isn't so much how jokey they are as whether I personally find the humor...funny. I really like Marvel movies' humor in most cases, but would agree that GotG 2 was not as good as the first, and part of that was that I wasn't as amused by the humor. Not that there was too much, but that I didn't find some of it all that funny.

                Many of my favorite Marvel films are the funniest ones. Like Ant-Man, or Spider-Man Homecoming, or the first GotG. I have yet to be disappointed in a Marvel movie because of the QUANTITY of humor (and really I've yet to be truly disappointed by an MCU movie, aside from Incredible Hulk, even if I've been less impressed by some).


                • #9
                  Yes! And a lot of them are not funny. I'm looking at you GOTG. I can't remember the last Marvel movie I really enjoyed.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by "Chosen" View Post
                    Yes! And a lot of them are not funny. I'm looking at you GOTG. I can't remember the last Marvel movie I really enjoyed.
                    I really like GotG, but I'm becoming less and less interested in the Avengers-cycle stuff. I don't know how much of that has to do with the humor (though I am becoming more annoyed than amused by Stark's sarcasm).

                    But then again, I'm not thrilled with many DC movies. So, I think I'm burned out on blockbusters more than anything. I really don't get excited for new comic book or big-budget sci-fi movies any more. They come out too often to be special. I'm more excited to see an old classic I somehow missed, a clever indie, or someone who gets a lot out of little budget.
                    Space Cop
                    The Dandy
                    Last edited by Space Cop; 11-06-2017, 06:29 PM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
                      I'm more excited to see an old classic I somehow missed, a clever indie, or someone who gets a lot out of little budget.
                      I'm looking forward to seeing Wonderstruck, myself. I loved Hugo, and this is another film based on a book by the same author (a book that I've read and enjoyed). And it was well reviewed, in my local paper at least.

                      But I still want to see Thor: Ragnarock.

                      (And I'm hopeful about Ready Player One, though the trailers actually look like they may have just converted it to a non-stop action-fest with big set pieces that have little connection to the actual contents of the book. I hope that's not the case.)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
                        I'm looking forward to seeing Wonderstruck, myself. I loved Hugo, and this is another film based on a book by the same author (a book that I've read and enjoyed). And it was well reviewed, in my local paper at least.
                        That's the kind of thing I mean, even though I haven't read that author. For instance, I'm way more excited for The Disaster Artist than any comic movie I can think of coming out and certainly way more than Star Wars.

                        Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
                        But I still want to see Thor: Ragnarock.
                        Me too. In fact there's a good chance I'm going with the family tomorrow to see it. But, I hadn't particularly felt like I need to see it in theaters and I hadn't even remembered the release date. And that's kind of typical for me and these movies now.

                        Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
                        ...(And I'm hopeful about Ready Player One, though the trailers actually look like they may have just converted it to a non-stop action-fest with big set pieces that have little connection to the actual contents of the book. I hope that's not the case.)
                        I still haven't read that, though I kept meaning to pick up a copy. Now that it's so close, I'll probably just wait so I can go into the movie with no (book-related) preconceptions. It used to be that if I knew a movie was coming out of a book I haven't read but wanted to that I would rush to read it first. Lately, though, I've been taking the opposite approach. I'm a lot more forgiving when I'm not constantly thinking "why did they skip that" and "that character would never do that." Of course, if I've already read it years ago, it's too late.
                        Space Cop
                        The Dandy
                        Last edited by Space Cop; 11-07-2017, 04:17 AM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Skywalker View Post
                          A bit too much. It worked for Thor 3, but was constantly in risk of killing the movie.
                          I got the impression that Marvel was so concerned about Hela being so dark that they overcompensated with other areas of the film. My biggest complaint about Ragnarok is that it took characters from a serious story--Green Scar Hulk, Korg, and Miek--and used them as comic relief.
                          Check out my Green Lantern product reviews on Twitter as the Emerald Enthusiast! @EmeraldEnthusi1


                          • #14
                            To me all these superhero movies are really disposable entertainment; cartoons for adults. We aren't meant to mull over them, or really pull anything deep or meaningful out of it other than being entertained by pretty lights and explosions; and I'm perfectly fine with it. I hardly revisit these with the exception of Logan and Deadpool; I've seen those multiple times since release.

                            My favorite movie this year had nothing to do with super heroes; Blade Runner 2049. I can see myself obsessing over that one when it hits blu-ray. I have no urge whatsoever to see the new DC movies. I think DC is winning in the comic arena, losing in the movie arena, and Marvel is the opposite.


                            • #15
                              I'm leaning toward thinking that they're too jokey.

                              I'm a fan of putting some humor in serious fiction, but it depends on the kind of humor you use. One bad type of humor, to me, signals that although what you're seeing is ostensibly serious, it's not to be taken seriously. You undercut yourself when you introduce humor like that.

                              (I love the old Batman television series, but it was really just a very accurate depiction of the goofy material that was published in Golden Age and Silver Age comics. The sensibilities of the comics writers and editors who produced that goofiness are gone and can never be recaptured. That stuff was entirely a product of its time.)

                              The other kind of humor that's bad is the sort that degrades your protagonists. Keith Giffen can be very funny, but he often engages in this.
                              Trey Strain
                              Guardian of the Universe
                              Last edited by Trey Strain; 11-07-2017, 08:13 PM.

