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The Wonder Woman Thread

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  • #61
    JMS' Wonder Woman gets fill in?

    Remember when we ran some lovely Wonder Woman artwork-that-never-was a while back? Specifically some from Drew Johnson, from a project written by Micheal Jelenic, writer of the Wonder Woman animated DVD?

    Well, it looks like it might not be quite-so never-was after all. An interview we linked to last week with inker Ray Snyder last week, has the lead in;

    His work on a riveting fill-in story for the “Wonder Woman” series with former Macon resident Drew Edward Johnson will hit stands in the coming months.

    With later elaboration;

    …an upcoming story arc in the “Wonder Woman” series, which began as an inventory story intended to give the monthly book’s regulars a chance to catch up. It became a fill-in for the series — as a flashback — that could’ve made it as a stand-alone book.


    • #62
      I've become desentized to JMS books getting delayed


      • #63
        Probably wouldn't be so bad if his work wasn't so dreadful when it actually shipped.
        The Best Comic Site Ever!!!


        • #64
          Originally posted by Bruce Castle View Post
          Random JMS hate post
          Old Dog never learns new tricks


          • #65
            Originally posted by irongreen2814 View Post
            I want to suck JMS' cock sooooooo bad.
            The Best Comic Site Ever!!!


            • #66
              I guess this is the point where I say that I am disappointed in his run on Wonder Woman which so far has failed to hook me in. I have even contemplated dropping this book because just has not been good from a story stand point. Just because JMS is on the cover doesn't mean I will love it no matter what, it just means I will give him the benefit of the doubt when he writes something.


              • #67
                Well, it's nice to see you're growing up.
                The Best Comic Site Ever!!!


                • #68
                  Not every JMS book is good. Dream Police was boring, Bullet Points was pointless, Amazing Spider-Man had its low points, Rising Stars suffered from the many artist changes.

                  But when he hits, he knocks it out of the park. Midnight Nation. Supreme Power. Book of Lost Souls. Silver Surfer: Requiem. Fantastic Four. The Twelve (so far). The majority of Amazing Spider-Man. And let's not forget that the best Twilight Zone episodes from the 80s series were written by him.

                  All of which makes Bruce an idiot when he claims that JMS is such a dreadful writer, blah blah.

                  Yes, Wonder Woman takes some time. But enough people like it.


                  • #69
                    Enough people? Its getting the same amount of sales as Simone did in her final issues, and worse reviews.


                    • #70
                      Wonder Woman #605 Variant Cover by Alex Garner


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Michael Heide View Post
                        All of which makes Bruce an idiot when he claims that JMS is such a dreadful writer, blah blah.
                        You're quite the hypocrite, calling me a "namecaller" when that's all you ever do, blah blah.
                        The Best Comic Site Ever!!!


                        • #72
                          Wonder Woman #606 PREVIEW
                          Writer: JMS & Phil Hester
                          Artist: Eduardo Pansica


                          • #73
                            I read the Wonder Woman #606 and it was another nearly flat line issue. The only pulse of intrigue I found in this issue occurred when Diana found action figures of her in the traditional Wonder Woman gear and questioned the meaning of it. Other than that, I feel the Greek mythos are enhancing the WW character or comic book.
                            You just witnessed the strength of geek knowledge. N.W.A., Nerd With Attitude. Straight out of Vulcan!


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Darth_Primus View Post
                              I read the Wonder Woman #606 and it was another nearly flat line issue. The only pulse of intrigue I found in this issue occurred when Diana found action figures of her in the traditional Wonder Woman gear and questioned the meaning of it. Other than that, I feel the Greek mythos are enhancing the WW character or comic book.
                              Really? I actually thought the last two issues (since JMS left) have been a improvement over the initial arc.


                              • #75
                                Well, I do like the attempt to create some real arch nemesis for Wonder with the Morrigan. However, that has yet to materialize. Right now, it's going through the set up process.
                                You just witnessed the strength of geek knowledge. N.W.A., Nerd With Attitude. Straight out of Vulcan!

